The Waiting Room

♕ Today's Promise: "He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” Malachi 4:6

~ Tiffany in New Jersey

☊ PRAISE Audio

Dear brides, please remember apart from God we can do nothing, remember your Heavenly Husband will bless you with what you’re praying for. Don’t try to control the situation or take it into your own hands, ask your Heavenly Husband and He will do it for you like he’s doing it for me. Trust me my sisters in Christ it will be so much sweeter that way and our HH (Heavenly Husband) will receive glory, the glory that He so righteously deserves.

Initially I thought that if you wanted to restore a relationship with someone you have to constantly call them, look for them, beg for their forgiveness, even nag them because I thought that if you don’t do these things, the person you’re trying to be restored to is gonna think you didn’t fight for them but I learned differently. Thank you my Lord, thank you my Heavenly Husband I’m still learning of course it’s better to leave everything in God's hands. Trust God to restore your relationships. I’m learning to not reach out to that person, to give them their space. I’m learning that if they reach out to you it’s best to speak to them calmly and with love, patience and not a lot of words lol

Yesterday was my birthday and my oldest daughter doesn’t really speak to me. In the beginning I used to constantly message her but I’m learning not to. I’m learning to wait until she reaches out to me and I asked God Lord I would love to hear her say happy birthday. And we actually spoke a few times on my birthday very briefly she was asking me for some money so that she can buy something that she needed and of course I told her no problem but she didn’t wish me a happy birthday and I was sad but I was still trying to be thankful because two of my other children wished me a happy birthday, but some thing in my heart was still longing to hear a happy birthday from her. I’ll admit and please Lord forgive me I was thinking about ways to manipulate her into getting a happy birthday but Heavenly Husband showed me that was not the way.

So I was sleeping and it was literally like 5 o’clock in the morning and she left me a message saying, I’m sorry I thought it was the 11th and not the 12th I got my days mixed up I didn’t forget, happy late birthday. I just want to give God all glory and honor and praise because the Lord blessed me with what I asked for and it was so much better because I did not have to pressure her and she's doing it but the Lord did it.

I would like to continue to trust God to restore my relationships. I would like to continually remember that I can have Joy in the waiting room and even if I cannot see God working, I know He is and even when I have a bad day I know that that doesn’t mean that it’s gonna last forever because my Heavenly Husband is so wonderful He gives me peace even when I don’t ask for it.

Dear brides, I know it’s not easy because as humans it is natural for us to take things into our own hands but please try to let your Heavenly Husband handle things. I know it’s not easy but remember you have nothing to lose when you let God fight your battles.

"He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” Malachi 4:6

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