Isn’t He awesome?

"We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield." S3320

Hi ladies, I was planning to keep on doing the LAL lessons, but I am so grateful that I also kept on talking to my Beloved and He said I should read Chapter 12 “Your Best Protection” of the FAL book - and of course that's exactly what I needed!

Not only He led me to this wonderful lesson -  that is one of my favourites which I call upon not only for me, but to help the ladies that are facing trials and need protection - but He also led me to Adina's and Yvonne's podcast

I don't want to fall in an useless ditch, so I need to share with you what is going on with my kids as they are now, young man and lady   and as Yvonne said we are going through a rollercoaster, because they are growing and they are watching their dad behaviour and they disapprove things that he does.

Mainly my daughter who is older and also, because she is a woman, I know she is more sensitive and feels more for the way her dad acts. So she began asking me why I am so submissive and lately she came and asked me why I am still married to such an awful man!
So now, you must be thinking that my EH is a terrible person, right? So I must say that he is not, but sometimes, he does use tough words with the kids, and again, with our daughter, our princess, that I can see how deeply hurt she feels!

As her mother I want so badly to protect her, of course! Sometimes I think of having a conversation with her dad, and tell him how I feel and how she feels and more than that,  I want to share my heart about the concerns of her future relationships, as she is our young lady and she will be married to someone in some years ahead!

I guess I saw myself telling him hundreds of times how much I would love to see him protecting her from the world and not being the one hurting her!

So reading this chapter made me ask myself like the author askes: "How can I foolishly believe that I could ever do a better job of protecting my children than I know the Lord can?"

I loved when the author said that we should count and name the blessings and He led me to my son coulple years ago and the way his dad was always "kidding of fights" with him... I was always afraid of him getting hurt - as he was smaller -  and it was something that really bothers me, as I saw my son's eyes almost asking for help! I asked my Darling to change it, to make this kind of dangerous kind of fight game stop! And of course, He did it! But in a much better way! Not only He stopped the fights, but He gave both of them a passion to share, that is martial arts that they practise together, isn't He awesome!!

So now back to our daughter, I know that He is able to create good out of it and in every situation as long as I surrender everything to Him and trust Him for her protection!

And I am so grateful I am surrounded by such encouraging women with such incredible testimonies, so I have to say, thank you my Darling, thank you ladies!!💐

I was really encouraged by what I read, listened and remembered and I know that "Every fire refines and purifies. Every lion can shut its mouth. And every sea, no matter how large, can be quieted or divided with just one word from God."

Thank you for walking by my side! Thank you for sharing your testimonies, - it encouraging me so much! Love you all ❣️

13 thoughts on “Isn’t He awesome?”

  1. Dear Paula, thank you for bringing us this beautiful testimony and encouraging me on this day.🌺
    Like many others, I also thought I should protect my daughter from experiencing various situations that I thought she didn’t need to experience, but I was also surprised to discover that in addition to having a Husband who loves me unconditionally, I discovered that Brincy also has a Incredible father taking care of her at all times.
    This was the culmination of my journey, discovering that He is the best protection for her, so I could begin to truly live abundantly, letting Him command me and my family.
    The certainty of having the Best “Father” caring for and teaching our children is our greatest gift! 🌼💕
    Much love to you and your beautiful family!🌷

    1. Yes, Marta! I agree our children have the Best “Father” caring for and teaching them 💝

  2. Thank you for sharing and opening your heart precious Paula. Our Darling Lord is really awesome and the best ever. Thank you for sharing the lesson as well as the podcast.

    I remember when I was so worried that my sons would choose the world, especially my eldest son because he grew up the most of the time by his dad, and all that was left to do was to surrender and trust his Heavenly Father and today he is such a hard working well mannered young man, all the work of his wonderful awesome Heavenly Father.

    With my youngest I was so worried that his dad choices will influence my son and again I just had to trust my Darling. I did ask my Darling that if it is bad for my son to visit his dad that his Heavenly Father will stop the visits and He did, because He is my son’s best ever Protection. Our Darling Lord really has our best interest at heart.

    And with your daughter our Darling Lord will for sure create good out of it, that is just Who He is!

    I too am so very grateful for RMI and that I am too surround by such encouraging women, again all our Darling Lord’s hand in everything.

    1. Thank for sharing your testimonies here with us, Janine 💞 You are such an inspiration!

  3. Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story. As mothers we do not like to see our children hurting. It is natural to want to protect them from any harm or pain, but I am glad to hear you know that the Lord is ultimately in control and that He can use any situation for good. 💕

    1. Yes Hope! We are in 💯in agreement that He can and will use any bad situation for good in ou children and in our own lives!

  4. “If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,”12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.” Psalm 139:11-12
    My sweet Paula, when Our Beloved is exposing the dark places in our lives to His light; pain, heartache, and broken dreams are transformed. His light reveals His plans to take care of us, never abandon us, and give us the future we hope for. As we struggle to see through the dark, we will notice that Our Beloved’s promises have been there; darkness and despair were hiding them.
    Thank you for being so honest and for sharing how He is moving!

    1. Thank you, my dear Isabella for this wonderful promise and encouraging words❣️

  5. Paula muchas gracias por tu testimonio. Precisamente estaba pasando una situacion con mi hijo y no sabia que hacer. Y mi Amado me guio al block, y leerte e ir a la leccion Capítulo 12 “Su mejor protección” . Ahi encontre la respuesta, dejar que sea El quien proteja a mis hijos. Su amor es tan maravilloso que siento como Su Espiritu nos guia y nos habla.

    Paula, thank you very much for your testimony. I was just going through a situation with my son and I didn’t know what to do. And my Beloved led me to the block, and read you and go to the lesson Chapter 12 “Your Best Protection”. That’s where I found the answer, to let Him be the one to protect my children. His love is so wonderful that I feel His Spirit guiding us and speaking to us.

    1. Let’s thank our Beloved Husband for the way He keeps us together with the same heart and mind, searching for Him and His perfect ways of solving any bad situation we can go through – He is really awesome ❣️

  6. Paula thank you for sharing, as mother’s we so desperately want to protect our children. During and directly after the divorce my heart broke for my children, seeing them struggle to come to grips with everything. Then later when my daughter was bullied at school, I wanted to protect her so badly, but it all came from the flesh. For me this lesson was an eye-opener, because we do not have to try and protect our children in the flesh, we can leave then each and every day in their Heavenly Father’s hands who loves them so much more than we ever can.

  7. oh wow thank you for sharing this!! How incredible is the One who can protect our children infinitely more than we can!!

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