“When Do I Give Up?”- LAL, CH 4


How many times have you felt like giving up? I know I have plenty of times. Whether it's giving up on restoration, the salvation of a loved one, or anything else that you are trusting the Lord for—even things we think are small and insignificant—we all want to give up at some point.

But when we reach the point where we feel like giving up, what do we do with those feelings? Do we give in and actually give up, or do we fight the good fight, finish the course, and keep the faith to receive the crown of righteousness, to have a testimony to encourage those who come behind, and for those that witness our journey?

We reach the point of giving up when we try to carry the burden ourselves and do not give it to the Lord to carry it for us. We want to try everything and make plans ourselves, only to become weary when we realize nothing is working. And then we want to give up. When we get to that place of giving up, we need to give up and surrender everything to the Lord, our Heavenly Husband, who wants to carry the burden for us and who wants to fight for us. Exchange the heavy yoke for His, because His yoke is light and easy, and we will find rest for our souls.

I love this verse from the lesson:  "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion [performing good works in order to please others]? Come to me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly" (Matthew 11:29-30 Message).

Are you feeling like giving up? If you do, please read this lesson "When Do I Give Up?" and give up on carrying the burden, give it to your Heavenly Husband, and you will find rest for your soul.

Living the Abundant Life

Living the Abundant Life Playlist

Please share what He showed you in the lesson in the comment section below, post your praise or complete your journal.

8 thoughts on ““When Do I Give Up?”- LAL, CH 4”

  1. Thank you for sharing dear Adina, I love this, give up carrying the burden, if somebody tells me they want to give up I will give that advice and also try to live by that, I love it.

  2. Oh, my, giving UP is my favorite thing to do because my Husband is right there to pick it up and fix it, mend it, unravel it for me.
    Just TODAY I have the most brilliant praise that left me in awe and teary-eyed. Early in the month, I GAVE UP with a burden I face every year. The RMI Safe Deposit box that is in Ozark needs to be paid every year. You can’t imagine how many different things we tried, but this year I gave up!! I told my Husband, “It’s not my problem, it’s YOURS, so it’s never a problem for You.”
    HLM to set up an annual check on our online banking, it’s sent early enough, and I get a notice that automatically comes into my inbox. And then He told me, “When the check clears you, know they have it” and guess what?

    IT CLEARED today!!!

    Next year when the notification comes up, rather than trying to figure it out—I will remember I gave up— HE did it and probably get teary-eyed once again!!!

  3. Hahaha it’s amazing that when you give up on something that’s when He comes thru!!! 💗🤔😜😅 Even tho I Know this l still try to do things in my own strength… This lesson is a good reminder 🙌

  4. For us believers, maybe the term is not “giving up” but “giving it to the Lord.” Even when we acknowledge that the Lord has all the control, the timing of “giving” can vary depending on our faith and understanding of His purpose. I could think of so many scenarios when I “persisted” in vain that I could have “given” it earlier. It also reminds me of a recent testimony where the Bride says “I am standing in my own way of restoration.”

  5. Dear Adina,
    thanks for sharing this chapter. We brides indeed cannot hear or read enough that we may give everything to Him and then experience the full Abundant Life that we have been promised. Again, there are things in my life and those of my children that the people around me expect that I will have to take action. While I don’t know what I could do. I’ve already tried several things. It’s not in my nature yet 😂 to just sit down and start talking to my Heavenly Man who knows everything and for whom nothing is impossible. My son has been re-diagnosed by the doctors, ADD, with a low to medium intelligence level. Which makes motivating for school and other things challenging. Talking to him all the time only backfires and is very unpleasant. But yesterday he himself came to me that he had done something that I had not asked him to do. Oh how happy I was….for others in the world maybe it’s insignificant but for me it’s a sign that if I give my son back to My Beloved He can go to work with him.

  6. Our God is amazing! I was just scrolling when I felt I need to read this and that is exactly how I felt today!
    Today I trùly realized that I cannot do ànything on my own.
    Yes, I gave up today but I did not give in. Instead, I gave everything to my Lord. For me, everything is over but for God, all is possible! Now I am resting and I am walking with my Lord because all I can see is the mountain but He sees the victory.
    And I believe.

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