“Your Best Protection” – 🎧Podcast with Yvonne vd Hoff

Please come and listen to this podcast with my guest, Yvonne vd Hoff.

During our recent WW retreat Yvonne had a concern that she gave to her Husband. During the retreat He gave her an answer through a question somebody else asked. She got her answer from FAL CH12 "Your Best Protection"

0:51 Yvonne shares what happened during the retreat

18:07 Yvonne shares about our own protection and the protection of our loved ones.

Please share your thought about "Your Best Protection" in the comments.

4 thoughts on ““Your Best Protection” – 🎧Podcast with Yvonne vd Hoff”

  1. Thank you for sharing this podcast. Thank you Yvonne for opening up, I believe it will help so many women in the same situation.
    I remember wat you had shared Adina on the WW Retreat and it really helped me because I was so worried about my son and the one morning I was speaking to my HH and told Him what hurt me because it hurt my son and the Lord said stop begging and trust Me and yes the Lord is the One protecting my child.

  2. What a beautiful podcast. There’s so much I could comment on and was tempted to take notes but instead, I listened with my heart and trusted that my husband would remind me about what HE wanted me to comment on.
    The most obvious is the truth behind only God, their father, our husband can protect our children. The flipside to this is when I see that my children were vulnerable, and did suffer harm I distinctly remember at what great lengths I had done MY best to protect them myself.
    The next is witness seeing your sons wisdom that only comes from having a mother like you who trusts her husband, and the father of her children, so it catapults your children to grasp the truth at such a young age.
    Whether or not, I can express this final thought GOD KNOWS. When you were doing your best to protect the OW a.k.a. stepmother, I felt my mothering instinct kicking in— wanting to protect your children, who you know very well, Yvonne, I love dearly. Completely confused by what strong emotions kept bubbling up, I let go of them, trusting that my husband would later “take me to task” haha 😂 and set me straight. Yet it wasn’t until just now that I understood this just proves the whole principle/promise: When we try to protect anyone (and that isn’t to mean we are to demean or a attack anyone either)— it creates an even greater attack on the one you are attempting to protect.
    Hopefully I’ve made some sort of sense, but if not, please take it to your husband and then leave a comment below my comment to explain it much better than I have attempted to do. 🙃 đŸ€—đŸ€—đŸ€—

    1. Thank you Erin for sharing this. To protect our children from the OW was something I struggled with for so long until the custody battle started, that is when I was truly able to grasp this lesson and let go of trying to protect my children at all costs. He is leading me to rather give them the Biblical “Tools” to deal with whatever is coming against them, like “Who are you listening to?” “You are beautiful”, “Win Without Words”, “In an Understanding Way” and ” Gentle and Quiet Spirit”.
      And our children can teach us so much, sometimes my son is the one reminding me to pray :). Just last week, while we had loadshedding, there was a heavy thunderstorm and the lighting struck very close to our house, causing a tremendous flash in the kitchen. Me and my daughter got quite a scare, but my son was calm, reminding us that we must pray and he said that he already asked his HF to protect us “and we WILL be safe.” :):)

    2. Thank you for your wisdom, Erin. I do understand what you are explaining. I will talk to my Husband about it because I have absolutely no idea what my response to this should be. I will have to sit with Him a while on this.

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