Finding the Abundant Life – Chapter 6 🎤📖

Hello beautiful brides, I am Adina in South Africa and today I want to share what I’ve learned in Chapter 6 “They don’t have it”

I used to ask or look to others for help or to provide. And when they weren’t able to solve the problem, I would get angry. Or my request would be met with anger, frustration or even insults.

But this lesson taught me that people of this world “just don’t have it” because they are bankrupt and lack compassion, love, kindness and the resources to help us. And if we look to them, we end up bankrupt as well because we didn’t go to our True Source of everything to provide in all our needs, and that will cause us to get angry, or even get hurt.

But when we go to our True Source first, when we let go and stop caring about whatever we are facing, knowing He is in control and our only Source, He will step up and provide even more than what we wanted or needed. And we will be able to show and experience His peace and joy in whatever we are facing, and this peace and joy will show and will flow over to whomever He chooses to use to help us.

I have applied this principle many times, whenever I have to go to the bank or license office, I give it to Him and tell Him that He is the only one that can truly help, and every time He gave me peace and joy that overflows and I am able to be patient and friendly with whoever He choose to help me, knowing that He is my True Source. And every time He turned it around for good, when I know I am going to stand in a long que but I tell Him it’s okay I don’t mind, I end up being the first or only person there. When I know the problem might be something that they will struggle with, but trust Him to solve it, it gets solved without issues. And the same with things I need, I know asking somebody might cause them to get angry or upset or they won’t be able to provide, but I’ve learned to always go to Him first and He provides in wonderful ways. I do not ask anybody unless He leads me to, and then I trust Him to lead me to the person He wants to use.

We all need this kind of relationship with the Lord where we draw so close to Him that He is all we want and all we need. A relationship where we only look to Him to provide and help us because He is our True Source of everything. A relationship where we are so close to Him and filled with His love, peace and joy that nothing or nobody can upset or hurt us.

12 thoughts on “Finding the Abundant Life – Chapter 6 🎤📖”

  1. Adina, are these podcasts going to be used in your RMIOU Course? I’m really excited to see His plan unfolding quite naturally haha 😂 supernaturally after waiting for years 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 THANK YOU DARLING 💗 my Love

  2. Adina, this is one of the lessons I talk about the most. It is something that should actually be so obvious when you think about it, but it took reading this lesson for a second time for it to really sink in and for me to start applying it to my own life. Thank you for sharing. Everyone should grasp this principle and make it their own. You will find the peace that you never knew existed. 💗

    1. Yes and protect us from dissapointment, frustration and hurt, because He is our Source of everything and He will not dissapoint us, struggle to solve a problem or to provide or hurt us. We will remain in peace.

  3. Thank you for sharing dear Adina. I remember even fasting so that my HH would convince my EH to help me pay the accounts and to provide for our child. And no my EH didn’t start paying but my HH showed me that He wanted to be my soul provider and if I think back now I don’t know why I so much wanted him to help pay, because my HH is providing much more that I need. Wow He is leaving me in awe how He took over my finances. They really don’t have it and my Heavenly Husband is all I need.

    1. Janine I remember you sharing this testimony on the retreat, and the cupcake 😂, it’s amazing how He stepped in to provide for you and your children, because the one you wanted to provide, just didn’t have it!

  4. Yes, they don´t have it!!! We need Him!! I just apply it by saying you are in control, without you I can do nothing!!! I also remember that because they don´t have it, I don´t need to take it personal!!
    I am learning to remain quiet and just trust!!
    Thank you for today´s Podcast!!

    1. I have gone through this course and tried to apply it but then struggled with it, this is now a reminder that I don’t need anyone and that they don’t have it but Him alone.
      Thank you all ladies and thank Adina I just love that part where you say that our relationship with Him gives us peace and joy and love.

      1. Thank you Sonia for sharing, it was during my worst trail, the custody case, that I really found His peace and joy, that is where I learned that we only have Him who can comfort us, heal us, fight for us and carry us with grace and love through the darkest valley, and where I learned that He is all we need.

  5. Gracias por compartir asi mismo yo he caido por mucho tiempo la renta de mi casa se ha pagado ha tiempo, pero últimamente he pasado muchos contra tiempos hasta que reaccioné y mi amado me hizo ver que estaba pidiendo mal y a la persona incorrecta, y eso le hizo sentirme desesperada, asustada y en momentos enojada, y si el no lo tiene que me puede dar, gracias por compartir a todas porque aprendí algo de cada uno de los testimonios

    1. Translation: “Thank you for sharing likewise I have fallen for a long time the rent of my house has been paid for a long time, but lately I have gone through many setbacks until I reacted and my beloved made me see that I was asking the wrong person and that He made me feel desperate, scared and at times angry, and if he doesn’t have it, what can he give me, thanks for sharing everyone because I learned something from each of the testimonies”
      Thank you Yulliett for commenting, yes asking or trusting others will leave us disappointed and frustrated because they just don’t have it. We must always go to our one TRUE Source first who can use whomever He wants to help or provide. And He will not leave us disappointed or hurt.

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