🔍Waiting with Watchful Expectation🔍

I loved this morning's Streams in the Desert devotional. While we wait, do we look out for what our Heavenly Husband is doing? Are we on the lookout for His provision and help? Do we continue to look at the horizon as Elijah did, waiting for the rains to come, our promise to be fulfilled and then rejoice with the smallest sign of fulfilment, help or provision? 

"And when he returned the seventh time, he said, “Behold, a cloud as small as a person’s hand is coming up from the sea.” And Elijah said, “Go up, say to Ahab, ‘Harness your chariot horses and go down, so that the heavy shower does not stop you." 

When we know He is our One True Source of everything, we must look out to see His hand in everything that happens, from the smallest things to how He steps in to help us in the biggest, most spectacular ways for His glory. We must be open to recognise His guidance, His provision, Him acting in our situations, then rejoice in the smallest signs of Him in our lives or situations.

Please read this morning's devotional:

Streams in the Desert:

April 6

I will stand at my watch and station myself on the ramparts; I will look to see what he will say to me. (H21)

Without watchful expectation on our part, what is the sense in waiting on God for help? There will be no help without it. If we ever fail to receive strength and protection from Him, it is because we have not been looking for it. Heavenly help is often offered yet goes right past us. We miss it because we are not standing in the tower, carefully watching the horizon for evidence of its approach, and then are unready to throw the gates of our heart open so it may enter. The person who has no expectations and therefore fails to be on the alert will receive little help. Watch for God in the events of your life.

There is an old saying: “They who watch for the providence of God will never lack the providence of God to watch for.” And we could turn the saying around as well and say, “They who never watch for the providence of God will never have the providence of God to watch for.” Unless you put the water jars out when it rains, you will never collect the water.


8 thoughts on “🔍Waiting with Watchful Expectation🔍”

  1. Good morning beautiful brides these lessons are so life changing thank you Jesus for all of this 🙏

      1. Yes dear they always speak to me Everytime and they give me so up hope.
        Thank you so much RMI for the daily devotions

  2. Dear Adina, thank you for sharing so beautifully. Yes we must truly see His hand in everything, it is so easy to look into the big things, but we must especially look into the small things too, because our loving HH hand is even in the small things.

  3. I was thinking on this verse last week at my son’s baseball game (opening ceremony). My EH is not saved. He says he believes there is a higher power but not sure of anything else. I have been praying for him to someday be the spiritual leader. While at the game, they told us to bow our heads to pray (we were walking at that moment, trying to find a seat). My EH told me to stop walking and we bowed our heads to pray. This is a wonderful small cloud of hope. 💕☁

    1. Hope, thank you for sharing and rejoicing in this small cloud of hope. A verse I received twice this morning is ““Be still and know that I am God”. It reminds me so much of the time I trusted and prayed for my brother’s salvation, being still and knowing that He can do the impossible, resting in Him while I waited for His plan to unfold. And since the first time my brother told me about his encounter with God, I still see small clouds and rejoice in every sign of my brother’s spiritual growth, trusting that my HH will transform my brother completely into the man He created him to be. And I rejoice in the fact that He will do it, He will complete what He started.

      1. Yes dear they always speak to me Everytime and they give me so up hope.
        Thank you so much RMI for the daily devotions

  4. My Husband has really shown Himself in big and small clouds in my life and I really just love Him, sometimes I even forget that I prayed for that particular thing, I then he surprises me, it is in trusting Him in the little things he does for us that brings about victory even in the big things

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