A HUGE Answered Prayer and ✨ Salvation Story 📖🎤

Hello beautiful brides, its Adina in South Africa and today I do not have a guest, but He led me to share something that is very dear to my heart. A testimony of a HUGE answer to prayer and a very special Salvation Story. Our Husband is faithful and through this testimony He showed me that He does hear us and He definitely answers our prayers, but we have to let go and leave the situation or the person in His hands.

My brother is almost two years younger than me, we were only two children. During high school he was a bit of a rebel, hanging out with the wrong friends and getting into trouble at school.

After school he started working at a huge factory, doing really dirty work. But he applied for a bursary through the company and then went on to study Computer Science. After he graduated he continued to work for this company for almost twenty years. He sat in an office full of atheists, he was not a Christian at that stage and their views rubbed off on him.

And he would share his views with me, although my journey hasn’t started yet, I always believed and considered myself a Christian, and this would always lead to us having arguments, with me trying to convince him that God is real and trying to proof the Bible. But this didn’t help, he had arguments for everything I said.
When my journey started and I learned the principles of letting go and win without words, I stopped talking to him about God and the Bible, I just kept quiet. BUT I started to pray, asking my Husband to reveal Himself to my brother, praying for his soul and asking Him to make my brother the man He designed Him to be.

After my divorce my brother got retrenched, then the pandemic hit and while we were in lockdown, he was all alone, he never got married, he was engaged years ago but his fiancé cheated and left him. During the lockdowns he was far away from me and the rest of the family. And during that time, the Lord revealed Himself to my brother, in his loneliness he experienced the presence and call of his Heavenly Father.

Today he plays in the church band. He plays guitar and he records music, music is his passion. He even wrote a few songs he played to me once. Songs about that “old familiar voice” leading him. Even the things that he says these days just leaves me in awe of my Husband’s goodness and faithfulness. Just this past weekend he told me that the first thing you have to do in the morning is to spend time with the Lord!

I still get goose bumps when I think of how my Husband answered my prayer once I let go and just trusted Him to work!

To read more amazing Salvation Stories, please go to: Salvation Stories ✨

If you have a Salvation Story to share, please submit yout Praise here: Post your Praise!! – LoveAtLast.org

9 thoughts on “A HUGE Answered Prayer and ✨ Salvation Story 📖🎤”

  1. Praise God this is amazing Adina well you really encouraged me to just let go and let God do the work of saving our family members

  2. What a beautiful praise and testimony of our Husband’s love ❤️ Thank you Adina for sharing. It really touched my heart, as I also let go of pressing to my brother to know about Him, and just let him in His hands, I do believe that in the right time his heart and eyes will be open.

  3. Wow thank you dear Adina, I needed to hear this praise today brcause I am wortied about a family member and I got my answer in your ptaise report, to keep quiet and to trust my Heavenly Husband and to just let go.

  4. What an amazing praise!!! This confirm that each one of us have a special journey with Him!!! We must let the Lord be the Lord!! He knows our family members and He turns their hearts!! Love to hear this salvation story!!! Praise the Lord always!!!

  5. I love this ❤ As you may know, I am waiting on my EH to be saved. This is wonderful and helps give me more hope and encouragement just to be still and wait on His perfect timing. Thanks for sharing Adina.

  6. Again, your praise report encourage me to not giving to believe that our HH shall do everything for His bride. How can we not love Him and don’t want to be with Him. He is taking so good care of us. And every time i am with you amaze what He again did for you and is going to do for you and the one you love. I also wait to see the hearts change of my siblings. What would that be wonderfull to get along with each other and talking about Him.

  7. Adina I’ve come from your newest praise and want to propose we use the miracles of your former atheist brother to enhance our #System so from the salvation stories, for instance, you can find all of your post regarding your brother now, and in the future.

    The last chapter or shorts, so something could be added there, however, if you blessed your brother with a BNN and that could be included in your #SSHans (this is another name for John that means Yahweh is gracious and merciful). Then add it to https://loveatlast.org/fc/ss/ and then each time you share something new you’d use your brothers #

    Of course if you share it on another website, it would need to be added to https://loveatlast.org/fc/ss/ but that’s absolutely fine. Let me know what your Husband leads you to do since I see SS needs a bit of cleaning up and then “decorating” it with more # of more journeys to follow.

    1. I have added the testimony to SS shorts using #SSHans and also posted it on EM, just changed it a bit as if he wrote it.

  8. Thank you Adina for sharing i have also a brother years ago same as your brother he don’t believe in God.Your blog encourage me to let him go and to let our lovely husband doing the work of salvation for him .

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