
“God…gives life to the dead and speaks of things that don’t yet exist as if they are real.” Romans 4:17



wLL 40 “Just Ask”

"As He prompts me, I continue asking questions, hearing His answers— leaving ever concern, burden or question I have with Him and each is replaced with His whispered truths. I am left with elated bliss! And should the enemy taunt me about anything I’ve discussed with my HH, I simply remind myself of His answer before any old burdens take hold of me." LL40

Sweet brides, we can surely have questions in our minds about everything that is happening to us! It’s so easy to become anxious when a trial arises in our lives. Often, we feel worried because our situation seems hopeless. However, Our Beloved told us not to let our hearts be troubled or afraid. Do you ever feel that if our Heavenly Husband loved you, He would answer your prayers right away and never leave you or a loved one waiting in a place of sadness or sickness or even close to death?

I have felt like that many times. While I was reading and pondering this amazing lesson, I felt compelled to ask Him! Yes, asking all the little fearful questions I have deep inside my heart!
My Beloved Husband surrounded me with His still sweet voice: I am here!

I asked the Lord to help me to trust that He cares for me and will work everything for His glory. I again decided to lay my burdens down at His feet knowing that His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30).

Now I know I have the freedom to ask and receive His love for me every time I am afraid!

10 thoughts on “Asking!”

  1. Thank you for sharing precious Isabella, I have to admit I did feel if our Darling Lord loved me, He would have answered my prayers, but that was years ago after my earthly husband left me, today I can honestly say I am so grateful my Darling didn’t always give me what I wanted, He really knows best and yes how wonderful that He surrounds us with His love when we do feel afraid. I never ever want to be without Him ever again!!!

    1. Yes, He does my sweet Janine! There are times that we need to humbly ask to understand why things are happening! AInt the end He is walking us through the situation not far from it!

  2. All the brides have been posting encouraging and heartfelt lessons/praises. Thank you. 💕 May we all find the courage to turn to our Heavenly Husband and receive His love and guidance. Our Beloved assures us that we are not alone on this journey. He is always with us, offering strength, guidance, and comfort. When our hearts are troubled, we can turn to Him and ask Him anything! Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Yes, my sweet Hope! These present struggles and pain refine us in a way that coasting through life never could. “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Corinthians 4:17).
      My Beloved led me to understand that the road will not be smooth, but it is worth the struggle for the eternal glory to come!

    2. Yes, thank you! I was feeling discouraged and frustrated with myself today. I keep forgetting that I need to not be frustrated but boast in my weaknesses. i love this praise I am going to read it again! Blessings!!

      1. You are so loved by our Heavenly Husband! This is just a season, don´t let your emotions determine your life! Replace those lies with the truths of His promises!

  3. Aaaaaah how beautiful Isabella ❤️❤️ l love what you shared. We are so blessed and extremely fortunate to be living this way. Asking such a simple thing to do but with a powerful outcome 🙌 of praise 🙌

    1. Going through seasons increases our strength and the strength gained while we are there will transform us and prepare us for what Our Beloved has for us when we reach our destination.
      We are moving from “here” to “there”. The devil can’t steal our “there” because God ordains that. But he can try and steal, kill, and destroy your “here” in Him. The enemy hopes we will be so defeated in the valley that we will stop trying to reach the High Place.
      We must keep walking by faith!

  4. Thank you my dear, it’s comforting to know that we can go to our Beloved and ask Him about everything that goes on in our lives. It is amazing to know that He loves to listen to us. Like Janine also shared, sometimes we can look back at unanswered prayers and see that He knew best and had something so much better for us than what we hoped and prayed for.

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