In my children’s book that I’ve been writing, My First Love “Closer than a Brother,” I shared that I had to get home on my own, taking public buses, navigating through Hollywood to the Valley where we lived. Ever since then, I have wanted to be at home where I felt safe. And yet, because of His plan for my life, He's had me continuously moving— and even at one point, He asked me to let go everything that I owned so that I only had the three suitcases!
After letting go of everything I owned, He also had me let go of my own country—moving to Europe—not even knowing when or if I'd ever return. That’s because God doesn't let you know those things, you just have to trust Him and follow His lead.
After a few months living in Europe, I ended up letting go of more. While in Ireland, He told me to let go of my smallest suitcase and the fluffy robe that was so comforting. Next, when I left for Spain, moving out of an apartment I shared with a ministry team member in Switzerland, He asked me to leave my largest suitcase, along with my “full-length mink coat” you may have read about it A Wise Woman. With just one suitcase and without a “home” to return to, a place where I felt safe (which is what I mentioned in the children's book) I never gave it much thought. To really ponder and talk to Him about the significance of this journey He’s taken me on for a very, very long time. All my life really.
After really pondering my journey, as I was running around doing errands and just following His lead (because I had no plans whatsoever of going out and I personally would have preferred staying home the entire day—but of course, He says, “man plans his way, but God directs his steps”) I did venture out. So once again, rather than just relaxing at (my current) “home” after a really wonderfully productive but exhausting week of ministering, I ended up feeling led to get dressed.
Then, as I began driving from one place to another, I continued to smile and let out a deep sigh (like the lovesick bride I am)— just enjoying every single moment of spending time with Him, whatever He wants us to do, wherever He wants me to go. As I always do, I just imagined He's sitting right here in the car next to me, and I began tearing up, thanking Him for the opportunity to live like this. To be living here and living the life that I am living. That’s when I caught myself saying, “for as long as I'm here,” and I thought—what a gift!
You know, so many people want to “settle down” and find their “forever home,” but this world is not our home. We are sojourners–travelers— and I'm just an extreme example of this fact. Of course, many other people live like this but for different reasons. Nevertheless, it is a rarity not to have a home, not having a home that I can't go home to. So this means that when I am tired from traveling, He is my rest. When I want to feel the security of a home and be surrounded by familiar things, items I may have grown up with, I can’t because they’ve been given away.
I can't find that type of security. The type of security that, as a child, is where I found my serenity and rest. Now, as I begin my 14th year of letting go of everything, I “put away childish things.” not because of anything that I did, but it’s what He did and how He helped me grow to this point in my life.
Now my happiness, my security, my rest is where I am with Him, which I suppose will continue throughout all eternity. That’s why I love to ponder and think that by living like this, I can appreciate every single moment of my life and everything that He does for me and every moment that I have—wherever I am. Though I'm confident that I will not be here, in this house, forever because it isn't my home. Because I don't have a home, I don't have furniture; I don't have any appliances, I don't have anything but a few suitcases and a couple of other things that He led me to buy, which I travel with —having only what fits nicely and easily into my car. I know I'm leaving here at some point, therefore, it helps me appreciate every solitary day, every moment, every experience, and living like this IS Living the Abundant Life!
So many people only live like this when they encounter a true life-and-death situation— but many of you, most of you, had felt like you were close to death when your husband left. The time in your life when you felt like the pain that you were going through was a sign you were going to die. But now you’ve experienced how much GOD used it for so much good and that most of the time, I personally feel like I could fly— I feel like I'm Walking on Air. I feel like I could simply float away into the clouds.
Currently, in the house that I'm renting right now, He’s blessed me with my own backyard pool and in the afternoons, I relax on a floating device and drift around the pool as I listen to historical novels from 1855. Then He went above and beyond to the point I often tear up because He led me to spend my evening PS123 (reading/while listening to my Bible) while floating—it feels like I died and went to heaven!!
Each and every time, I can’t help but think just how blessed I am and that THIS, this is Living the Abundant Life! An Abundant Life that I want every single one of you to live. I want you to live life this way and when you do, you can't help but want to tell everyone just how they can have an abundant life—no matter what their circumstances. Whether you have a home or you don't because He is our home, our security, and our rest. No, you don’t need to live as I do, don’t let the enemy LIE to you. Each of us is called for a different, unique, and special purpose and NO ONE is more important or less important to Him. No one. Not me, not you.
So, today, dear beautiful bride, I hope that each of you will do exactly as I am doing—simply appreciating every single moment, traveling with Him to do everything— doing your errands with Him, shopping with Him, being surprised by Him. Trust me, it's just the best life ever!

Quick 1-minute read
Liza Bautista in Costa Rica: This lesson is so close to my life today. I live in a house that is not mine, because because of my past mistakes I lost the house. So I live in a rented house with my parents. And sometimes it is difficult, because it is as if I am watched by them, by my siblings, every step I take is questioned or criticized, even by my children. As Erin says, He will take me where He wants me to, and my home is where He takes me and how He wants me to live.
Everything works together for good, and no one else but my Beloved has control of the ship of my life, and if He used pain, and this Journey, which yes, was as if I was going to die, I even believe that if my Beloved had not brought me to RMI, I don't know what would have happened to me. He used this Journey to change me, to give me a new breath, and so I know that He will take me to the home that He will have for me. And to learn to let go of the things of this world, the material things, the things that I thought were important, and that now I only know that they never really were, because now He has shown me a Truth that no one can take away from me, and also, that joy of feeling Him by my side, of knowing that He fills me with peace, makes me sing, dance, and let His will be done.
Dear Bride, the narrow path is not easy, but when we embrace Him, when we are sure that we are on the path to Our Lord, we just surrender and can walk in joy.
Unleashing the TRUTH
“Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else. Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” – 1T51518;niv?t=biblia
I am a recovering pessimist. You know the type: the one who views the proverbial glass as half-empty rather than half-full. I wasn´t always like that!! I went through a series of horrible events that changed my perceptive of life!!
My brain learned and approved that enemy´s lies,that something wrong will always happen to me! Someone will die, I could have a terrible disease, I was never going to be happy, and the list could go on!
When I came to this ministry, after years of knowing the Lord, it just click! Everything I learned here gave me a new relationship with my Beloved!!
The first thing was that I am profoundly loved, that everything happens for a reason, that the more I surrender, my life gets filled with peace and joy!!
Exactly what this lesson teaches!!
I began to practice gratitude,, and joy filled my life!!
When I decided that my mind was only going to repeat His promises over my life, something just happened, I felt at peace, because it doesn´t matter what could happen, or the mistakes I will make, I am loved!! I am not alone, I am being directed to His high places!
My surrendering to His will, gave me security and a new life goal!!
Is it easy? Well sometimes is not! But that is why I am walking with my Beloved in my restoration journey!
My dear friends, we are living the best journey ever! Trust in the process go to Him for everything and our lives will never be the same!
“The precepts of the LORD are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes.” -P198;niv?t=biblia