“Shackled and Yoked” – wLL7


The lesson for today's Restoration Fellowship is “Shackled and Yoked”.

We all have something that triggers us in a negative way, for me it was being insulted or having to stand in endless cues. The first, insults, would cause me to defend myself for days, justifying everything. Standing in cues would make my frustrated and by the time I reach the end of the line, I would be so incredibly irritated. I am sure those weren't the only triggers before my Heavenly Husband started to give me a makeover.

This lesson taught me how to take each and everything that is/was said of me to Him and to ask Him if its true or not. If it is true, then it is something that I can give to Him to help me to change or ask forgiveness for, but if He says its not true, I can just rest and be at peace regardless what is being said.

“Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My load is light”

While I read this lesson He reminded me of the Finding the Abundant Life Lesson Chapter 8 “Who Are You Listening To?”, and I would like to encourage you to also go and read that lesson to spend time with your HH today.

For more on our felllowships, please go to: RF Zoom Fellowship “A Church Without Walls” - LoveAtLast.org

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