4 thoughts on “RMIOU Curriculum”

  1. Volver a este curso 1 era algo que rehui mucho tiempo, porque se basa en la restauraciĂłn del matrimonio y es algo que ya no es prioridad en mi vida, ni siquiera sĂ© si lo quiero. Pero me sentĂ­ guiada por mi EC a retomar todos los cursos desde cero y aquĂ­ estoy, siendo obediente, me mueve muchas cosas interiormente y me hace cuestionarme y preguntarme muchas otras, lo Ășnico que sĂ© es que todoooo debo llevarlo a mi amado EC y Ă©l me darĂĄ las respuestas en el momento correcto, mudarme ha sido una bendiciĂłn y un deseo concedido por mi EC, estoy aprendiendo cada dĂ­a a vivir sola con mi amado y depender sĂłlo de Ă©l, es tan lindo poder disfrutar cada momento libre con mi EC đŸ’žâ€ïž me encanta esta nueva etapa de mi vida y quiero disfrutarla todo lo que pueda đŸ™đŸ»đŸ„°

    Returning to this course 1 was something I shied away from for a long time, because it is based on the restoration of marriage and it is something that is no longer a priority in my life, I don’t even know if I want it. But I felt guided by my EC to take all the courses from scratch and here I am, being obedient, it moves many things inside me and makes me question and wonder many others, the only thing I know is that I must take everything to my beloved EC and he will give me the answers at the right time, moving has been a blessing and a wish granted by my EC, I am learning every day to live alone with my loved one and depend only on him, it is so nice to be able to enjoy every free moment with my EC 💞 ❀ I love this new stage of my life and I want to enjoy it as much as I can đŸ™đŸ»đŸ„°

  2. Hace 6 meses en mi desesperaciĂłn encontrĂ© la pagina y vi que hablaban del libro como Dios puede y va a restaurar tu matrimonio me sentĂ­a desesperada y leĂ­ el libro en tres dĂ­as, vi que muchas cosas que ahĂ­ se decĂ­an eran ciertas en mi vida, alguien se contactĂł conmigo y me explico cĂłmo usar la pĂĄgina sin embargo no lo hice, en dĂ­as pasado me entrĂł una melancolĂ­a y empecĂ© a explorar la pĂĄg me interese por hacer los cursos ya llevo 7 dĂ­as trabajando en ellos y cada dĂ­a me intereso mĂĄs, a veces me invade el enojo o la tristeza con mi Et sin embargo conforme leo o veo lo que Dios me dice a travĂ©s de este curso me estoy sintiendo mĂĄs tranquila, me estoy empezando a interesar en saber mĂĄs del señor y tratar de hacer su voluntad aunque a veces no quiero ya restaurar mi matrimonio porque pienso que no voy a poder vivir asĂ­, pero cuando escucho testimonios y leo lo que Dios quiere, me lleno de gozo May quiero hacer su voluntad.🙂

    6 months ago in my desperation I found the page and saw that they talked about the book how God can and will restore your marriage. I felt desperate and I read the book in three days, I saw that many things that were said there were true in my life, someone He contacted me and explained how to use the page, however I did not do it. In the past few days I felt melancholy and I began to explore the page. I was interested in taking the courses. I have been working on them for 7 days and every day I get more interested. Sometimes anger or sadness invades me with my Et, however as I read or see what God tells me through this course I am feeling calmer, I am beginning to be interested in knowing more about the Lord and trying to do his will even though Sometimes I no longer want to restore my marriage because I think I won’t be able to live like this, but when I hear testimonies and read what God wants, I am filled with joy. May I want to do his will.🙂

    1. Hola querida Elise, he visto que recien comenzaste tu viaje, estĂĄs completando fielmente tus diarios del curso 1 y ya tienes tu NN por lo que me gustaria animarte a compartir este hermoso y alentador comentario en la seccion de comentarios de nuestro Curso 1 https://esperanzaalfin.com/cursos/c1/ para ministrar tambiĂ©n a las damas nuevas que estan llegando dĂ­a a dĂ­a a nuestro ministerio en español! Gracias ❀

      Hello dear Elise, I have seen that you have just started your journey, you are faithfully completing your course 1 journals and you already have your BNN so I would like to encourage you to share this beautiful and encouraging comment in the comments section of our Course 1 https:/ /esperanzaalfin.com/cursos/c1/ to also minister to the new ladies who are arriving day by day to our ministry in Spanish! Thank you ❀

  3. Olå bom dia, estou na caminhada da restauração, preciso de força, DEUS aumente minha fé!!

    Hello good morning, I am on the path of restoration, I need strength, GOD increase my faith!!

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