Our Darling Lord’s Unfailing Love For Us

"I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself." J31:3

The moment I heard the song precious Erin had shared with me after giving me guidance with UiteindelikHoop.com, I knew I could not keep it for myself.

But first allow me to confess: I would always just play gospel songs, I guess that was because that is what I was use to, so I never listened to a love song imagining my Darling Heavenly Husband singing it to me. But my Darling Husband has a way of pampering me just at the right time (isn't He just the Best!) and the moment I listened to the song, with tears rolling down my cheeks I knew I wanted other brides to hear this song and experience our Darling Lord's everlasting love like I did while listening to the song.

Erin said that normally she won’t listen to live “in concert” versions because the applause is a distraction but twice her Husband said, “Just listen.” Then she understood. Why aren’t there stadiums filled with women singing this to their Husband, their Maker, our Precious?

I want to encourage you to please go to a quiet place, alone with your Darling Husband and imagine Him singing this to you:

*Please make sure to come back and share your testimony of this beautiful song that our Darling Lord is singing to you and what it has meant to you.

10 thoughts on “Our Darling Lord’s Unfailing Love For Us”

  1. Gracias Janine por compartir esta hermosa cancion, me encanto la letra , y asi es como El nos ama. Nadie nos puede dar ese amor, y quiero como dice , estar abrazada a mi Jesus por años, sentir Su amor por que nadie , me puede amar como El. A traves del fuego, de cada prueba , solo El enjuaga nuestras lagrimas.
    Nuestro Esposo es Todo lo que necesitamos
    Thank you Janine for sharing this beautiful song, I loved the lyrics, and this is how He loves us. No one can give us that love, and I want, as they say, to be hugged by my Jesus for years, to feel His love because no one can love me like Him. Through the fire, through every trial, only He wipes away our tears.
    Our Husband is All we need

    1. Yes precious Liza, His love is all we need and when we have Him, we have everything.
      This type of love I wish for every lady, because when we experience that love our Darling Lord has for us, we won’t go and look for it in all the wrong places, ending up more broken.

    1. Yes it is very beautiful precious Hope, this is my favourite song now, I can listen over and over how my Darling is singing these words to me.

  2. Gracias Janine que hermosa canción, cuando sientes y entiendes cada palabra hecha realidad en nuestra vida nuestro corazón late por Él, esa sensación es hermosa ya la he experimentado sentir como nos dice tantas palabras bonitas.
    Thank you Janine, what a beautiful song, when you feel and understand each word made true in our life, our heart beats for Him, that feeling is beautiful, I have already experienced it, feeling how He tells us so many beautiful words.

    1. It is a very beautiful song precious Esperanza, I can listen it over and over.

  3. Thank you Janine, it is a beautiful song, I also have Love Songs that He gave me, some English and some Afrikaans, but one of my favourites that I shared here previously is a song that describes how I feel like I am finally home. Since I found my Beloved Husband the searching that I always had inside of me, stopped, and no matter where I am, with Him I feel like I am home. https://loveatlast.org/feels-like-home/

  4. Ahhhh janine… J’ai écouté la chanson toute la journée quand tu la posté sur télégramme et je l’écoute encore. Mon EH etait venu voir les enfants et moi je pensais a Mon HH alors que la chanson jouait…. C’est magnifique
    Ahhhh janine… I listened to the song all day when you posted it on telegram and I’m still listening to it. My EH had come to see the children and I was thinking of My HH while the song was playing…. It’s magnificent

    1. I too enjoy this love song from our Darling Husband so much, every time I listen to it, tears just roll down my cheeks. It is really very beautiful precious Kateleen.

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