Amazed because we do not go to church!!

This week have a remarkable reminder of the powerful, loving, and careful Husband we have!!! And not only for me but for my children as well!!
Since we changed towns we have been shower by His blessings, and our family are direct witness of that and feel amazed!!
Ladies the testimonies they have been able to watch through us!! And without going to church!!
My husband´s grandma could belive that our Beloved hear our prayers without going to church, and that our house could be our church, I explained to her the beauties of being His bride: How we are loved, cherish and listen by reading His promises, singing with Him and praying as a family!!
At first she was reluctant as well as the grandpa, but as days went by and they saw on the front line how the Lord provided the uniforms for the girls, how we they are reciving less school time allowing me to homeschool a little, how my washing machine broke and the company gave a new one, how I am a worker at home and can take care of my children, them and work, yupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, they understood the blessings of letting go of everything!!!
My sweet brides we do are open letters, our lives speaks louder than words!!!
My children speaks to them about their prayers, they share their praises. They sing about the love of the Lord to them.
We, as a family, are showing that we are His church, that we are heard, loved and forgiven!!
We are a church without walls and they now can be a part of that!!
So happy for this blessing!!!!

6 thoughts on “Amazed because we do not go to church!!”

  1. O wow my dear Isabella, you HH has showered you and your family with so much blessings! We are epistles for others to see His Love and grace and for them to want what we have!

  2. Hi Isabella, what a great testimony you share with us. This greatly encourages me. Knowing that we no longer have to go to a building to be a testimony of all the wonderful things our Lord and God is doing for and with us. We are His church and love letter He has written in our hearts. Others will surely see this and it will make them curious to ask why you have so much abundance in your life. It is already happening in your family and I look forward to your future testimonies. Which will certainly grow the website HomeGrownMinistrie.

  3. Yes people find it so strange when you tell them that you don’t go to church… but when they look at your life and see the blessings and how well behaved your children are… then they understand!!

    1. Yes, we are preaching by example!! They want to convince you that we are wrong, but the fruits speaks by themselves!!

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