NarrowRoad Book Club – Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 3

"For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." J226

We are already at chapter 3. Can you believe it?

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Chapter 3 The Love of My Life

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Reading this chapter you can see how this could be the beginning of a wonderful love story between you and your Maker, Your Husband. The One that loves you more than anyone ever will.

I have been ill these past few days. It has been something that caught me off guard. I had not been this ill in many years and I was ill in bed too weak to do much of anything. All I could do was sleep and talk to Him. And it reminded me of when I first met Him as my Heavenly Husband. When He lifted the shadows from my life and freed me from the darkness that was surrounding me.

Although I did not want to be ill, I embraced it, because He was there with me, holding me in His arms and just being there beside me. It was just me and Him and it was great to just be able to think of Him and Him alone.

It made me realize how easily I sometimes let the world and its worries slip in. At that moment with Him, feeling as sick as I did, I realized that nothing matters if He is not beside me every second of the day.

Let us all have Him as the Love of our Life because anything else is just a bad imitation and will never compare or make us happy. When I picture us together in Heaven, what I see is walking on a river bank with Him and sometimes talking but mostly just enjoying His presence and listening to the sounds around us of birds and water and the wind rustling the leaves on the trees. When it is winter, we sit in front of a fire in a tower listening to the crackle of the fire. That is what I dream of, and you?

If you want to join the Whatsapp group where I will communicate our Fellowships, please let me know in the comment section and I will send you an email with the link. The group will be closed for talking as we want to only talk to Him and then we can fellowship together on Zoom once a week where we can talk about how wonderful it is to be His bride.

4 thoughts on “NarrowRoad Book Club – Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 3”

  1. Querida Ivonne : Me gusto esta frase:” una relaciĂłn con el Señor que lo cambiarĂĄ desde adentro y nada lo sacudirĂĄ.” El amor de Nuestro Esposo nos cambia desde adentro, y somos transformadas porque El nos ha amado tanto, que se ha convertido en mi anhelo. Y nada nos sacudira, ni nos puede alejar de Su lado, porque El nos da la paz. Es un amor que nos acompaña cada dia , y que como dice la leccion, nos hace dar, sin esperar nada, solo porque ahora le pertenecemos y nuestro deseo es seguir su camino.
    Y asi, tambien quiero llegar a Su lado, y ver el.amanecer de cada dia junto a El.

    Dear Ivonne: I like this phrase: “a relationship with the Lord that will change from within and nothing will shake it.” Our Husband’s love changed us from within, and we are transformed because He loved us so much, that He became my angel. And nothing will shake us, he can’t hurt us from His side, because He gives us peace. It’s a love that accompanies us every day, and that like the lecture, makes us give, without expecting anything, just because now we belong and our desire is to follow his path.
    And then, I also want to get to the South side, and see the dawn of each day next to El.

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