Is It From The Lord Or Not…

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." P3:5

Please read this beautiful passage I quoted out of Chapter 3, Living The Abundant Life:

"One principle I know I did learn from Erin was the way we can easily measure if something is from the Lord or not. Somewhere she taught that if we can do something on our own, we’re working in the flesh. While the opposite is also true: if we need the help of the Holy Spirit, it means it’s clearly from Him."

Precious dearest bride let's not rely on our own understanding, let's lean more on our Darling Lord for help. I know in my own life I have tried to do so many things on my own because I thought I could "fix" it, but I was so incredibly wrong. I am so grateful for my Darling's grace, because He helped me to come to the realization that without Him I really can do nothing and even if I try to do in my own understanding, it is worthless.

"“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." J15:5

Read this beautiful promise in another version:

"I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in Me and I in him bears much fruit, for [otherwise] apart from Me [that is, cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing." J15:5(Amplified Bible)

10 thoughts on “Is It From The Lord Or Not…”

  1. Thank you Janine this is such a great reminder for me. And we should be living like this every day!!! The last few days were kinda tough with some trials and it was only yesterday when l slowed down and looked to Him and spent time with Him that l feel so much better and so much happier 😊😅 HE gave me back my joy because apart from Him l could do nothing 🙏

    1. Thank you for sharing precious Atarah, isn’t it wonderful when we sit in His presence how the whole atmosphere changes, because He is our peace in the midst of any trial. My week at my outside job was also tough and after talking to my Darling I felt His peace come over me.

  2. The promises Our Heavenly Husband whispers in the daylight don’t disappear when the sun sets. He is giving us the strength we need to move forward through each trial!
    Our job is to abide always!
    Thank you my sweet Janine!

  3. Thank you dear Janine for bringing this reminder to us today. Without Him we really can’t do anything, everything is for Him, through Him and for Him.
    It reminded me that two things are certain: 1) a fruit will never be born and grow if it is not connected to the tree; 2) each fruit is born according to its species, that is, an apple will not grow from a banana tree under any circumstances.
    And it is like this with us, we need to be connected to the Lord and His Word to be our guide, also having a teachable heart, spending time in communion with God and then we will be fruitful.

    1. Wow that is a beautiful way to think of it precious Marta:
      1) a fruit will never be born and grow if it is not connected to the tree;
      2) each fruit is born according to its species, that is, an apple will not grow from a banana tree under any circumstances.
      We really do need to be connected to the Lord dear precious Marta.

    1. Thank you for sharing this lesson precious Paula, our Darling Lord is for sure our Source of Strength.

  4. Thank you Janine, I love the part that your shared; how we can measure if something is from the flesh or not. It is indeed easy to do something in the flesh. We can also measure the result of acting in the flesh in the destruction it produces. But if we must grab on to our Beloved for dear life to be able to do something, the results will be seen in the fruit that is produced.

    1. For sure precious Adina, my life was living proof of destruction when I acted so many time in the flesh, and it is all our Darling Lord’s grace for saving me out of the destruction.

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