💗 “Your Best Protection” 💗 FAL – Chapter 12 đŸŽ€đŸ“–

Hello, my name is Adina in South Africa and today I want to share with you what I’ve learned from Chapter 12 “Your Best Protection”

This chapter helped me so much and opened my eyes to see that He is our best and only protection. And not just ours, we can also trust Him to protect our children and loved ones.

As a child I tried to protect myself from what happened in our house by locking myself in my room. As an adult I got hurt in relationships, and in time I wanted to protect my heart by closing off my heart, loving someone, but not too much, always keeping up a shield around my heart, because being heartbroken is really painful. And keeping my heart locked up is something that I took into my marriage later on which also contributed to my marriage ending in divorce. Then I was faced with not having my children with me always, subjecting them to the other women and later the custody battle. As a mother I wanted to protect my children so badly, taking my children and running away did cross my mind, but whether you are divorced or separated, the Lord gave our children to our husbands or former husbands just as much as He gave them to us, and for the children’s sake I couldn’t do it.

Our protection (for ourselves and also for our children) is basically no protection at all. I do want to read a small part from the chapter that helped me tremendously.

“A mother can’t protect her own child; not when it is her husband (or in any other area of a child’s life) since she cannot always be with them—only God can protect them! When we take the position of protection away from God, then that’s when we open the child up to attacks that the Lord could have prevented if we had given it to Him.”

This lesson really helped me to understand that our Husband is our best protection, He can protect us, our hearts, our children, our loved ones, and any other area of our lives. Protection, by faith, is just like any other trust: it requires us to leave it totally in God’s hands.

This doesn’t mean we (or our children or loved ones) will not sometimes be called to walk through the fire, but this is meant to shape us and to develop our godly character. No matter how BIG the trial, God is BIGGER. He is not baffled or afraid or concerned about whatever is coming against you. He is able to create good out of it as long as you surrender everything to Him and trust Him for your protection (and your loved ones).

3 thoughts on “💗 “Your Best Protection” 💗 FAL – Chapter 12 đŸŽ€đŸ“–”

  1. Yes, He is the only one that can shower us with blessings and protection!! We need to let go and trust on Him for everything!!!

  2. Dear Adina, thanks for sharing. This touched my heart. I start to think maybe needing to protect is my biggest hurdle to overcome not being able to let go and surrender. I too, want to protect my heart and my children from getting hurt. So it’s a constant reminder to myself that only He has all the control and He loves me.

    1. Yes Gioia, I learned from this lesson that I do not have to try to protect my heart, He will, I just have to give it to Him and let go. When we try to protect our hearts at any cost, we close our hearts of from loving others the way He wants us to, we prevent His love flowing through us because we are so scared of getting hurt. It was difficult trying to protect myself, it is a heavy load to carry if we try to protect ourselves. But we must give the burden to Him and trust Him to protect our hearts.

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