My Darling Lord Gave Me Another Wow Moment

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1T5:16-18

About 2 years ago I sprained my ankle so badly that my ligaments tore all around. Because I was on vacation I didn't go to the doctor right away and when I finally got to the doctor he made me wear a moon boot and I had to walk with crutches.

My foot continued to ache and it continued to feel like there was a nerve pinching, which was incredibly painful. Well while I was reading the second book of "Prison to Praise" (of the recommended reading) and reading about how we should really be thankful in all circumstances even bad, my foot hurt incredibly and it felt like a nerve was pinching again. I then immediately started praising my Darling Lord and thanking Him for the pain in my foot and that I trust Him and know that He allows this for a greater purpose and that I know He loves me incredibly. Immediately the pain disappeared. Wow my Darling Lord has left me with a WOW again and healed my foot! Isn't He just the Best!!!

Please read this short passage I quoted from the book: "To praise God is to excpress our acceptance of something that God is permitting to happen. So to praise God for difficult situations, as sickness or disaster, means literally that we accept its happening, as part of God's plan to reveal His perfect love for us."

Precious bride I want to encourage you to praise our precious Lord and be thankful in all circumstances. And no, praise and gratitude is not about getting what we want, but about truly trusting our precious Lord that He will work everything together for good.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." R8:28

4 thoughts on “My Darling Lord Gave Me Another Wow Moment”

  1. Uau. Isso realmente é maravilhoso.
    Eu li esse livro, e foi como se as escamas que estavam nos meus olhos caíssem, porque realmente entendo, que em todas as situações eu devo ser alegre e Louva Lo por tudo, não Louva Lo pela situação em si, mas Louva Lo por ter permitido que chegasse até mim, se chegou até mim, é porque tem um propósito maior.

    Assim como diz a Sua palavra , Tudo coopera para o nosso bem ❤️
    Wow. This really is wonderful.
    I read this book, and it was as if the scales that were in my eyes fell, because I really understand, that in every situation I must be joyful and Praise Him for everything, not Praise Him for the situation itself, but Praise Him for having allowed to reach me, if it reached me, it is because it has a greater purpose.

    Just as His word says, everything works together for our good ❤️

    1. I know precious Lessyane, for me it was also as if the scales fell of my eyes. And I was just thinking this week, if we fully believe He will work it out for our good, we can then say thank you because we trust our Darling Lord.

  2. Gracias Janine , por este testimonio..
    Alabar a Dios siempre, nos devuelve la.paz y podemos sentir que atravezamos las dificultades con El a nuestro lado.
    Y es la manera en que obra en nosotras, siempre llevando alabanza y gratitud.
    Thank you Janine, for this testimony..
    Praising God always gives us peace and we can feel that we go through difficulties with Him by our side.
    And it is the way it works in us, always bringing praise and gratitude.

    1. Praising our Darling Lord really does give us a peace that surpasses all understanding precious Liza and being grateful just changes everything because walking with a heart full of gratitude allows us to look at everything differently and knowing our Darling Lord will work everything our for our good.

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