Never In A Million Years…

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." E3:20

After reading Chapter 9-What's The Point  of Living The Abundant Life I would have never in a million years thought that I would say that it was all worth it to go through so much hurt and that it would be ok after it again didn't work out and that after a restored marriage.

The first time my earthly husband left me for this beautiful blonde with the most beautiful eyes, I thought I was the biggest loser ever. Believe me, not only did I feel ugly, I also felt like a loser. And when I eventually got my restored marriage, I thought I was going to feel like a winner, (I probably did for a brief moment when he put a ring on my wedding finger again), but when things started to return to normal, I still had that empty feeling and no I didn't feel like a winner. When things again didn't work out (and this time I couldn't blame a beautiful blonde for feeling like a loser), I felt what was the point of everything. I felt like I just existed with no purpose.

But our wonderful precious Lord did not just leave me like that and He led me to RMI to become His bride. Wow after all these years I now understand the point of it all! We as women were made to be our precious Lord's bride, He must be the reason for our existence. And yes my Darling gave me more than I could have ever asked for (I became the LMF for the Afrikaans: - and He gave me a passion to help broken women find their purpose and healing in Him).

So what's the point? The point is, as long as we have Him, we are winners! Yes I lost the life I "dreamed" of, but I gained so much more with my Darling Heavenly Husband. So precious woman I want to encourage you to seek your reason for your existence in our precious Lord.

10 thoughts on “Never In A Million Years…”

  1. I love this: So what’s the point? The point is, as long as we have Him, we are winners!
    Thank you for sharing this Janine. 🌺

  2. gracias por este testimonio, el punto es solo nuestro amado, sólo él es que nos puede llenar todo nuestros espacios.

    Thank you for this testimony, the point is only our beloved, only he can fill all our spaces.

    1. Yes precious Nelly, our Darling Lord is really the Only One that can really fulfil us.

  3. Janine this is so gooooooooooooood and beautiful!! In our shattered season, we most of the time do not understand why all those trials come our way, we feel destroyed, useless, filled with shame, listening to the enemy whispering lies to our minds! But when we surrender control, confess, and abide in our Beloved, we finally gain a sense of purpose and the will to serve as bridge builders! Our lives are stairs to help other women to climb to heaven!

    1. Yes precious Isabella it’s when we surrender control that we finally gain a sense of purpose in Him. It is so beautiful when you said our lives are stairs, it let me think of this verse:
      “You yourselves are our letter of recommendation, written on our hearts, to be known and read by all.: 2C3:2

  4. Wow Janine thank you for sharing so openly, i believe for so many of us when our eh leaves us we immediately start looking at our physical selves and see our flaws… We compare ourselves to the ow. We dont realise that its all spiritual and stems from our relationship with the Lord and how His calling us to be his bride, we dont know that in the future HE has something amazing lined up for us like He did for you.

    What you shared is similar to my MM lesson im reading at the moment

    1. Thank you for sharing this lesson precious Atarah. Yes precious Atarah and we get so stuck in the pain that we really don’t know that He has something really amazing lined up for us, for me it was keeping all my focus on the pain where I must have put all my focus on our Darling Lord.

  5. Thank you for sharing Janine this has just added the light i needed today We are Winner in HIm, He is all we need. I think every situation He allows us to go through make us learn how much love He has for US and that we can give love and still be strong in Him, because Whats the point of all this? Is to LIVE with HIM as his BRIDES, HIS WINNERS!!!! 💖💖💖💖

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