The Lord Said Very Clearly That He Wanted To Be My Sole Provider

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." P4:19

After reading Yvonne's post: "Who Is Your Sole Provider?" on NarrowRoad Publishing House taken out of Chapter 1, Poverty Mentality my Darling reminded me when He very clearly said to me that He wanted to be my Sole Provider.

Years ago I wanted to go into debt review (where you pay a company to pay your debts with your money) and just as I was to sign the papers I heard the Lord said I must not do it.

That time I was attending a local church and that night at church while we were singing (and me off course begging the Lord to please give me an answer what I must do with my debt), I heard the Lord say to me I must put all my focus on Him and that He is going to give the pastor prophetic word to give to me second last (I think the second last was to show me it was from Him, because I have to admit I was so stubborn).

Well the pastor said he is going to give two more women prophetic word and guess what I wasn’t one of them, so I thought it was my own voice. The next moment the pastor looked at me and said mummy (he always called me mummy because I took my small son at that time along) the Lord is asking if you can start trusting Him. I was in such a shock and said yes, then he replied no the Lord is asking can you really truly trust Him and make Him your Sole Provider and again my answer was yes (I also think he had to ask a second time, because remember I had previously fasted regarding my finances). After that he gave word to one more lady, so I was second last precisely how my Darling had said it to me.

In the week when I went to pick up my son from his dad I saw a small peace of paper by my feet with the words SOLE PROVIDER, I think that was just a quick reminder from my Darling that I must remember He is my Sole Provider.

I am so grateful that my Darling stopped me from signing the debt review papers and that He is the One that helps me pay off my debts and that He is my Sole Provider.

Dear precious brides please make our Darling Lord your Sole Provider and see what He does, because believe me He is the Best Ever Provider!!!

Amplified: “And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” P4:19

*I just have to add this on, those days I loved getting prophetic word (because it was messages from the Lord), now I love to to hear for myself from my Darling Lord.

8 thoughts on “The Lord Said Very Clearly That He Wanted To Be My Sole Provider”

  1. Gracias por tu testimomio Janine. Me recuerda , que solo El va a proveer.que El pagara mis deudas tambien..Y a veces le.decimos al Señ confio, pero no es real. Confiar es dejar el.miedo y confiar realmente en que Nuestro Esposo se encarga de proveernos, y descansar en El.

    Thank you for your testimony Janine. It reminds me that only He will provide, that He will pay my debts too. And sometimes we tell the Lord, yes, I trust, but it is not real. Trust is leaving fear and truly trusting that Our Husband is in charge of providing for us, and resting in Him.

    1. Yes precious Liza to trust our Darling Lord is to leave fear and truly trust Him that He is in charge because He really never ever disappoints.

  2. gracias por compartir, él es nuestro proveedor ayúdanos a en verdad mi amado a confiar en ti y esperar.

    Thank you for sharing, He is our provider, help us to truly my beloved to trust you and wait.

  3. I love this praise!! Janine this testimony speaks loudly to my heart! For so many years I have tried, in vain, to be my own provider. What a fool!! Stressing over for I wasn´t designed to be! Almost a year ago, My Beloved had been working on my heart to fully let go of my life! It was a hard-shattering process, but I am truly enjoying the fruits today because now I can concentrate fully on being in His company, worshiping, praying, digging in HIS Word, and being a mom!

    1. I too tried it precious Isabella, but our Darling Lord is the best ever Provider and it is so freeing when we give up and give it over to our Darling Lord. For me too it was a hard shattering process, but I am so grateful for our Darling Lord’s grace and that He never gave up on me.

  4. Thank you, Janine, yes, we must always go to Him first with everything because He is our most important Source of everything. I also used to run first to others, but that was before I placed Him first in my heart. It we go to Him first, we will find that He will act in our situation even before we want to run to anybody else, and His solution is always better than anybody else’s.

    1. Yes precious Adina, because our Darling Lord knows what we need and what we must do and what is best for us.

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