“My Beloved Daughter” – HHM, CH3 – Part 2

He Healed Me
"My Beloved Daughter"

⏰ Quick 4-minute read

“Be Still and Know"

Once you embrace Him and His choices for this to work out for good, will you shine forth as gold? “In this, you greatly rejoice, even though for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold (which is perishable) even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise, glory and honor” (1 Pet. 1:6–7).

The most important thing for you to do right now is “Be still and know that I am God . . .” (Ps. 46:10). This might be very difficult for you to do, maybe bordering on the impossible, because it's the busyness that you might have used to dull the thoughts and pain. Just ask your Father to help you follow this new path, doing everything God’s way. Make sure that everything you do or say follows the Scriptures and that it follows the Bible consistently. His plan for women, our relationships, and our healing is laid out in our book A Wise Woman, which I strongly encourage you to read to give you the blueprints and foundation on which you can rebuild your life. (This and all of our books are available to read on our website for FREE). Again, the chapters in A Wise Woman will show you how to REBUILD your life on God's Word, the only truth!!

The enemy is interested in destroying YOU and every relationship important to you and everything else in your life that means something to you. Never forget that “the thief [the enemy] comes to steal, to kill, and destroy; I came [Your Husband was sent from Your Father] that they [you] might have life, and might have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Don’t believe the enemy’s lie that your life is hopeless, but “take every thought captive” (2 Cor. 10:5). Instead of believing a lie, believe God and let the truth set you free from all your fears, slowly healing your heart and ridding you of pain and shame!

Don’t allow the enemy to steal from you anymore. Don’t allow him to destroy you, your family, your life, and your children or steal your future. Believe me and believe others who can tell you from experience that everything you are experiencing is capable of destroying everyone and everything, but GOD says, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand, but it shall not approach you” (Ps. 91:7).

Follow God’s plan for your life instead of believing a lie and following the world’s ways. Right now, whether you are married or not, engaged or planned NEVER to marry—take the LORD as your Husband, your Protector: “For your Husband is your Maker, the Lord of Hosts is His name . . . ” (Isa. 54:5). This is significant because it means He's a warrior, the true "knight in shining armor" who really does exist and who can rescue you!

“‘For the mountains may be removed, and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken,’ says the Lord who has compassion on you” (Isa. 54:10).

Pore over the Bible, letting your Beloved Father and Warrior Husband “wash you with the water of the Word” (Eph. 5:26). Trust and believe what GOD says, not what you see, since “faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen” (Heb. 11:1). “And without faith, it is impossible to please God . . .” (Heb. 11:6).

No one but God knows exactly what you are going through or the answers you need right now. If you talk to Him (which is better than praying because you can have a conversation with Him in your head and heart or even out loud if you're alone in your car or somewhere you trust you won't be overheard) and the stop to listen to Him (reading His Word, the Bible that's filled with promises He's has just for you to find), He can lead you through to the healing that He has waiting for you.

Be very careful when choosing to follow what everyone else is saying, especially those of the world, friends in the church, and even pastors or Christian counselors who tell you something he/she has heard or read that is not firmly stated in the Word of God (and not taken out of context). If you are spending time with Him and reading God’s Word, God, your Father, will speak to your heart first, in your heart, or while you're reading the Bible, and then someone will confirm what He's already shown you or laid on your heart— which will be entirely consistent with His Word!

Too many people, sadly, even Christians, tell you things that sound good and feel good in the flesh. But if it doesn’t follow what GOD said—it is wrong—it's a lie! You will remain on sinking sand (see A Wise Woman). “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked” (Ps. 1:1). When it is of God, it usually sounds crazy (like believing GOD for your marriage when others say “get out” back when I was first trusting Him for my marriage or being truly kind and loving toward your wayward child instead of dealing with them with “tough love”). And another way to confirm it's HIS way because it always needs His help to carry it out! You need to surrender and ask Him to do it. Things that are easy to do, what comes to us naturally, are wrong and are simply feeding our flesh. What you need and deserve are supernatural things, impossible things happening in your life from now on.

If you are getting bombarded with the opinions of others, it comes down to one source. You believed the lie and have exposed your pain and possibly shame, and now it's being used against you. Once again, “Be still and know that I am God . . .” (Ps. 46:10), since “Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is considered prudent” (Prov. 17:28). Being prudent will be pivotal for healing and the restoration of your life and broken relationships. You must use good judgment by remaining silent about the details as you consider the consequences of all that poor advice that has been destroying you all your life.

 Meditate on what He showed you in part 2 of chapter 3,
then pour your heart out in your Journal,
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2 thoughts on ““My Beloved Daughter” – HHM, CH3 – Part 2”

  1. Thank you for sharing Adina, I just love how our Darlings talks to us, this really stood out for me that I just have to be still and know He is God.

    1. I agree dear Janine, we can only “Be Still,” but in order to ignore or dull the pain inside we oftentimes try to keep busy or indulge in things of the world. But this can only lead to more disaster and destruction in our life’s. But being still in His presence and spending precious time with Him and asking Him to heal us will restore everything that the enemy wanted to destroy.

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