What Is Important To Me Has Changed

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water. I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory. Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands.

I just love the car rides with my Husband. As I was driving my Husband asked me what is important to me regarding His brides at RMI.

I quickly have to be honest, a few years ago I would have said that the brides get restored marriages, because that was the most important thing to me. Today I gave a different answer: Not a restored marriage (and sorry if that disappoints you) but a real intimate relationship with our Darling Lord and to really become His bride.

That is my prayer for each and every bride here at RMI. Then my Darling remined me that is why He lets us wait, and it is then that we also learn the superpower of waiting and it is in that time that He changes our desires to please Him. "For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him." P2:13 Wow and all these years, I felt I was waiting too long, but He had a bigger reason and it was only Him that could change my desires. Isn't He just the Best!!!

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. P37:4 

Dear precious bride, I want to encourage you really make the relationship with our Darling Lord the most important thing in your life, trust me when I say nothing can compare to His everlasting love for us.

4 thoughts on “What Is Important To Me Has Changed”

  1. cada novia de. RMI al llegar aquí su deseos y anhelo es su restauración matrimonial y es lo que mi amado permite y usa para que al comenzar el viaje más importante de nuestras vidas, nos demos cuenta, que el señor lo que está buscando es nuestro corazón por completo y que nuestro primer amor y pensamiento sea solo él.
    mi amado es tan bueno y paciente que solo espera y espera a que lo miremos a él y cuando lo hacemos podemos decir gracias por todo amado mío 💖
    Buscad primeramente el reino de Dios y su justicia y todas las demás cosas vendrán por añadidura.
    mateo 6:33
    every girlfriend of. RMI, upon arriving here, his desires and desire is his marital restoration and it is what my beloved allows and uses so that as we begin the most important journey of our lives, we realize that what the Lord is seeking is our heart completely and May our first love and thought be only him.
    my beloved is so good and patient that he just waits and waits for us to look at him and when we do we can say thank you for everything my beloved 💖
    But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. M6:33 https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%206%3A33&version=NIV

    1. Yes precious Nelly, He for sure allows it and I still believe our Darling Lord wants to restore marriages, but He must be first, our hearts must long for Him the most and I have to be honest my heart longed for my earthly husband more than anything (and I want to admit it, to help other brides not to make my mistakes). And isn’t it wonderful how patient He is with us, I know He was really been patient with me for years and still is.

  2. The best prayer and blessing in the world. Having Him as our everything changes everything in our lives ❤️😍 We no longer depend on people, or things to feel happy or joyful, we have Him, our lives adquire a new meaning, a purpose, something just connects and feel right. Our world changes and we understand that everything we need is in one place: His loving arms.
    I hope every woman that comes can grasp the wide, deep and high and long love of our Beloved for them, and how their lives will change when they truly understand this powerful thing ❤️😍

    1. Yes precious Isabella I also hope and pray that every women coming to RMI grasps the fact how wide, deep, high and long our Darling Lord’s love is for us. His love really changed my life, if we have Him, we really have everything.

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