"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." J29:11


I write this PR to thank my Beloved Lord for His faithfulness in my life.

Through this testimony I want to publicly thank my Beloved Lord for listening to my prayers and answering according to his will.

I want to thank Him because one day I was very desperate and I didn't know what to do, and the enemy made me believe that everything was lost or that everything was very difficult, but for our God NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, and in my desperation I took a day of fasting and prayer and I left everyone and I was alone with my Beloved and I prayed, I prayed and cried out, and I thanked him and spoke with him and my loved ones, only he helped me.

Today I look back not to regret but to write this testimony of gratitude to my Beloved and to thank Him, for everything.

I want to thank Him for my children, before so much rebellion but thanks to Him today I can see them and I praise my Beloved Lord.
They are looking for my Beloved, He has provided each of them with good jobs and directs and cares for them every day like a loving Father.

I want to thank Him because yesterday was a test today is a testimony of His faithfulness and that everything works for good, to those who are called according to its purpose đŸ™ŒđŸ™Œâ€ïž

His love never fails me.
I know I still have a way to go but with him EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!!!




Escribo este TA para agradecer a mi amado su fidelidad en mi vida.

Quiero por medio de este testimonio 🙌 pĂșblicamente agradecer a mi amado por escuchar mis oraciones y contestar conforme su voluntad.
Gracias porque un día estuve muy desesperada y no sabía que hacer, y el enemigo me hizo creer que todo estaba perdido o que todo era muy díficil, pero para nuestro Dios NADA ES IMPOSIBLE, y en mi desesperación tome un día de ayuno y oración y me aparte de todos y me quedé a solas con mi amado y oré, oré y clame, y le di gracias y hablé con él y mis amadas solo él me ayudó.

Hoy veo atrĂĄs no para lamentarme sino para escribir este testimonio de agradecimiento a mi amado y decirle gracias amado mĂ­o por todo.

Gracias por mis hijos, antes tanta rebeldĂ­a pero gracias a Ă©l hoy puedo verlos y alabo a mi Dios.
EstĂĄn buscando de mi amado, Ă©l le ha provisto a cada uno de buenos empleos y dirige y cuida cada dĂ­a de ellos como un padre amoroso.

Gracias porque lo que ayer fue una prueba hoy es un testimonio de su fidelidad y de quĂ© todo obra para bien, a los que conforme a su propĂłsito son llamados đŸ™ŒđŸ™Œâ€ïž

Tu amor nunca me falla.
Se que aĂșn me queda camino por andar pero con Ă©l TODO ES POSIBLE!!!


2 thoughts on “ONLY FOR HIS GRACE💙”

  1. Thank you for sharing this praise report precious Nelly. I love the fact that nothing is impossible with our Darling Lord and yes isn’t it wonderful that His love never ever fails, I am so grateful for that fact and that He is so Trustworthy, so we can trust Him and say Your Will be done.

  2. Thank you Nelly, some days I also feel down, but through praising my Beloved Lord, He always lifts me out of feeling like that. What also helps is to encourage others when I feel a bit down, that immediately lifts that feeling.

    He lifted me out of the slimy pit,
    out of the mud and mire;
    he set my feet on a rock
    and gave me a firm place to stand.

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