Malachi 3:10
10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it.

17 thoughts on “I WAS AFRAID BUT OBEYED”

  1. Thank you for sharing Janine! It is a beautiful story you shared about the poor widow that gave all she had! That touched me so much and really made me think about when should we start to tithe, when we have abundance or when we have barely enough! Every time I thought I would not have enough, He provided in amazing ways, me and my children always have what we need!

      1. Yes that was also an amazing story we can learn so much from, if we give our last little bit, He will be faithful to give us more than we need!

    1. I totaly agree dear Adina, I planned when I had more but there was a bigger reason why my HH wanted me to give when I didnt have enough and He kept on providing for me and my kids too.

    2. Yes dear Adina, He provides so amazingly and everytime I also thought I wont have enough but everytime my HH provided.

  2. Janine, this is beautiful. thanks for sharing with us. Yes, how many of us are afraid that we will lack something if we also give what we have left. But how wonderful it is to be able to trust in our Lord who will provide us with everything we need. thanks for the encouragement. I will always give my tithing and remind myself of this verse
    Philippians 4:19-20 NBG51
    My God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Our God and Father, now be the glory for ever and ever! Amen.
    I have experienced firsthand the blessings He has given me after I began tithing the right way. I would never want to do anything else. I am grateful and encouraged to be witnesses to what He is also doing in your life and your children.

    1. Dear Kristine, yes we are so afraid that we will lack but it is then when we obey that He so lovingly takes over.

  3. Also, you may never have noticed Janine that we don’t emphasize and elevate the Bible reference— instead it is not mentioned and put last or left off entirely.
    What is emphasized and held in high esteem is what GOD said. The way the Bible was broken and referenced is what man did and has done much harm. It’s caused most to not read the entire Bible or even full chapters leaving most ignorant and easily deceived when scriptures are taken out of context.
    ⭐️Also reading and putting the references first works as a way alert non-believers (the very ones we want to hear God’s word) to close their ears because “the self righteous is about to judge them and force their beliefs on them.“
    Thank you for allowing me to have the platform to express what burns in my heart so that TOGETHER we can spread God’s word by simply and humbly quote what God says giving the destitute a taste of the truth and create a hunger and thirst. ⭐️

      1. I’m so encouraged by your humility and heart for being taught. “Older women shall teach the younger women….”
        Please agree with me about something that transpired after my husband led me to save what I shared with you to make it easy to use it to teach others, who simply aren’t aware of what He has opened our eyes and heart to.
        In the past like many things, we had some thing we were lied on, that was hidden, and Google documents for ministers called “snippets” which were simply a variety of different email replies that we can now use for comments on our website fields.
        It was Atarah, who headed this up quite often over the years, so she, maybe along with you (possibly one other minister) could gather them up and add them to TPR as a page giving everyone access.
        Now that they are being used for this purpose, editing them down, just as we were able to do with the RF form would be important— leaving only the most important, and also what could be added to.
        Since at each page allows for comments, it would be easy for Yvonne (since TPR is now her LMF) to update the page along with anyone else who has that level of permission.
        Many of the snippets were of the administrators, nature, and are woefully outdated, but like decluttering at home, clearing out a drawer or a closet. I love doing this, and I’m sure most every woman enjoys it too.
        I’ll share this comment link with Yvonne so she can come in and take over from here.
        Dearest Janine, I waited a very long time for you to be part of our ministry (knowing you so long through Yvonne), and I have to say it’s even better than I had imagined. 🤗

        1. Aaaahh dearest Erin, what a privilege to be part of the ministry, an answered prayer, I always thought I had my chance (because I could have searched further when I had the book the first time, so then I felt it was meant for Yvonne) but still my HH had a plan for me and yes at the right time, which He knows is best. I asked my twin sister to agree and pray with me last year that I will be part of the Ministry and wow wow I learn so much. I said it before, now I feel I have a purpose.
          Sometimes I struggle to understand at first, that is when I realize I am really Afrikaans hahahaha, but don’t worry I then run to my HH and also Adina and say help, what must I change, who then so patiently explains to me.
          And definitely I agree with you dear Erin and I would love to help Atarah to gather the “snippets” up.

          1. Okay, my Husband and I got it started like we usually do and will turn it over to you, Atarah, and whoever else wants to work on it.
            The different languages can create their own page on their own website using whichever they use—I would suggest a “build as you go” meaning, if you use one from the ENG and translate it, then add it to your page on your website.
            I’ll leave you to it

  4. I love your voice my sweet Janine!! Powerful praise!!
    I love how He changed your heart!!
    This gave even more encouragment to continue to tithe to my storehouse and also to offer to our ministries!!

  5. OHHHH dearest Janine I’m so glad that I came to listen to your podcast!! I love how you speak and share and I’m sooooo happy for ALL of His provision for your needs and your son’s needs for the sports tour!!! That story of the widow is so so true we need to give out of the little we have and trust Him to take care of the rest.

    A friend of mine in a panic sent me a message today because she has financial troubles asking me to pray with her and the 1st thing that popped into my head is to ask her, “Are you tithing?” Because I know when I went thru my financial struggles that is how HE got my attention and how I started tithing.

    1. Dear Atarah, I am so glad you could share with your friend about tithing. A friend of mine also did when I would ask for prayer about my finances and it is just an important principal.

  6. Hi sweet Janine, thanks for recording this podcast, it is so beautiful to feel other bride´s heart through their voices. Tithing is to powerful but like you I was such in fear when He was asking me to obey. After tithing for so many years now, I can see all the blessings coming from that and I am not just talking about financial blessings but health blessings, food blessings, home & clothing blessings, etc etc.
    So yes, it is important that we serve as instrument to help other to understand and apply this principle in their lives so they are sure the enemy stops stealing from them.

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