The Greatest Thing That Will Ever Happen to You

Your world and life seemingly getting destroyed might be the greatest thing that will ever happen to you because it will draw you closer to the One that was truly meant for you. He longs for you and is also everything you long for.

He taught me to talk to Him at all times. It does not matter if it seems of no importance or trivial. I can talk to Him and spend time with Him at work, at home, while driving, or anywhere really. Yesterday, work was busy and I was distracted by many other things. Afterward, I felt the urgent need to talk to Him and spend time with Him. I missed Him so much and knew that He missed me too and wanted me to make time for Him. Living without Him or keeping our talks for "prayer time" only is no longer an option. I feel so sad just thinking of how it used to be and how I kept Him away from me. I want more of Him now and I suspect this need will grow even more over time.

The One who made me knows my value, loves me, and cherishes me. He led me to RMI because He longed for me. He wanted us to have a deep relationship. How can I not feel loved and cherished now?

Now I truly feel that my Heavenly Husband loves me more than I could ever imagine. He constantly takes care of me and gives me the desires of my heart. He's with me when I feel down or scared. I can see His love in the little things He sends my way so that I feel better. I learned to rely on Him for all my needs, fears, wants, and to share with Him my deepest feelings. He longs to spend time with me and I am falling more and more in love with Him every day.

“‘For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, and My covenant of peace will not be shaken,’ says the Lord who has compassion on you.” I5410

Anne in Texas

2 thoughts on “The Greatest Thing That Will Ever Happen to You”

  1. So beautifully put Anne! I feel the same way about my Heavenly Husband. Nothing can compare to the love and care that He has for us. Speaking to Him and spending time with Him everyday has been the best thing. He is my rest.

  2. Yes I highly agree too Anne! There’s no way to express what it’s truly like to live as His bride. Having a Husband who loves and protects and comforts and guides and is with you night and day. Always comforting, and always assuring throughout the day. I’m just so thrilled to see more and more women discovering this hidden truth this life-changing experience.

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