Struggles Plaguing your Mind

Hi Ladies,

Even though l have journaled the Poverty Mentality and l have read the 1st Chapter over & over soooo many times l was led this morning to come back and read it again!!

If you are going through any type of financial struggle please read it 🙏

Our school year starts in the middle of January here in South Africa. And with the start of the school year comes all the stationery and uniform expenses….

Right now unfortunately l am not able to be the Helper Suitable that l need to be and it’s put a strain on our finances as a family. I know that my Husband will make a way for me because HE ALWAYS has 🙌🏾

Reading Chapter 1 of the Poverty Mentality was like a balm to my worried thoughts as l read that my Husband will supply ALL my needs according to HIS riches in glory in Christ Jesus 🙏🙌🏾 His riches not mine 🙌🏾

Also for further confirmation read today’s My Beloved Devotion Jan 7th which shares the scripture:

“It is vain for you to rise up early, to retire late, to eat the bread of painful labors; for He gives to His beloved even in his sleep” (Ps. 127:2).

Here is the link to read:


So l am reminded to stop worrying and to remember that He provides for His Beloved ( that’s me ) even in my sleep 🙌🏾 and that HE dies not want me as His Bride to eat the bread of painful labour.

I think the biggest struggle we have is in trying to figure things out… how can we make money? How can we take care of things? What can we do?

I think it’s harder to just rest… do nothing… but many times He has called me to do just this…. and that is why im going to happily spend my time writing these praises and l hope that instead of spending time worrying that you will do this instead too!!!

Come and post a praise so that you can share about your journey… that is what it is to give praise in the storm 🙌🏾

Ladies l confess that I made some bad choices that led me to getting stuck, but those bad choices has led me to spend more time with my Husband which is what l needed because l had placed him last in my life….it has opened up my heart so much to understanding and a fresh new insight into my Husbands promises many of which l already know.

If you feel stuck in your finances and stuck in the struggles plaguing your mind then please be sure to renew your mind, the Poverty Mentality course is a great place to start 🙏

And always remember WHO YOU ARE? His most beloved 💖 and precious Bride 👰 who He wants to take care of 😍

Much love 💖
Atarah Matthews

3 thoughts on “Struggles Plaguing your Mind”

  1. Oh thank you so much for your praise Atarah! I struggle at times with this too, trying to figure things out on my own and worrying. Instead, I need to remember that I have an amazing and caring Husband who just wants me to rest in Him and know that He supplies all my needs. He’s such a loving Husband that He doesn’t want us to worry “Therefore I tell you, stop being worried or anxious (perpetually uneasy, distracted) about your life…. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?” Matthew 6:25 & 27. As His brides we can run to His loving arms and talk to Him about our struggles. We can trust that He will always show us the way, He will make a way and bless us more than we could ever imagine! Thank you again Atarah for encouraging others to praise Him even in the storm.

  2. I agree Atarah. The enemy tries to get us anxious and in a panic, thinking we need to do something quickly to come up with money. I’m currently trying to keep my faith that the Lord will deliver me with my finances. The enemy tries hard to tell me, are you tithing to the right place? if you wouldn’t tithe you’d have more money?
    Years ago I would have believed that lie but for the past year Ive been able to not have my utilities shut off etc. I do get food help from the state with food and they told me a few months ago that we made to much money so they stopped for a month but recently started back up after praying to my Lord to help with the food situation. Now another income is being taken away so I’m waiting/praying to see what my He has in store to provide.

  3. Thank you for sharing that scripture Liora what a wonderful reminder 😍

    Ladies oh thank you for your comments 🤗 l have tears thankful that even in my struggles l could encourage and thank you soooooo much for your comments / words of encouragement 🤗

    Hopedarling my darling l just KNOW He will make a WAY because HE ALWAYS does, and l just KNOW He will work in your situation in that mysterious way🙏 l know that we will both be back here to share soooo much praise!! 🙌🏾

    Tithing especially at 1st is never easy but we can be assured that as we test Him that He will open up the windows of heaven and pour out so much blessings that we cannot contain it so thanks for your comment because you just reminded me of this promise that we can both stand on. 😊

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