NarrowRoad Book Club – Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 1

“...if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, But as for you, you must not turn to them” (Jer. 15:19).

We are starting our first chapter of Finding the Abundant Life and it was just what I needed. Please read it, or listen to it, and then come back here and I will share what He whispered to me while I was reading this chapter.

Chapter 1 What is the Abundant Life
☊ Listen

First of all, it was the verse that caught my eye:

“Therefore, thus says the LORD, ‘If you return, then I will restore you—Before Me you will stand; And if you extract the precious from the worthless, You will become My spokesman. They for their part may turn to you, But as for you, you must not turn to them” (Jer. 15:19).

This was just what I needed, I needed to be reminded, and it is a shame that I needed to be reminded that He is the "Precious" that needs to be extracted from the worthless. It can never be anything else in my life. When I choose anything above Him, or I live with unrepented sin, I am choosing to place something or someone else above Him and that means I am choosing the worthless instead of the precious.

My Husband showed me that I am in such a fortunate position, my ex remarried so I don't have to worry about pleasing anyone except for Him and therefor I want to just sit with Him day in and day out and talk to Him and hear what He wants to tell me.

I want to take this week and just say: "He is all I wantHe is all I need and with Him, I have everything."

Say this with me today and this week and let me know in the comments how He is changing you when He is becoming all you need.

If you want to join the Whatsapp group where I will communicate our Fellowships, please let me know in the comment section and I will send you an email with the link. The group will be closed for talking as we want to only talk to Him and then we can fellowship together on Zoom once a week where we can talk about how wonderful it is to be His bride.

12 thoughts on “NarrowRoad Book Club – Finding the Abundant Life Chapter 1”

  1. Dear Yvonne, thank you for sharing with us. Tears come down from my eyes at that moment, because I also find myself in this position of a privileged Bride, having only my Beloved to please… Wow, that is so liberating to be able to say about this…
    I remembered here that there is a song that marked my journey, because it was exactly when I discovered Him as my Husband, my Everything, and this song came to seal our relationship, and I can say that this new time in which He brought me, to have this new life, a life in abundance, was truly “the Love I needed”, because this Love is sincere. Before maybe I looked and in my eyes it seemed something unattainable to me, but not anymore. “Now I know the paths that lead me to His arms, now silence is a caress that brings me happiness”
    So now I can say that I have achieved rest for my soul and indescribable joy.
    Much love to all of you!🌷💕

    1. Thank you so much, Marta, yes you are right, indescribable joy! Please ask your Husband if He wants you to start something similar in your own language so we can learn from each other.

  2. Gracias Ivonne.
    Es gracias a este Viaje, que lo.encontre a El. Sentir que el Señor esta aqui a mi lado cada dia, que todo lo que antes era importante, ahora no importa porque solo quiero estar a Su lado..Y esas palabras El es todo lo que necesito, se va adueñando de mi.corazon, y es hermoso sentir que Todo lo que hago, mi tiempo quiero pasarlo con El.
    Vivir la vida abundante, es lo que anhelo, sentie ese amor, la.paz y el gozo de conocer al Señor mas cada dia, porque El esta esperando por nosotras para amarnos, y dejar lo vil del mundo para ser Su portavoz es un regalo que El nos quiere dar.
    Gracias Señor por este camino.a.Tu lado.

    Thanks Ivonne.
    It’s thanks to this trip, that you find El. Feeling that the Lord is here by my side every day, that everything that was important before, now it doesn’t matter because I just want to be by my side..Y these words He is Everything I need is coming from my heart, and it’s beautiful to feel that everything I have, I have time to spend it with Him.

    Living the abundant life, is what I long for, feel that love, peace and the joy of knowing the Lord but every day, because He is waiting for us to love us, and leaving the world to be His spokesperson is a gift that He wants to give us.
    Gracias Señor for this path.

    1. So true dear Liza, knowing His by our side every day is so comforting. We know that with Him, we can face anything.

  3. Thank you Yvonne, yes we have to extract everything that is above Him, our idols and our sins. We are indeed His privileged brides because we can just be with Him and talk to Him. We can be safe in His arms, knowing that He will never leave us or forsake us and loves to listen to us! In my own life I have seen how my priorities changed and things that mattered before, does not matter anymore because “He is all I want, He is all I need and with Him, I have everything.”

    1. Safe in His arms, that is exactly what we are. It was wonderful to have you in the fellowship and doing this with you. I am not sure if we have done FAL together before.

  4. The abundant life is a gift that our Savior died to give us. We are called to a life of incredible joy.

    When it talks about restored marriages and still having struggles and heartache. That is what originally caught my attention, because it was my situation. For those whose marriages are restored but still face struggles, pain, and heartache, the call is to move beyond the “this side of the Jordan” mentality – a life that appears abundant but lacks fulfillment.

    I still find myself saying “You are all I want, You are all I need”.

    If you are a wife forsaken and grieved in spirit, your Heavenly Husband is calling you to become His bride. Leave behind your worries, pain, questions, and burdensome relationships to pursue Him alone.

    1. Hope, a while ago I had a few podcasts with Restored Brides and I must say that as I listened to some of the testimonies, some times I would hear: “It is of course not perfect” and as I was talking to Him about that, I mean we don’t expect anyone to be perfect because we are in a world we are in, but thinking of Him as our Husband, that is for sure perfect!

  5. Thank you for the encouragement Yvonne.
    I like the part that says :They for their part may turn to you, But as for you, you must not turn to them” (Jer. 15:19).
    it helps me to Stay put in my place and do not pursue them. Because it is hard to separate when we go for them for help or something else.

    please send me the link to Zoom too. Hope that I can still make it.

    1. Thank you Naomi, yes I saw that part and I had to sit with Him for a while to talk to Him about that. That was really so relevant in my life recently.
      I have send the whatsapp link.

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