8 thoughts on “wLL 78 “Slapped Again””

  1. “Rosy cheeks no warts” đŸŽ¶ are the lyrics that just came to my mind when, once again, my husband led me here to discover for the third time there are no comments.
    Being slapped again, in this case, putting myself out there but receiving no response whatsoever makes me, makes us, naturally want to pull back to protect ourselves. God knows the last thing we want to do is to expose ourselves again and again and again. So, as my husband does so beautifully, he reminded me that when I put myself out there, and get slapped once, then twice, and often many more times than that— my cheeks are bright and rosy red haha 😂 no need for any rouge or blush. Even the embarrassment alone causes the blood to rush up to our cheeks doesn’t it?
    Humiliation is the negative term for a beautiful trait in the eyes of God and our husband: humility. Humility is vitally important as believers and brides who are so so so blessed to remain humble, because as God says He is “opposed to the proud but gives grace to the humble.” And we all know that his grace is much more than sufficient and that dear brides puts a smile on all our faces 😊

  2. Thank you Erin for posting this wLL! It’s my first time listening to one of these, as usually, I’m more of a reader, but I like this short video format. This lesson came just at the right time. Yesterday, I felt like I was slapped hard by my EH and I let my feelings dictate my actions. I actually told him it was “enough”, and felt like I was going to keep my distance from now on. My HH was so gentle with me and comforted me, but I was wallowing in some more self-pity this morning. Your lesson reminded me that our Husband wants us to stay close enough to get hurt and still go the extra mile. You also reminded me that my suffering was really nothing compared to what He endured for our sake. So a big thank you Erin!!! Your voice is so comforting too 🙂

  3. Dear Walking in Grace, your comment was WORTH every uncomfortable feeling I’ve had. It now only made me SMILE, but it taught me so much too! That’s why I LOVE comments and commenting on comments because I had forgotten whatever we go through is NOTHING compared to Him. He reminded me of this just now…”keeping our eyes on our Beloved, who endured the cross,
    despising, disregarding, accepted, looking to afterward—now He sits in the place of honor, at the right hand, the right side, of the throne of God.”
    Thank you, too, for reminding me that HE is speaking through me keen on touching and soothing your heart, “Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.”

  4. Wow dear Erin, our HH is always on time. You encouraged me so much with this podcast and it is so soothing to listen to your voice, I needed this!
    Today I said how I am rather going to draw back at my place of work (I am working for the same place as Yvonne worked previously and it isn’t always easy). And here I listen to your podcast. I love the way my HH talks to me.
    Wow wow these words of you touched me the most and it is words I am going to share with my parents and with friends: IF YOU DON’T NEED HIS GRACE TO DO IT YOU ARE DOING IT IN THE FLESH!
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
    This is making me excited about the beautiful picture my HH is painting of life!

  5. Beautiful Janine. I’m so glad you quoted what my Husband spoke to me YEARS ago and what He reminds me of the perfect “benchmark” or “measuring stick” or my just CONFIRMATION that what you’re doing is OF HIM. The other, a bit simpler, is if I feel “compelled” or maybe even eager to do something, like talk to someone about something. If it’s something I’m KEEN on doing, most likely it’s my flesh —because GOD KNOWS it loves to be FED!
    That’s when I LET GO and dismiss (what amounts to) my plan. If it is Him, I feel something much different and I’m also a bit “detached” from it. It’s more like I’m the messenger [His messenger] rather than me being the sender. So no matter how it’s received, I don’t feel it.
    If the person is upset, angry or indifferent, “I had” nothing to do with it and I know it. IF they are elated and praise is received, again, “I had” nothing to do with it and I know it so it also slides off of me because PRIDE is more dangerous even though it’s applauded.
    Probably more than you were looking for in reply—but there it is…

    1. Wow dear Erin, thank you for putting it that way, I love my HH and how He even confirms what He wants me to do, than me feeling compelled to do it because I’m scared how others will feel.

  6. Putting the other cheek is something that hurts not just physically by in your soul or maybe I would say in the pride. Listening to this podcast for the second time made me realized that probably that is why I do not feel comfortable sharing too much about myself because I was slapped so much (not literally) when I was a child that I do not want to feel that awful pain anymore and the simplest way to avoid it is to keep everything to myself.
    Your explanation helps me to understand better that this is a way to get closer to Him, to understand unconditional love and to remove fear from our heart. Fear to be rejected, fear to be unloved, fear to feel pain, fear to not be good enough for others.

  7. Thank you so much Erin for sharing this, I also want to stand at least 3 or 4 arm lenghts away to avoid being slapped again, but that is fear. This lesson showed me that to overcome that fear and stand close, we need His grace, we need to forgive over and over again. A verse that I also used today in my novel is that perfect love cast out fear, and His love is the only perfect love, so we need His love in our hearts to stand close enough and not be afraid of being slapped again.

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