⭐⭐“Love Languages”- wLL86

Please listen to Erin's new podcast: "Love Languages"

Is the "love languages" designed to make it about ME instead of loving you and what makes you FEEL loved? Focus on experiencing more of His love overflowing on everyone close or comes near me—feeling Him.

For More Advanced Living Lessons, please visit:
“Advanced Living Lessons”

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2 thoughts on “⭐⭐“Love Languages”- wLL86”

  1. Wow I love this, thank you for sharing dear Adina and I just love love love listening to this podcast dear Erin. I remember years ago learning about the love languages and trying to figure out what my earthly husband’s love languages was and yes my own love languages and then focusing on it because it was not being met by my EH and it was all so tiring and yes the perfect word to describe it is: selfish.
    I have gone through very good times and very bad times but the moment I met Him as my HH, things didn’t suddenly change, and I wanted to say now that my circumstances didn’t change much but I can’t because the moment you have His love, His peace, it felt like everything around me did change or probably how I saw things. And I have to say this thinking back on my life I cried so much and then when my husband left after our restored marriage, there was no tears left, but bitterness was left but then learning all the principles (and I have to add I still have to learn much much more) but finding Him as my Darling, I find myself so many days tearing up and not because I am sad, it is like an overwhelming feeling of LOVE, like in wow is this what HE had in mind for me all these years, this love and peace from HIM surpassing all understanding.

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