Look to Me and be Saved

Seeing Double

Last month I shared about my brother who is still living today after being healed from an incurable form of Leukemia. Shortly afterward, I heard that my brother and his middle (saved) son heard of a Promise Keepers rally and invited both his other two sons to attend it with them. During the rally, both of my nephews walked down—almost before they called them down (I heard)— after seeing the amazing transformations of their dad and brother!

With my brother and 3 nephews now Christians, I thought it was only natural that my sister-in-law would be saved next. I was wrong. Due to her strong devotion to her Catholic upbringing (we too, as you know were raised Catholic and my brother even went to Notre Dame), my SIL felt it was betraying her faith.

Again I knew I needed to say nothing to her, and when my brother (a new on fire Christian) and I would speak on the phone, I’d encourage him to simply love her in an understanding way. I am not sure how much he refrained from prodding her or if he tried to convince her of her need for a Savior, but I did watch how my loving Husband moved on her behalf!

While traveling I was surprised that I kept finding myself flying through LAX, close to where my brother and SIL lived in Orange County, California. Sometimes there were only a few hours in between flights, but I’d love that both would lovingly meet my plane even if it was just to have dinner in an airport restaurant.

This happened soon after my SIL was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We heard that is was an extremely delicate surgery, and so we all prayed it would be successfully removed, and in doing so, the doctor would NOT hit the optic nerve as feared could happen. He did. As warned, my SIL came out of surgery seeing double. She was also told upfront that should this happen, it would NEVER improve. The double vision would be permanent.

Double vision meant that my sister-in-law couldn’t walk. She would ultimately lean and fall over or walk off left of where she wanted to go. So when she walked any distance (outside her home), she needed my brother’s arm to help guide her.

Yet, this was part of His plan. When we met, each time, my SIL would ask me to pray before our meal. I knew what He was up to because being a Catholic we always said “Grace” a specific prayer, not one like I prayed where I simply spoke to the Lord and/or God. And of course, I always prayed specifically for the Lord to heal her double vision. When one day she called me to say she was sure she was seeing better! So again, while traveling through LAX one month, we met for dinner and she asked that I pray, and again I got a call a few days later that she was seeing better! Which, as I said, the doctors said would be impossible.

During my time alone with the Lord one morning, I thought to ask about her healing. That’s when He said, “Once she sees ME as the only way to heaven, forgoing the ‘works’ she believes she has to earn, because of what she has learned from being of the Catholic faith, she will be completely healed.” It made so much sense and I became convinced and excited to watch Him finish what I know He had begun and why He allowed her to have a brain tumor only shortly after recovering from breast cancer.

After this conversation with the Lord, I surprisingly stopped flying through LAX and I honestly don’t remember how long it was when I got the phone call. My sister-in-law was driving a car again!! She said she was fully healed of her double vision—leaving the doctors baffled and one claiming it had to be a miracle—there was no other explanation for it!

Though my SIL never came right out and made any profound statement like my brother or nephew had about her experience, she began attending the Christian church with her husband (my brother) and was so changed that there was no reason to ask more. I’ve since visited them and she speaks of the Lord as readily and as often as I do. Soon after she came to know Him personally, and knew He was the ONE and only way to reach heaven (even here on earth) I heard her daughter-in-law was saved, who I know was also raised Catholic.

If I had to guess, I believe this happened so quickly due to the matriarch of their family coming to know Him! I know that all their DIL are now on-fire believers, and are raising my grand nieces and nephews to know and experience Him and His miraculous ways!

Remember, again, what it says in 2 Corinthians 3:2, KJV “Ye are our epistles written in our hearts, known and read of all men.”

2 Corinthians 3:2 “You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men.”

* Which means, witnessing is being an epistle or open book to read by everyone who looks at our life.

Epistles in Greek is Epistello to send one a message, to write instructions. Our lives should be sending a message to know how to live in peace and joy “smiling at the future” because of who we are living today and our future with!

My family has been witnessing my life, and how He’s written in it so beautifully. Going through many trials, but always remaining at peace in the midst. What about you?

And, as I said, I have never confronted anyone (family, friend or a stranger), but have simply watched His salvation while I stood by in awe! So again, I urge you to stop worrying or trying to get your family “saved” and simply BELIEVE this promise for your family!

“They replied, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, and your entire household.’” Acts 16:31 TLB

And remember, it’s nothing WE do, but what He has done!!

“Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today..." Exodus 14:13

You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the Lord on your behalf . . . Do not fear or be dismayed . . . the Lord is with you.” 2 Chronicles 20:17

FINALLY, remember you do NOT need to get anyone to take part in some sort of ritual or recipe to be saved. Read how He said Look to Me and be Saved and Turn to Me and be Saved.


Amid the pandemic, my precious sister-in-law passed away after battling several different forms of cancer over her lifetime. Because she was only allowed one visitor, my brother was the only one with her during her final days before she joined her Beloved Savior. We heard that everyone who worked at that hospice was so inspired by her joy and radiance that they would go out of the way to visit her because she was so encouraging!

My brother and sister-in-law were such an amazing couple, meeting when they were just 14, never dated anyone else, and never divorced. "I Hate Divorce" HomeGrown Ministries.

1 thought on “SS Week 3 “Seeing Double””

  1. I felt burdened for family members Salvation and been feeling led to come back to read these Salvation Stories because l would like to jot down scriptures in my notes to pray over my family. After seeing Erins comment that she updated this SS with an epilog l was led to click on the link shared and come here.

    Its great that l don’t have to worry or be stressed about family members being saved l just have to believe His promises 🥰

    Funny l was led here because my mom is catholic and l really want her to know what it is to have that type of relationship with the Lord where she speaks joyfully and encouragingly just like this sis-in-law in this SS 🙏

    I love that l never have to confront any of my family members but simply stand by and see the Salvation of the Lord on their behalf 🙌 and thst my life is that epistle for them to read so that means all l must do is continually draw closer to HIM ❤️

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