Chapter 17
Living Lesson 90

“Trust Training”

“Do you not know that those who
Run in a race all run, but
Only one receives the prize?
Run in such a way that you may win.”
—1 Corinthians 9:24

In our last chapter, we realized that one of the most dynamic superpowers is not found in comic books or movies. Superpowers are His to discover, foster, and even embrace, and one of the most powerful is to practice and embrace is waiting. I also concluded with, Will you wait? He reminded me of this because it appears His plan is to make you wait a bit longer to read the testimony I promised. As I said, this isn't my plan, but His. I'm still waiting for Him to have me start writing it. In the meantime, He's got something really amazing for you to discover.

In this chapter, I'm excited to share something we all need to be aware of. Something that I trust is happening in your life right now and has been going on, but you were not aware of it. Let me explain. The only way to be able to trust GOD with the big things is to practice trusting Him in the small things. Most of you arrived here struggling to trust Him with an important relationship—the relationship that probably meant the most to you and how you found RMI. But to fully trust, you need to practice trusting Him to the point that it literally spills over into every area of your life, and, for some of you, it is what you'll need to take you through the rest of your restoration journey.

Staying Limber

What do I mean about trusting Him with small things? The incidentals, the day-to-day mundane decisions.

Decades ago, I turned over those decisions to my Husband, my Maker. Yet, if I’m not mistaken (and I’m sure my Darling will correct me if I’m hearing Him wrong), I turned over my everyday, run-of-the-mill decisions to whatever my Best Friend urged me to do when I was very small. (See our children’s Wise Woman and Wise Man not just to teach the children in your life but, amazingly— to heal the wounded child who’s still struggling as an adult).

This type of Trust Training, I realized, has been going on since I was about 7 years old, close to seven decades. So you’d think I'd be good at it to the point I no longer need training. Well, He said to think of it as physical training. Only a couple of years after meeting my Best Friend, the transformation He made in my life (when I gave my heart to Him) meant that I became an extremely obedient child. The obedience began at home with my parents, my older siblings (when they were in charge), teachers, and also swim coaches because He'd trust train me every day to find my way home on the public bus. 

A couple of years after meeting Him, He urged me to remain obedient to my mother, who wanted me to take swim lessons, which within minutes turned into joining a water ballet class with teenage girls (I was nine), and it was the last thing I wanted to do. Only a few weeks later, I was horrified when the Olympic Synchronized Chairman recruited me to join her team in Hollywood. Yet, I never voiced my opinion. He was training me to trust Him even more.

Each of these tests of obedience happened continually for nine more years. Nine years of intense training required me to compete nationally and in world games. Leaving home for nationals (plus hating to fly and I just never felt comfortable being away from home). From the beginning, it was clear that I was unlike my teammates, who loved and begged their parents to be on the team. They also loved to fly and travel. So, each practice God used to strengthen my obedience to the authority in my life. And never, not once, did I complain or do it begrudgingly with a bad attitude, murmuring or complaining. I told no one how I felt. My best friend knew how I felt, but we had never talked about it.

Obeying by being forced or doing it with anything less than a good-natured attitude forfeits any reward (in my opinion and what I taught my own children). Let me also be clear: this was possible only because I was hanging around with my Best Friend, and His influence in my everyday life made that happen. 

Trust Training occurred every weekday. I needed to safely get back home from Hollywood, which began, as I said, when I was seven. Then, when I was nine, I was also responsible for my younger sister. Twice a week, the days for my Synchro practice meant eating dinner in Hollywood and then waiting for hours for practice to start when my mom would be there to watch.

In the 1960s, Hollywood was probably one of the most dangerous places two young girls could be alone. Yet, thankfully, I'd met my Best Friend, who would help, guide, and keep me safe. This training prepared me many years later to trust Him to travel around the world, often not really knowing where I was going and, sometimes, why I was even going there. But one thing that's true...

Our spiritual muscles must be kept fit and used regularly and often rigorously, or they will atrophy and become ineffective when need them the most.

Just recently, my trust training began to ramp up. Why? I've no idea. Asking Him, I remembered from my nine years of synchro training that we would amp up before our bigger competitions when we competed nationally or internationally. So it could be there’s something very important up ahead. Who knows? God knows.

Much like the daily four-hour practices, the Saturday six-hour practices, or the extremely difficult backyard practices at dawn before school— I would just “get on with it” and learned never to question or resist.

This truth is that the negative energy of resisting zaps the positive energy that you need to do what you need to do well enough to succeed and win. “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.” 1 Corinthians 9:24

Let me give you an example of when I realized I was back to more rigorous trust training. Yesterday, HLM “He led me” to get ready to do some local grocery shopping. Back only a few months ago, like many, I got my groceries delivered to my door. Even then, I had to trust Him for the delivery person to find me (it’s a needle in a haystack to find a suite in a resort, which is where I lived for 2+ years) and for the shopper to find the items I’d requested (since most shoppers didn’t speak English). After about four years of shopping online, I was excited to be able to go into a grocery store myself and do my own shopping! What made it even more exhilarating to me was that I could get there without a car, using an electric scooter my Husband purchased for me about eighteen months ago (which He asked me to give away, but then it was given back to me).

Yet, each time I go, it’s challenging. The thoughts fired off in my head (warning me to be extremely careful since, shockingly, there have been far too many fatal casualties of pedestrians and scooters in our very small community). In addition, I’ve got to be mindful and watch for alligators who can easily outrun me if I'm their goal. (“Oh, Darling, you are too funny.” Dear readers, I just spotted my 7-foot alligator out of the corner of my eye, haha, parading down the lake.)

The least dangerous but the most humbling is running out of battery since I’m honestly not physically capable of walking any distance, and it’s not like you can call a towing service for a scooter like you can for a car. The last thing I want to do is repeat what happened on my birthday. Quite suddenly, the battery went from low to stop, and the battering died.  And though I am thankful to have a son who would be more than happy to come to rescue me— I do have a Husband, and He’s who I was actually having a conversation with when my battery died just outside my apartment building, and I began to laugh.

If I were able-bodied, it would be nothing to put it in neutral and push it. For me, who is blessed to be physically challenged, to put it mildly, it’s an impossibility. Nevertheless, He did urge me to trust Him, and somehow, we did make it back home while laughing all the way. Yet, even though each time I thought of it, I laughed, it still gave off the vibe of something I never, ever wanted to repeat. And if you're wondering why I don't just make sure it's fully charged. Like everything, I ask Him about charging my scooters. If you've read my workers@home, then you'd know this mother of seven would have had a routine for keeping things charged.


So now we’re back to what happened yesterday. I was dressed and ready to go out the door when I turned my scooter on, and it showed only 2 green dots. Soon, it would drop to 3 orange dots and a single red dot, then die. As I said, I experienced how quickly the battery dropped to stop on my birthday, so I sat by the door to make sure I knew what He wanted me to do. I kept sensing to do the reckless thing and go—but I knew for sure I would not make it to my destination. So would I go or would I not?

There was no question that I would go once I knew (which took less than a minute, so I wouldn't fall victim to too much reason or lean to my own understanding). I quickly changed my foreboding and fears (as I said, there are live alligators, and being stuck in a crosswalk if my battery died could also be fatal) to being excited to see how my Husband would rescue me. I became quite curious to know what was about to happen.

What I didn’t expect was when my Husband pointed out and almost took control of turning off the lake trail to a lovely waterside pavilion that I never realized had plugs for me to charge my scooter! So HLM to sit on an outdoor couch, then another when the sun began beating down on me (the temps were reaching 98 degrees, 37 Celsius).  We had such a lovely time when suddenly He told me to unplug it (it was far from being fully charged, which takes hours), and yet, with just one more green dot, He told me to keep my eyes on Him and not focus on how much of the battery charge was remaining.

Yes, I did make it there, but the training continued. After shopping, my trust training continued. I got to trust Him with my melting ice cream and went to the mezzanine balcony to charge my scooter after I purchased my groceries (where we’d charged it before when I couldn’t return home from a nearby nail appointment). Once again, without enough green dots to make it home, He suddenly said it was time to go, and I made it back safely. But even more. I made it back home—enormously grateful, invigorated, and spiritually stronger—trusting Him more than before. Oh, and when I ate my ice cream later, it hadn't melted at all. How did He do that?

Even though I could finish this living lesson, He reminded me of this morning’s Trust Training He’d like me to share. There were dozens of things I deferred to His decision before HLM to get my swimsuit on to take advantage of the lovely pool and swim some early morning laps. Knowing when our pool guy comes and cleans the pool, I reminded Him Brian would be there, so I’d need to wait or come back until later. The funny thing is, like an older, wiser husband (I witnessed my father and the kind way he’d listen but continue to lead and protect my mother and his children, never repeating himself or explaining. He’d just wait patiently until we did what he’d said); my Husband listened, but I could still feel Him leading me to go.

Not in a million years would I have expected our faithful pool guy not to be there, and he never came. I was able to grab my free cappuccino coffee at the clubhouse and give it time to cool down while I did my laps. Later, I had time to sip it while getting some sun. He told me to lounge backward (feet at the head) on the water shelf lounge, which worked perfectly to sun evenly on both sides of my body. What I haven’t yet mentioned is the baby bird that needed rescuing.

Trust Waiting

“Wait for the Lord, put your hope in Him. Travel steadily along His path.” Psalm 37:34

Right after entering the keyed gate, I saw a baby bird attempting to get out of the pool and off of the gutter shelf. Either it was too young to fly those few inches, or its wings were too wet, but what would shock most Americans who worship the creation rather than the Creator, I waited. I assumed He would have me rescue the bird right away, whose mother was making more than a bit of noise, but I am not foolish enough to know how to do it that would be successful. "Apart from Me you can do nothing."

Since He’d never led me to do anything, I just did what He led me to do. As I said earlier, I swam my laps and then sipped my coffee under a palm tree and caught some rays to strengthen my immune system and prevent skin cancer, besides regulating my sleep pattern. (Oh, and by the way…Yes, He does pamper me like a newlywed, lovesick bride). It was only after I got out and dried off a bit that He showed me and led me to know how He wanted me to rescue the bird. Suddenly, I noticed that the pool net (used to remove leaves) was already off the long pole. So I took the net, scooped up the baby bird, and while paused to know where He wanted me to put it: in the plant bed inside the pool area where it could easily fall back into the pool or to place the baby bird outside the fence where it could become breakfast for any number of wildlife that roams the area— it leaped out—and its mother was right there to loudly warn me she’d take it from there. 

Today’s Trust Training is far from over. He's already shown me several things that need my attention that are a bit more important than whether or not I take an early morning swim. That trust training was just a warm-up, something I’m very familiar with, and I’m sure one of the many reasons my Father had me train in various ways for so many years at a very rigorous level.

Even though I’d like to quickly conclude because I’m tired of this assignment, which started out fun. He’d like me to address all of you who didn’t train to be obedient but were excessively rebellious. Is there hope for you? Are you too far gone? Have you waited too long to learn to trust Him in the little things so you’re ready and prepared for (what just might be) decisions that will affect countless generations who will follow you? The answer is No. 

No, you’re never too old, rebellious, or ignorant to embrace the importance of obeying and practicing trust.

Earlier, when I pondered all this (while we talked at the pool), He reminded me about being a reading tutor as a single mom. I discovered that learning to read may take a couple of months for brand-new six-year-old readers. For a twelve-year-old, it takes only about six weeks to be able to read well. For an adult, it could take just a few lessons to go from a nonreader to someone who reads for enjoyment. I believe my Husband and yours wanted me to share this to encourage you to begin now, begin today, and practice your Trust Training every day. All day, if necessary, to build the spiritual strength to be willing and able to train others.

Read PRAISE 🙌🏼 that Encouraging Women post on our Encourager about having a Heavenly Father #HF.

Post YOUR Praise or Journal

Unleashing the TRUTH

8 thoughts on “wLL 90 “Trust Training””

  1. Thank you for this beautiful lesson in Trust Training and how you do it every day. I have often wondered if my relationship with Him will ever be as close as someone who has known Him almost all their lives. A lot of the ladies that come here have known Him as Lord or Friend for at least some time. For me, it was totally different. I did not even know Him as God, let alone Lord or Friend or as I now know Him, Husband.
    As I was reading this Lesson and seeing how you trust Him with everything, I started wondering if it is too late for me to know Him as absolutely intimately, and then you ended the lesson as if it was meant for me.
    I cannot tell you how many times I have regretted not finding Him earlier in my life, but thanks to this encouragement, I will stop regretting and look forward, knowing that even this was part of His plan.

  2. Wow I just love these Living Lessons – my Darling’s way of pampering me.

    I have been asking my Darling to remind me since when me and Him have been talking and my Darling reminded me when I was about 10 and my grandfather was about to slaughter the sheep, my heart was so sore and I begged my Heavenly Father to save the sheep (my grandfather when to sharpen the knives and I went into the house, to not see how the sheep was going to be killed). That night my dad told my mum that she won’t believe what had happened: when his dad (my grandfather) got to the sheep she had given birth to a baby lamb. And just there I knew a miracle had taken place and my Heavenly Father had answered my prayer and saved her live.

    I was a very obedient child and I wish I could say that I stayed that way. I met my earthly husband and my parents were against the relationship from the start and I have to admit I became very rebellious and no it is not at all his fault, I made the wrong choices. I ran away with him, but I believe that is now part of the healing between me and my parents why my Darling let me move in with my parents (and yes that is also now part of the Trust Training because I am suddenly a “child” with my parents again – but I get to run to my Darling teaching me to be totally obedient, starting with my parents).

  3. Thank you for this lesson. I was a rebellious child and became a rebellious adult. I was like the little boy in the Wise Woman book who eventually sat down, but on the inside, I was standing up! But my Beloved Husband knew I needed to lose my life in order to get trust and obedience training, I still get surprised when I do not get upset about being obedient to something like previously. BUT that is all Him of course! During my journey I had to learn to trust Him for small things, especially after I lost everything, His training began by trusting Him each day for His provision, like baby steps.

    As my journey progressed, I had to learn to trust my Beloved for bigger things, the custody case really tested my trust, and that is also where my trust grew the most. When He gave me the verse where Abraham had to sacrifice Isaac, I knew deep in my heart I can just surrender and know that He will turn everything around for good, and He did!

  4. Thanks for this lesson.
    In this travel. I have learned to wait. I was always the one who wanted everything now. The one who preferred to do things myself, so as not to wait. That’s how it always was.
    The Lord has made me wait, and to trust him with everything. Just this week, I was able to trust Him with small things and it has been supernatural to see His provision. Waiting has helped me to trust in the Lord, to stop wanting to do things on my own… and yes it has been difficult, but I know that He has control.
    Now…my trust is in Him, I can come and tell Him everything and although sometimes my flesh wants to do things, I refuse, because I know that I must trust Him, that He will do what He knows is best for me.
    Obedience, I think more than that, was fear that I always had… fear of not doing what others wanted. This Journey taught me to obey not others, but the Lord, regardless of what others think of me. And that’s what I always ask of him, because I don’t want to disobey him.
    Leave everything in his hands.

  5. “For my thoughts(A) are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
    declares the Lord.
    “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts. I5589

    I was truly blessed with obedience training from a very young age, I can’t say I obeyed. everything 100%, on some occasions I was rebellious, but fortunately I had a very good relationship with my parents because of obedience, I owe much of this to the fact that my father was so loving to talk to us and make us understand the importance of obeying, Furthermore, my parents always agreed on our discipline, so we were never able to manipulate them and get our way.

    It was at the university where I lost my way when ideologies and other beliefs were exposed to me until I questioned the God that I had known since I was young, it was there where I distanced myself from Him, and shortly after, HE took me to the desert to fall in love again and There I truly met Him, not only because of what I had been told about HIM, but also because of my own experience and coexistence with HIM… I never want to separate myself from HIM again!

    My training in trust began there in the desert, when I began to trust each of His advice and obey them, it was what opened my eyes to the truth and fidelity of His word, I marveled at how when applying His principles everything happened just as HE did. I said it… that was completely new and revealing for me, thanks to that experience my trust in Him grew and grew. Generally my struggle is concentrated in my reasoning, sometimes I take a long time to make a decision in simple things because I fall into reasoning or thinking too much, so I thank my Beloved for this lesson in which he encourages me not to reason but to trust, to stop worrying so much about the “bad” that may happen, in any case HE sees my heart and is willing to help me if I make a mistake when I hear it.

  6. Querida Erin, obrigada por escrever mais lições de vida.
    Em alguns momentos me pego pensando como seria prazeroso ler a sua Biografia, pois a sua vida é uma “Lição de vida”.
    Seu relacionamento com o Amado de nossas vidas nos inspira e traz amor e descanso aos nossos corações.
    Obrigada por se deixar ser guiada por Seu Marido e compartilhar conosco.
    Essa semana tomei uma decisão dura para mim, que eu mesma na minha carne não queria, tive e tenho medo de ter feito a escolha errada, ter entendido errado, mas foi aqui no RMI que aprendi que seria a decisão certa e devo obedecer a Deus não importa o que.
    Estou exercendo a espera, a fé no que não vejo e confiando no agir e Deus! Pois só Ele pode transformar minha vida! Não está em minhas mãos.
    Obrigada por me ajudar com suas palavras tão abençoadoras.
    Dear Erin, thank you for writing more life lessons.
    At times I catch myself thinking how pleasurable it would be to read your Biography, because your life is a “Life Lesson”.
    Your relationship with the Beloved of our lives inspires us and brings love and rest to our hearts.
    Thank you for allowing yourself to be guided by Your Husband and sharing with us.
    This week I made a tough decision for myself, which I myself did not want, I was and am afraid of having made the wrong choice, of having understood the wrong thing, but it was here at RMI that I learned that it would be the right decision and I must obey God no matter what.
    I’m exercising waiting, faith in what I don’t see and trusting in action and God! Because only He can transform my life! It’s not in my hands.
    Thank you for helping me with your very blessing words.

  7. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this lesson and l love the catchy title ♥️ throughout my day i am already thinking about my trust training whenever things come to mind that l need to do or concerns 🙏

    My Husband has me not only in trust training but also being obedient to the authority over me. I am going through a completely different season of having my eh being at home. He quit his job about 2 months ago to start a business, when he spoke to me to tell me about his decision l had concerns but knew that l needed to not only be agreeable but also encouraging. And because my eh is the financial head of the family l respect the decision he has made. Reading this lesson is confirmation that l am in a season of trust training because starting a business from scratch is scary business and l have to trust my Husband to lead and guide eh in the decisions he has to make concerning this business because it affects our family and l have my mom living with us so l have to continue trusting that thru my Husband we can continue to provide for her as well 🙏

    I mentioned to eh that the only thing that l woukd say is that l hope we could tithe and eh respknded that yez because l would take care of the books that we could 🙏 so l must trust that this will be fulfilled because its the only way l know this business will succeed 🙏

    Like Erin who has been in training for decades my trust training will never stop and it started at 2am when l was woken up with a concern for my daughter which caused me not to be able to fall asleep.

    He led me to read this lesson and l am just so glad that l did because l get to start my trust training.

    When l think about trust training l think about Hebrews 11:1 that says that “faith is the substance of things not seen, the evidence of things hoped for” 🙏♥️🙏

    We trust, we hope, we have faith that He is working as we put our trust in Him, min by min, hour by hour, day by day, week by week etc etc ♥️♥️♥️

  8. It is so special to be under the care of our precious Beloved Lord. In this last 3 weeks He started me of with that I get to trust Him, training me in using my superpowers to wait on Him and of course it is not a coincidence that I read trust training today. Let me quickly explain: my special son was chosen to go and compete against the whole country against other special children and I have to pay a big amount. We as parents ask for sponsors and the previous years people were eager to sponsor but this year it was different and my son’s money hasn’t been paid yet, but after reading this living lesson I get it: my precious Beloved Lord is trust training me, that I don’t rely on people but only Him. This lesson really encouraged me to really practice my trust training from now on. Precious bride I also want to encourage you to practice your trust training and I am excited for the testimonies that are going to come all for our Beloved Lord’s glory.

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