Erin Audio

Last week we ended with me asking, ”Is your cup, your life, your heart, half-empty” hoping, you darling bride, that it’s running over just as mine is, every day, all day!!! This week in today's living lesson I’d like to reveal a spiritual condition, a cousin to the Poverty Mentality, when we say or feel, “I Don’t Deserve It.” It’s a lie many brides believe, which allows the enemy to rob you of the Abundant Life—believing that you don’t “deserve” something is a flat out lie of the enemy.  

Today I hope to show you how so many women remain at the feet of their Beloved— rather than moving up next to Him— cuddling with Him, sitting on His lap. Instead of being neatly tucked under His loving arms that long to embrace you— these women are instead feeling unworthy, remaining on the floor begging to be forgiven.

So often I read this in "praise" reports and hear it when they speak. This condition is "normally" from women. Fewer men feel this way; far from false humility, they are truly humble, too humble, to the point they are trodden down. 

When we first come to our Lord and Savior as sinners, we see the example of this first encounter with Mary Magdalene. Read Luke 7:37–38 to see this was the appropriate posture along with the correct heart condition. Yet, once we’re His bride, this is not what a Bridegroom wants from or for His beloved bride.

Believing "I don't deserve it" is so sad because these women are living far below the Abundant Life—all because they don't believe they deserve anything at all. Of course, in ourselves, we don’t deserve anything. In our own merit, we don't "deserve" anything—certainly not to live for eternity in the place God prepared for us. Read John 14:3. Nevertheless, as our Savior, our Beloved took our place, paid the price for our sins, "while we were yet sinners." But stop to think about this truth, He paid the ultimate price, not only for when we die, but in order for us to live, and live life abundantly.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 

Next week we will continue to help you embrace all that you deserve—all that He paid to give you, as His bride.

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