Take His Hand

Our Beloved can help you heal even after the worse tragedies. This week is the anniversary of my mother’s death. She passed away when I was an adolescent. She died suddenly and tragically in a car accident that I was also involved in.

I survived, she didn’t. That was a hard concept for me to comprehend and I always held on to that hurt. That whole part of my life was such a blur. The doctors had me on so many suppressive medications that it numbed my mind and my pain. Even right before I attended her funeral the doctors gave me sedatives so that I would not be fully aware. They were afraid that I would have a heart attack from grief because of the injuries sustained in the accident. I never really went through the emotions like I needed to, I didn't grieve.

As the years went on, I suppressed those feelings of pain and heartbreak. I didn't realize it until later that it had made me a very angry and bitter person. When I spoke about her death I would push my feelings down and pretend that I was okay as the years went on.

Just a few years back when I found RMI, I realized that I had not healed from that tragic event in my life. Really I had known that for many years but never really knew what to do about it. I was so scared when the Lord revealed to me that I needed to hand that over to Him. I did not want to bring this hurt out again, I did not want to talk about it, I did not want to go through the emotions.

But He was so gracious to me and helped me take His hand as I cried and felt the real pain for probably the first time, the excruciating pain of losing my mother at such a young age and so tragically. I needed to go through the emotions, I needed to ask God questions and I did. I didn't get the answers to everything, but what He gave me was peace and love and comfort.

We don't always find out the answers to all our questions but what we do have is a Good Father, a Loving Husband that knows our hurts and sorrows and He wants to sit with us, holding us, loving us and consoling us. We don't see what He sees but we can be rest assured that He has the best plans for our lives. I promise you that He can heal you if you allow Him in and I know its not easy and I am still a work in progress but He is there to be with you every step of the way! So I'm here to praise and thank the Lord for the time that He did give me with my mother and for healing that part of my heart that was so broken for so many years!

“I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]“ John 16:33

“And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

3 thoughts on “Take His Hand”

  1. Thank you Liora for opening your heart in this praise. I feel very related with you saying how difficult it is to deal with emotions and how we pretend that pain and hurting events do not affect. I appreciate you reminding us that His love and grace is new every day and that He will help us to overcome of those feelings that we have hidden for so long inside ourselves. We have to learn how to surrender everything to Him and wait on him to see his work in process.

  2. Thank you for sharing, Liora. My mother passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in 2001 from a heart failure. It was a Friday and I lived in another town and was going to visit them that weekend, but I got delayed going there and when I was eventually ready to leave, my dad phoned me with the news. I cried for weeks because me and my mom just started to have a good relationship and were in a good place.

    But after the funeral you have to get back into your normal routine, life goes on and you must put up a brave face. Eventually I just couldn’t do it anymore and was put on antidepressants. But PTL after about a week on the medication and feeling bad all the time because of it, I threw it away.

    But finding the ministry and really getting to know my HH, I could find healing, more understanding and also forgiveness for things that happened in my childhood that caused me and my mom to have a bad relationship for many years. Now I just thank my HH for her and can only think back with love and respect for my mother. And there are times I miss her so much and wish we had more time after our relationship healed, but I have His love and peace that covers everything, and I am grateful towards Him for giving us the time that we had as mother and daughter.

  3. Liora thank you for sharing this very raw, very real praise, even though the subject is a really sad one I can hear your heart in what you share…

    It’s so easy to block out hurt, pretend it never happened.. But then how do we heal? If we don’t shed our tears and cry before our Beloved telling Him about how our heart is broken, our Beloved cannot collect those tears in His bottle and comfort us…

    Liora you have been through so much growing up, I lost my brother to TB, he was quite young so I do relate to what you shared but it does not compare to losing your mum at such a young age…

    I am soooo thankful that you shared about your healing process and I am sooo thankful to the Lord for what HE has done because we get to hear this Testimony and know that even in THE most difficult and heart breaking life situations or trauma experienced there is HEALING, happiness and joy when we go to our Beloved and share all the pain with Him.

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