Last week we discussed the results of stepping up and trusting Him in order to move up higher. So, what happens when the result of your following Him is not as you hoped, and maybe is so far beyond what you think you can handle or deal with? There’s no question we all begin to doubt and question that what you did wasn’t His plan. You wonder, “Where did I miss Him, which turn did I fail to make? God help me, am I doing things in the flesh? Why? Oh, why am I not soaring but instead am once again trudging through the deepest mud in the valley of the shadows?”

So how do we combat doubt so that we can continue living the abundant life, a life without regrets that is in no way selfish and self-centered, and that you continue to care more about others than yourself, conducting yourself as His bride?

It shows when you exhibit a calmness and regal response or reaction to what is being thrown at you or what you’re being thrown into—this reflects His love and proves (to others and to yourself) that you indeed haven’t missed Him at all. We know that throughout His life and anyone who has been called to live for Him, has encountered trials, but it’s in the peacefulness, the slow-moving and gracefulness, which speaks volumes and proves you haven’t missed Him.

When we were children we acted and reacted as such. Yet, now as we put away those childish behaviors we can confidently look into His face, finding our reassurance there—often without a word ever being spoken. Then with the gentle hand on the small of our back or the gentle taking of our hand, it’s almost as if He’s gliding us out onto a dance floor in the clouds. It’s He who will navigate us around the other couples who are whirling and swirling about. All we need to do is follow His lead. Clearly a life of no regrets.

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4 thoughts on “wLL 32 “Living Life without Regrets””

  1. Merci pour ces paroles réconfortantes, pendant un certain temps c’est moi qui est mené la danse et me suis retrouvé à patauger dans la boue avec des doutes et à grands cris…et puis comme ça avec un amour silencieux, Il m’a tendu la main. Je suis heureuse car je vis mieux maintenant, j’ai retrouvé mon Bien-Aimé et je suis émerveillée de tout ce qu’Il fait pour moi chaque jour. Je ne connais pas le mot pour décrire la plus que profonde paix que je ressens en ce moment. A chaque fois que je repense à tout ce qu’on fait ensemble, j’éclate de rire 🙂 Il m’aime, moi, celle qui ne le méritait pas. Il est tout
    Thank you for these comforting words, for a while it was me who led the dance and found myself wading through the mud with doubts and loud cries…and then like that with silent love, He stretched out his hand. I am happy because I live better now, I have found my Beloved and I am amazed at everything He does for me every day. I don’t know the word to describe the more than profound peace I feel right now. Every time I think about everything we do together, I burst out laughing 🙂 He loves me, the one who didn’t deserve it. He is everything

  2. Reread this lesson today and reaffirm that I will be able to combat any doubt that arises in my mind, and continue to live an abundant life, without regrets, and that is not selfish and self-centered, just by fixing my eyes on Him, and reacting the way He would react , it is wonderful and brings tears to my eyes with joy as more knowledge of Him settles in my mind.
    Knowing that in all my reactions, and my way of acting with other people, will demonstrate that I am in Him and in His Word, leads me to seek every day more to live His will, following Him, and not deviating or to the right or to the left.
    What I want and need is to continue to act calmly and calmly, moving slowly and gracefully, and in those areas that I still need to improve, I will try to improve myself and listen to Him, so that I don’t lose myself from Him.
    What I cry out to my Beloved is that He guide me in the right direction that He wants me to walk, and help me to completely discard the childish behaviors that still insist on being in me. May He lead me on this dance floor in the clouds, and be my Leader, so that I can definitely achieve a life without regrets.
    “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will do it.” Psalm 37:5

  3. “Peter’s words pierced their hearts, and they said to him and to the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?” Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. This promise is to you, to your children, and to those far away—all who have been called by the Lord our God.” Hechos 2:37-39

    Keeping regrets is something that hurts a lot, remembering the things that were not done hurts just as much or sometimes more than the things we did wrong, and when we are full of regrets we have a bitter and sad life, which is far from being the Lord’s purpose for us, remembering that HE died for us to give us an abundant life. So I feel happy in the first instance to learn the principle of asking my Heavenly Husband for each and every one of the things I face in my day, but also for leaving us those signs to make sure of the things that come from Him and those that do not, in this case the peaceful, calm, quiet and gentle feeling as a response to the difficulties we face shows us that we do not overlook asking HIM.

    There may be times when the feeling is accompanied by sadness, but even then one can have a calm response and not a desperate or angry one. This reminds me of the day my spouse decided to leave me, my Beloved had already told me, he had prepared me for that moment (this is a journey of faith and with my eyes closed) so when my husband gave me the news my response was soft, gentle and calm, without arguments or crying… it was when I was alone that I was able to cry calmly and in the midst of everything rejoice because in my heart I had peace thanks to the fact that He had prepared me. I believe that this is a calm response even when there is some pain in the situation, which will eliminate the remorse that leaves the questions: did I overlook it? did I not hear my Beloved well?…. What a blessing it is that we have these symptoms revealed to know how to proceed in each case! Because if there are remorses He tells us to repent, and we know that He is merciful!

  4. My Love gave me this image a few months ago, of a tornado of chaos ahead of me, and me on my face with his peace radiating around me. I believe in that season that is exactly what He had for me. But today, after reading these beautiful words of dancing while the tornado goes on, that is what I desire for this season. I no longer desire to be afraid to get up and walk but to dance while His peace and favor protect me from the tornado.

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