4 thoughts on “RJN “My Custody Loss” Chapter 8”

  1. I really enjoyed reading this Adina, there were so many biblical principles that you used during this period that helped you which was so interesting to read! For me having worked with you during this time you were always happy and a pleasure to work with. Every time l saw you in fellowship you were happy and sharing praise. Now l can hardly imagine reading this what you were going thru but l suppose when we saturate ourselves in His word and in Him we live Abundantly thru even the dark valleys and the challenges!!

    1. It’s all Him Atarah, without Him I would have fallen apart and not be able to go through any trail đŸ™ŒđŸ»đŸ’—

  2. Thank you Adina for sharing your whole process, I see all the wonderful ways in which our Beloved covered you with his love to go through each trial and stage. You are right in saying that without Him you would not have made it, because only saturating ourselves with His Word allows us to maintain an inexplicable peace. I see His faithfulness in seeing how He has covered you as you have applied each Biblical principle and it is my prayer that your journey will be an encouragement to each woman going through this type of process or any type of trial.

    1. Thank you Perla, if my journey, and how He helped me through it, can help only one other women who must go through something like this, my journey will be worth it for His glory…because it was only Him!

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