Currently, I have two loved ones who have chosen to separate themselves from me. Prior to having the relationship I now have with my Husband, my Maker, I would be overwhelmed and riddled with guilt because I needed to be the designated family peacemaker (and for decades was the peacemaker in the family I grew up in) and happily took on that role since I was old enough to talk! Yet now I am older, wiser, and finally mature enough to enjoy the break from the constant drama this role often draws you into.
The best reason I found to take a break, which I just realized while writing this to you, is that it has given me a chance to gain a new and special relationship with my sister, Aunt Patty Cake!!! Praise the Lord!!! Being one of the youngest, I was trained by example to treat this precious sister with indifference. Therefore I knew no difference. Now without the comments and suggestions that my siblings naturally were quick to make aren't around, I have been set free to treat her differently.
I have taken the time, as I mentioned in this book, to teach my sister things that no one took the time to do or, more correctly, simply didn't know how. I am sure my mother did her best, but since my sister looks normal, only mildly mentally and emotionally challenged, she lived most of her life misdiagnosed. Besides, training us was not my motherâs strong point, especially in areas we lacked. She instead took the âyouâre wonderful!!!â approach that makes you feel loved, but it doesnât rid you of weaknesses that should be corrected or re-channeled as a child.
Not only training, but I also have had the privilege of treating her to special things that our family didnât want to âwasteâ on her because âshe wouldnât appreciate it.â She wasn't mature enough to express her gratitude but would act like a spoiled child whose glass (and what she wanted and thought she deserved) fell short of what anyone gave her. So my recent mission has been to teach her to be grateful. Had she learned this earlier, maybe, just maybe many more people would have continued to do nice things for her, only God knows, right? Unfortunately, Pat would instead respond with cold words and an attitude as if you owed it to her, and worse, she had a habit of reminding you of what you didnât do or give her.
Alas, God had a plan for this sweet child who is now so happy she can hardly stand it sometimes (thatâs what she tells me all the time, sweet!). However, the person who has really changed in the process isâME! Fathom that!
The Power of Loving the Unlovable
Chances are you have a member of your family or a âspecialâ someone in your circle of friends who is clearly unlovable. Yet while this person screams for attention, which means they only receive more rejection, you might be running after and obsessed with reconciling with someone elseâthe person you have had on your mind throughout this entire book! However, that unlovable person who tries your patience and may be totally ungrateful to anything and everything you have ever done for him or her is exactly the person whom the Lord has sent to teach you how HE wants you to be. He or she is in your life as an exercise of true, unconditional love since you will also need a constant supply of this fruit of the Spirit from the Lord in order to have even the shortest contact with them, let alone true kindness that we all long to experience.
When my sister came into my life again, I had just gone through a divorce that left me with six children at home. To add to that, my 15-year-old niece came to live with us from Japan, along with a new Toy Poodle that was part of the bargain. (My two daughters didnât really know their cousin and were terribly hurt that their dad had left, moving nine hours north. Since they knew having my niece live with us would mostly fall on them, they devised a plan to get an âindoorâ dog. I told them they could have the dog regardless, but that is how I ended up with a Japanese niece, who spoke very little English, and a puppy to train on top of my already hectic new life when I was given another bonus, my sister.)
Not only would the situation prove beyond comprehension, but it came with hostility rather than gratefulness on the part of my siblings. No one seemed to remember that I was the one who had cared for both my dying parents (my father dying in 1995, then my mother in 2000), who both were able to forgo nursing homes or dying in cold, impersonal hospitals. And as I wrote about briefly in another book of mine, I paid a very high price to learn what truly honoring our parents meant when I was charged with the death of my mother because I honored her request not to take her to a hospital.
All my good works were forgotten when a sibling telephone that she could no longer care for this special sister. Just my hesitation caused me to experience an earful in decibels so loud that I thought I might go deaf, along with calling me every name in the book, primarily what a FAKE I was, and concluding with "and you call yourself a Christian!!!"Â
None of my other siblings saw their responsibility in caring for her either, as one by one, each pointed the finger wondering why this brother or that sister should take her. However frustrating, the truth wasâ I was one of them! We all had excuses, and honestly, I had the most valid excuse due to the recent divorce and so many children (including my niece) when no one else even had one child living with them; most of them retired. And my greatest concern was leaving her while I traveled, which meant that my children (who were already going through so much) would have to care for her. HoweverâŚ
The Lord needed to break my heart when He spoke to me one day while flying home. The Lord asked me if I had any idea what it would be like to have NO one who wants you or loves you! Go ahead and âSelahâ on this one, ladies. (Selah is a term you see in the book of Psalms, which simply means to stop reading and think about what you have just read.)
My sister had no one who wanted her. Both her parents were deceased, and for all our lives, she was nothing more than a burden to everyone. She had no one who loved her. With tears dripping off my chin as I stared out the window of that plane, I asked the Lord to empower me with His love for this unwanted sister of mine. He did.
And praise the Lord; through my example, due to the Lord transforming me into the woman I always wanted to be (and even claimed to be but wasnât), most, if not all, of my siblings began to treat her differently. Not all of them, but the ones who donât, well, they are not my problem. And if it had not been for my husband leaving me, none of this would have been possible. He would never allow my sister around his children. He was clear that she was my sister and our children shouldnât have to be subjected to that sort of thing. Who can blame him?
Yet, isnât that what we all miss? It is because of these special people in our lives that we are changed! And isnât that what we continually ask God to doâchange us? Yet none of us like when the Lord chooses to remove people from our lives as He did with my two loved ones who wrote me off (due to guilt and what people might think of us as Christians). But usually worse is whom He chooses to bring into our livesâsometimes, again and again!
God gave me a five-year break from caring for my sister since she actually lived with my parents until they died. It was then that an older sibling took her because of all I had done for my parents for so many years and also because I still had little children at home, which can be dangerous due to my sister thinking she could do things that she couldnât manage safely.
The Lord reminded me while on that same plan of the story of the Good SamaritanâHe asked me, âErin, what side of the street are you going to walk on?â
The Good Samaritan
âBut wishing to justify himself [the lawyer who wanted to know what he must do to inherit eternal live], said to Jesus, âAnd who is my neighbor?â [when told to love his neighbor as himself].
Jesus replied and said, âA man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead.
 And by chance a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.
 Likewise a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.
But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him.
On the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, âTake care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I will repay you.â
Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands?
And he said, âThe one who showed mercy toward him.â Then Jesus said to him, âGo and do the same.ââ (Luke 10:30Ââ37).
It took God breaking my heart for my sister for me to no longer be the priest and the Levite of my family. Has the Lord broken your heart for anyone while reading this chapter? Someone in your family, at your place of work, a neighbor, perhaps? No longer focusing on the one who may have left you, you now have the time, without any distractions, to focus on the person who may right now be completely alone.
And if you are like me, you can see no way you can help given your present situation. You may lack the funds, the time, and/or the space, along with compassion. Yet, all of this and more is found in Godâs perfect plan when you simply ask and abide in Him!
âAbide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothingâ (John 15:4â6).
Want to bear real fruit for the world to see? Open your heart to the unlovable.
God showed me something I never saw before, but only after I agreed to take my sister. He showed me that the Good Samaritan did not take the wounded man home with him, but instead, he blessed him with an inn to stay in with a caregiver and funds to cover all his needs. My greatest concern was really my traveling, besides not having the room since I had six children, plus my niece, at home. Within a week, and in between flights, my older brother located a brand new facility only five minutes from my home! She is also loved at our familyâs church and asked me to color her hair, so she is a redhead with a haircut to look like mine. She often wears designer clothes that also were mine, because guess what? She wants to be like me! Fancy that.
When I met her at her plane, she could not be hugged. Instead of hugging, she stiffened up. Yet, each time I saw her, I made it a point to hug her and tell her, âI love you.â After only five or six months, she began hugging me (all of us, my children, too) back. Then, for the first time, she said, âI love you too.â She didnât know how to say simply âI love youâ but had to add âtooâ to it. Today she is actually a greeter for her Sunday school as she hugs and welcomes new and returning members.
This week she is coming over for a spa day so she can float around in our pool, have her hair done by me, her eyebrows plucked and shaped by my daughter, and then go to get a professional pedicure with those wonderful massaging chairs. I plan to make sure she has a magazine and a cool drink so that she knows how special she is. She has learned to say âthank youâ and honestly canât stop thanking me for what I do for her (she often calls me three or four times after I drop her off just to say thank you again and again with the cell phone I made sure she had).
Rather than being ashamed of her, which we were taught to do by example, I love to tell others what a âsweetheartâ she is, and now that is how everyone else treats her! It often takes us putting a value of importance and loveliness on the head of the unlovable for others to see that there had been a hidden gemâa gem that had previously been discarded that now is of much worth!
The point is also thisâ if it were not for being abandoned by my husband, then by my siblings, who may have been in a better situation than what I was in, I would never have had the time, energy, or focus to bless my sister the way she deserves to be blessed. If it were not for my children being gone this week while visiting their father, I would not have been able to step it up by pampering her, either. All of this would have been missed if not for the separation from the people I would never have chosen to be separated from.
âThen the King will say to those on His right, âCome, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.
âFor I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.â
Then the righteous will answer Him, âLord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink?
 âAnd when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You?
 âWhen did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'
The King will answer and say to them, âTruly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Meââ (Matt. 25:34-41).Â
Personal commitment: to trust God alone. âBased on what I have learned in this chapter, I commit to trusting the Lord to give me the compassion to love the unlovable. I will turn my attention from restoring those relationships that have eluded me while I focus on those individuals whom the world, and I, have deemed unworthy.â

Liza Bautista in Costa Rica: The Word of Our Lord never fails. Everything works together for good, even if at first we believe the opposite. I would never have believed that being separated from my soul would bring about a new change in my life. And I am referring to coming to RMI and finding my Heavenly Husband and recognizing how much I need to change, that instead of taking the wide path, I should choose the narrow one to find this oasis in the middle of my desert.
And yes, I have people around me who have been difficult on this Journey, but only by taking Him by the hand have I been able to move forward and show myself at peace. Sometimes I don't even recognize myself, because I know that without Him I can do nothing.
When others see us being kind, even caring for those who have caused us pain, they call us foolish, of not having dignity, as they have told me. And then I tell my Beloved, whom I listen to others or choose Your Truth, to act in obedience, giving love to those who have made us suffer.
We must be strong and brave, and continue giving our all, just as the lesson says, without looking at what others think of us because we act differently, we only know that we are His Bride, and as such, we must obey Him, please the Lord, giving love to those who have caused us pain. And giving thanks to Him because it is in separation that He is making us new.
Please be sure to comment below OR Journal OR simply Post your Praise!!
There are so many times since my fh left that we were able to do things that normally would have been something I had to ask permission from him to do. Whenever a family member needs help, I can jump in and help without any reservation. I can do unplanned things with the children. I would not have been able to work from home or homeschool my children. There are so many other things I can list. What I thought would be the end of my life, turned out to be the most fantastic time with my Husband. I don’t want it to end. đŤ
maravilloso, todo es porque nuestro amado nos ama, y sus planes son de bien para nosotras, me encantĂł leer esta lecciĂłn y aprender mucho. Yo tambien pude cuidar y honrar a mi padre en sus Ăşltimos dĂas de vida, todo gracias a mi amado.
wonderful, everything is because our beloved loves us, and his plans are good for us, I loved reading this lesson and learning a lot. I was also able to care for and honor my father in his last days of life, all thanks to my beloved.
I don’t know how, but now I know why He led me to read this lessonâŁď¸
Like Erin, I also have a sister with mental and emotional problems and a few days ago, she asked me to take her to the doctor. In fact, “ask” wouldn’t be the right word, because her behavior has been increasingly violent and irascible, making her kids and all our family only think about how to get away from her. And I wasn’t acting any differently, when she sent me a message, almost demanding that I take her to the psychiatric clinic, I can tell you, that had many and the best excuses for not taking her! I also tried to pass the “burden” to my niece, and tryed to tell my sister that she shouldn’t go there… but it was then that I read this wonderful lesson and I could realize that it was Him giving me this amazing opportunity, to not only help my sister, but to encourage her in some way. Erin talks more about this opportunity, in the podcast, of how as His bride, I am able to witness His love and let that love flow to reach those who need to know Him, like I do! I am so grateful that I read this lesson and thdesires to heal her and make her His bride! What I desire most is to allow Him to guide me to be that bridge so that she can run into His arms of love!rough it, my Beloved changed my heart and straightened my path, changing my heart and mind so I could take her to the clinic đ
I know that He desires to heal her and make her His bride! What I desire most is to allow Him to guide me to be that bridge so that she can run into His arms of love!
I thank God for bringing me on this journey because if I had not fallen into this marital separation, I would not have enjoyed so much of what He has blessed me with and taught me. I was so focused on restoring a certain relationship like most (the relationship with our spouse) without realizing so many other existing and new relationships that He shows us and how He restores them and brings us new relationships to help through what He has taught us.
He brought me a young woman who was my student for a while. When he brought her to me she had already finished her degree, she was placed to work in my office at my previous job, she came with a broken heart and I guided her to the Lord. Now she says she understands that everything had a reason. And that separation with her boyfriend was necessary. And now I also say that mine was also necessary, if not, how would we have crossed paths? Everything was already His plan for our good. Now we have a new relationship and it is different from the one I have with other friends because we talk about the goodness of the Lord and His wonders in our lives and she has asked me to be her prayer and encourgement partner , she said that she prayed and made that request and He brought me to her heart and the next day I was talking to her about a prayer and encouragement partner. So she said that was a confirmation. ⤠He is Wonderful!!!
Being able to help someone heal and hear them tell you that you are an Angel sent by God is so satisfying, not in pride but in gratitude to God for knowing that you did something good in His name. That nothing has been in vain because I am His bride and His servant and He is using me in every way He can.
Personally, separation seemed terrifying, humiliating, and dangerous to me. I thought that if that happened, it would be much easier to forget about each other. I thought that the other person would stop caring about me, but I believe that the Lord was faithful in keeping the memory and desire of my earthly husband to return home alive. Now that I look back and remember his behavior back then, I can see that he felt trapped, that he wanted to get out of sin but couldnât find the strength to do so. He felt attracted to me, but still had doubts and fear of returning because everything seemed uncertain and hopeless to him. How could I blame him if I myself was struggling to maintain hope for our marriage. Now I can see with more mercy because HE has removed the resentment from my heart. Now I can see with compassion because I know that I am just as vulnerable to sin and temptation as he is. Indeed as HE said: âYou do not understand now what I am doing,â Jesus answered, âbut you will understand later.â J137 At that moment I did not understand, but now I do understand, I understand that the separation was a means to heal us separately and prevent us from causing each other more harm, that healing was extended because it was the time that HE used to help me focus on other people, not just on my pain, which made me feel like a victim and fill me with self-pity that in the end turned out to be destructive, instead He encouraged me to minister to other wounded women who needed to find the way of truth and life for their marriages and families.
âLet no one seek only his own good, but also the good of othersâ F24
âWe must not seek our own good, but the good of othersâ 1C1024
Their ways are impressively wise, if we all tried to help others before focusing on our own affairs we would find ourselves being helped by others and enjoying an environment of harmony and love.
As one lady shared in this weekâs restoration fellowship, we are all surrounded by people who are hard to love. Thatâs true. We ourselves are in that group even if we donât see ourselves that way. We may be hard to love and understand for others. However, it is with His love, filling us with His love, enjoying HIM that we can love people. In this I also see His wisdom in separating us and setting us apart from people for a timeâusually our desertâso that we can unlearn the ways of the world and focus on HIM who is the Master of Love, and is Love itself. It is by His side and spending time with HIM that His ways of being and acting become ours.