Yvonne’s Restoration Journey Novel Chapter 4

I was able to finish Chapter 4 of my Restoration Journey Novel all thanks to Him! This one took me a while because although He has healed me, it is still difficult to talk about.

Chapter 4 “A shake of a head can change your life irrevocably”

For those of you that have not read or listened to any of the chapters, here is the link to the full novel:

My Bleeding Heart - Yvonne

Thank you for taking the time to read or just listen to my story.

Posted in: RJN

11 thoughts on “Yvonne’s Restoration Journey Novel Chapter 4”

  1. Thank you for sharing your story Yvonne, I know Ch 4 must have been so difficult to write since my own mother passed away suddenly from a heart failure. I was not with her and was on my way to visit my parents for the weekend when my dad phoned me. I will never forget the total shock and it is very difficult to go through that and the pain that follows. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this part of your journey.

    1. Thank you Adina. I know there are so many women that have it even worse than you and I, but I am hoping that our stories will give them the encouragement to go on and trust in Him even more.

  2. I’m just holding back a few tears as there are others beside me while I’m reading. Through all of your pain, something good had to come from this tragic situation. Thank you for sharing Yvonne.

    Psalm 34:18. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

    1. I am so thankful that all of you took the time to read the chapter. It was hard for me to write but in a sense also very healing. I praise my Heavenly Husband for sending all of you here to read.

  3. It’s so true Yvonne when you lose someone so close to you you question the love of God. When l lost my brother after trusting God for healing my faith took a knock. For this reason I’m looking forward to reading the rest of your novel to hear what He showed you.

  4. Thank you Atarah, it took me so long to heal because I when I should have leaned into Him, I moved away, but of course now I can see even in those years that I did not believe in Him, His hands were still there every second directing my steps.

  5. Yvonne, I missed this post—I don’t know how, but I must read it asap. My Husband said I could wait until tomorrow, but He knew I had to read it. I JUST DID and it was as riveting and moving as the first and second time I’d read it.
    I also wanted you to know and check to see if there’s anything you don’t like, but like I did with Adina’s RJN, I opened and proofread as I was reading. I shortened the title (but understand why you left it long; He may show us how to change it again to make it more meaningful).
    Lastly, I did something my older brother (who you know is an author) by helping to define/teach the reader a word many may not be familiar with, “irrevocably” is now followed by the definition and I think it enhances the entire meaning of the original title.
    “It boggles the mind that something as innocent as a shake of the head can change your life so irrevocably—in a way that cannot be reversed or changed, or recovered.”

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