My Sister’s Fiancé

I’m excited to post an update. My original post was entitled:

You're Right, I Need a Boyfriend

After another medical crisis, my sister discovered an old wedding ring 💍— a real diamond, and she slipped it on without thinking.

Later that day, she ran into a friend she hadn’t seen in a while who began asking about her love life when the friend spotted her ring 💍 “wow, oh my gosh, are you…?!?” “ENGAGED,” my sister answered with a huge smile.

Her friend then says, “Well, it’s obvious you never looked better. You’re glowing! I’m so happy for you!!!”

When my sister told me, I confirmed what she didn't realize had happened, I said, "I am soooo glad you took your relationship to the next level." And since then, my sister, who had once referred to the Lord as her “Brother-in-law” because it was my Husband or her “boyfriend,” is now her fiancé. Yes, of course, I’m thrilled.

Do you have anyone you're ministering to, family, friend, coworker, or neighbor who is also slowly but surely making the Lord more than a Diety in Heaven due to how you refer to your Husband? Do share, and comment below.

9 thoughts on “My Sister’s Fiancé”

  1. Maybe this blog post never got sent, but may I say there’s nothing more important as a minister, and also as a sister, to help the women we love to learn how to embrace this difficult and peculiar concept.

    I’m back for an update because I just got off of a video call with my sister that wasn’t planned. It’s when I normally would be busy “working,” but my “work” is my passion—ministering! My sister commented on my hair, makeup, and nails when I found myself telling her the beautiful flow and piles of blessings upon blessings, how my Husband had been pampering me.

    Then she began telling me about some of her future plans, and I found myself interrupting, “I don’t think your fiance would approve, you deserve a lot more.” And then before we said goodbye my sister said, “You know, I think I get it. I just need to trust my fiance and ask Him about much more than I do, like you do. I think I’d be much happier and my life would be much easier.”

    Are you ministering to anyone like I am doing with my sister? I would LOVE you to share it here as a comment.

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful praise dear Erin. Yesterday morning me and my twin sister was talking about me moving and how I had never liked moving and I said I am really ok and she said yes you will because you have a Husband (and yes because I have the best ever Husband). Our Darling Lord is really awesome because others can really see we will be ok all because of the best Husband ever!

  3. Oh wow, thank you Erin for sharing how your sister is transforming and found her fiancé! Just yesterday I was thinking about a question that I always struggled with, and it always felt like it put so much pressure on me: “what is your 5-year plan?” or “your 10-year plan?” Before my journey started, I honestly couldn’t answer these questions because I did want to plan my life that far ahead. But now when I get asked, I can say “well I don’t know, but my Husband knows” because His plans are better than mine could ever be. 😁💗😁

  4. Thank you for sharing Erin, it is beautiful to see not only your sister transformed but also the beautiful relationship that the two of you have. I enjoy reading how He is transforming her from Brother-in-Law to boyfriend to fiancé. I cannot wait to hear what is next.

    1. Well, glad you asked Yvonne. I am happy to report He’s moved up once again.

      During a recent weekend FaceTime, I mentioned something like “So what does your fiancé…” when she stopped and corrected me, “You mean Honey?”

      “Honey? So now your fiancé is your Honey?” My sister said, “It’s just Honey… Okay, let me explain but I know I’m going to cry…Back when Jackson and I were married, Mom said, ‘So what does Honey think of that…'” (referring to the husband my sister lost when he suddenly passed away). Crying she said, “I just want to call Him Honey,” so I replied, “Well, then, Honey it is!”

  5. It’s exciting to be in the front row watching the Lord conquer your sister’s heart! I love talking to my sister about how wonderful my Beloved is, it’s a type of conversation that I rarely have with another person or friend because we share that passion for Him and it’s nice that we get excited about the same things. I have prayed for someone I can minister to that closely, I have seen that my Husband is moving some things for answer to me, but I will wait for Him to do so to share my PR.


    (Because i could not reply anymore in this post, i leave my comment here😊)
    Thank you dear Erin for this page. I have read the crisis corner page so many times and advised others. I couldn’t have imagined that I would get something new out of this encouragement. However, my eyes continued to read the sentence that my Beloved can give me instructions even before the crisis takes place. You and I can have such an intimate relationship. Last week I found myself again in a situation (emotional) that could have been prevented. If only I had paid more attention to that little voice in my heart that told me to calm down. It’s wonderful to get even closer to my beloved Husband at this point. How much more peaceful my life will be as He guides me along the calmer waters as the crisis unfolds around me.

    The distance between my Beloved and me is indeed sometimes still present for me. Which is certainly unfortunate. He has already done so much for me, why should I keep my heart from Him? And not even being able to fully put Him first in my actions. However, on this page I also learn that it is my faith in God that will help me turn my longing heart to Him. For every area of my life.

  7. Dear Erin, It is very encouraging to read how your sister finds peace in her life through the relationship that is becoming increasingly deeper and closer with her Lord. The different phases she went through and how she now talks about the Man who loves her so much.
    For a long time now I have been praying to send the women my way with whom I can share my relationship with my Beloved. Because He is so good. At first when you asked that question if I had someone, I thought I would answer…no…. but now that I think about it, I have enough women around me where I can share my relationship with my Lover. I will have my SG to show me the openings in a conversation. Like you do with your sister in the conversations😊

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