Only with Him we can do everything!

"She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness." P31:27

This week my Beloved is leading me to share about something that I need to confess that I suffered during the time I joined RMI, and it was some time ago that I managed to free myself from this fear, because I kept imagining "I'm not like these women... I will never be able to be anything other than a woman fool who destroyed her house.” But He, (always Him) didn't let me give up, and I continued searching, listening, I continued forward, and my Love gave me the strength to reach this place of rest.

I never wanted to be perfect, but I believed I could improve (in all areas), I think there are still a lot of things I can improve...🥰 It's good to have read and re-read all this truth... knowing that He loves me as I am , and I will be transformed as we walk together.

Reread this chapter “That Too Perfect Proverbs 31 Woman!” and being reminded so lovingly that He loves me, just the way I am, gives me strength. Because the truth is, that's why I, and many of you, arrived here. We wanted to be loved, desired, pampered, and reminded that there is Someone longing for us.

And what I want is to be able to apply all these wonderful principles with the women in my family, sisters, friends, newly married women and single women too. I want to be able to be an older woman in someone's life. I feel privileged with so much teaching that came from our Beloved through RMI to bless us.

Dear ones, each of us is of inestimable value to Him! May we hand over to Him the burden that is often making our journey difficult, in all the areas in which we feel small, so that He can come and fill us with His greatness and wisdom.

In this book we learn that even in the simplest tasks we can seek God to help us.

Only with Him can we do everything.

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If anyone abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." J155

10 thoughts on “Only with Him we can do everything!”

  1. I love this chapter Martha!!! Theres so much truth and comfort in reading “That Too Perfect Proverbs 31 woman”!! We dont have to be perfect we just need Him ♥️ even in the smallest tasks, especially when we are desperate we must go to Him with every burden. Thank you for reminding me that l should not struggle because He is there and l dont have to be perfect because HE perfects everything that concerns me 😄

    “LORD will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O LORD, endures forever; Do not forsake the works of Your hands.” Ps138:8

    1. It’s true, dear Atarah, we know that without His help we can’t do it, but we also know that we can do EVERYTHING through Him who strengthens us. May we live each day with the maximum potential that God has for us.

  2. Praise Him that He brought us to enjoy being a woman, the way He designed us to be ❤️
    This book has so much wisdom and made me realize what I was missing by just enjoying my chores and my motherhood. Each day the light of His word rises in our lives and we produce eternal fruits.
    Abiding really changes our lives

    1. Dear Isabella, it is incredible how He transforms our minds and hearts to live on earth aligned with His word and Will for us women.
      Thank you for being here my dear.

  3. I also love this chapter and like Isabella said, I am so grateful that I also realized that I was missing by just enjoying my chores and my motherhood.
    Couple days ago, I cooked a carrot cake, seeing my children smiles and feeling the smell of it, these were simple things that melted my heart and I thank Him because He was the one inspiring me in this silly but so warmful thing❣️

    1. Thank you for sharing your testimony dear Paula. I love when Brincy says that my cake is better than the one from the bakery,🥰 because it shows me once again that the work is His, because only He could enable me to do this!!! Praises to our Heavenly Husband for so much that He has taught us.🙌

  4. Thank you for sharing precious Marta, I would always say nobody understands me and I felt it for so long, until I joined RMI and the Lord became my Heavenly Husband, now He totally understands me and that is so life changing to feel I am understood.

    1. Ah dear Janine, what an incredible husband we have, right?
      And my desire is to remain in that place, next to Him, I don’t want to go back to what I once was, but I want to be more and more with Him every day, being Guided by His Love.💕

  5. Dear Marta, thank you for sharing your heart, I can relate to so much of what you shared, but isn’t it so comforting that He loves us more than we can ever understand or imagine with our shortcomings and all? He reminded me of the lesson Once we meet our Heavenly Husband, we can lay all our burdens down and just ask Him to help and guide us in our homes and with our children, relying on Him made such a huge difference in me and how I feel as a mother and housewife, because now I can take His yoke which is light and easy on me.

    1. Yes dear Adina, as it says in Matthew 11:28 … “My burden is light”.
      When we learn from Him and experience peace with Him, He makes everything easy for us.
      Since I returned to stay in our home, without working outside the home, I wanted to do that super cleaning, but He has shown me what to do each day and with this I have been able to organize the house without getting tired.😍
      He is wonderful!❤️

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