Chapter 33 & Living Lesson 67

“Peaceful Fruit”

“When we are corrected, it makes us sad, not glad. 

Later on we reap the peaceful fruit of a righteous life.” 

—Hebrews 12:11 

Erin Audio ☊

Last week we concluded by realizing the best way to rid ourselves of difficult or sick feelings was to Laugh It Off in order that we can live our abundant life smiling at the future with Him.

This week I’d like to share about discovering some peaceable fruit.

Today I sat somewhat reveling in something that took place that came on the heels of an uncomfortable encounter I had. Actually it was all a bit embarrassing, nevertheless, like everything else God uses it for good. So asking the Lord if this was something He would like me to share as a living lesson, and if so, please give me a title— He gave me “peaceable fruit” that comes from a well-loved promise, “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” Hebrews 12:11

When I read it this time I hadn’t remembered those words I bolded “trained” by “discipline.” Most associate discipline and even training in a negative way. But discipline doesn’t mean punishment, just as I say in A Wise Woman when referring to when we discipline or train children. Discipline means to practice or train to do things the right way and that’s what brings about “peaceable fruit.” 

So let me tell you the embarrassing thing that happened, but first, let me begin by explaining what I have dealt with very often while I was enjoying my lovely outdoor area. I love laying in the shade and taking a wonderful peaceful nap in the afternoon after an intense (but always glorious) workday. 

Each afternoon I bask remembering and thanking Him for amazing blessings—things I never imagined I could ever have or ever do (take a nap in the shade by my pool and lake). So of course, the enemy is keen to steal that gratitude due Him and do his best to rob us of that peaceable fruit that comes from being His bride.

More than once, much more often than I can count, the pool man (who is actually a neighbor of the homeowner) just barges in to do something on the pool and it seems like he comes only when I am outside taking a nap. And since I don't spend all day, every day, outside (as much as I'd like to) I do spend most afternoons enjoying the fresh air and this Vacation Rental Resort during the off season because I won’t always be here.

Very often I've asked him to please just come in the morning or evenings and I do know that, as a tenant, I could enforce that “right” and talk to the homeowner about it because she asked if I was okay leaving the screen door unlocked for him. And because, as brides, we are naturally and readily agreeable, I said “no problem” but had become a problem.

Each and every time it happened, I talked to the Lord and followed whatever He said to do. This fateful day it was no different.

Everything was going so well with my pool guy. I’d see him stop by while I was working in the mornings, but today it all came to an embarrassing end. As I mentioned in the previous Living Lesson, I had a couple visiting so with all the busyness that comes from having guests, and all the late nights and the emotional drain battling that emotional attack, I was exhausted. I’d eaten lunch, then laid down on a chaise whereupon I fell into a deep, deep sleep. All of a sudden I heard a bang! 

I immediately sat bolt upright in shock, my heart pounding. I didn't know where I was— as a matter of fact I thought I was asleep in my bed! But there he was, my pool guy who’d  come in the screen door and let it close behind with a huge bang. 

My natural inclination was to sneak off and kind of hide away at being caught —clearly looking dazed (you know that silly look when you’re just waking up). But this time I felt Him holding me there, wanting me to stay put and allow the pool man to see me in my shock. When he finally noticed me, he apologized and excused his breaking our agreement by being there in the afternoon, and then he quickly left. 

After he left, I instinctively asked the Lord “All right, what would you have me do, Darling”  and immediately I envisioned a solution that just seemed so so easy but oh so peaceable!!! I envisioned simply locking the screen door when I come out for lunch and unlocking it when I go back in! So simple, so Peaceable and just so God!! I also asked Him to remind me and of course, since it's His solution and His plan it has worked out perfectly! 

Why didn’t my Heavenly Husband show me this “peaceable” method when I first moved in here? Well, it’s because this is our Abundant Life Journey, and our Heavenly Husband enjoys us taking the scenic route!

What about you? Are there situations in your life where you could practice producing some peaceable fruit? The only way to know is to talk to Him about it. Ask Him and ask Him to remind you when He wants you to practice it. Live your life abundantly, dear bride, feasting on peaceable fruit, smiling and laughing at the future with Him by your side.

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6 thoughts on “wLL 67 “Peaceable Fruit””

  1. Love that He speaks to us regarding seemingly simple things. I’m more and more excited each time I read a new lesson! 😉

  2. Today my Beloved guided me to this lesson, as I read it I remembered a recent event on the trip that my sweet Heavenly Husband took me on this last week to Costa Rica because of my earthly husband’s work. I am very grateful to HIM for how He has transformed me and led me to live an abundant life free from the heaviness of strife.

    One night we were invited to dinner by the man who hired my husband with a possible partner of his who was unexpectedly visited by his girlfriend, when we met while we were looking for the restaurant, from the car I noticed that the girl was barely wearing any clothes, I was wearing such skimpy clothes that I felt too uncomfortable and embarrassed, I started not wanting to be there, I even felt a little angry because I understand that it is a way to tempt men and play with their nature, the way God created them, but, clearly she had no idea about that.

    I asked my Beloved to help me love her, not to despise her, not to look at her with disdain or be rude in my attitude towards her because “she doesn’t know what she is doing”, my Beloved helped me to be kind to her, he guided me. to “not look at evil” only to look at his face and deny my mind from thinking about what I disliked. Wow! All the glory is His, I could see that peaceful fruit in me, how I could love her and trust Him for the protection of my earthly husband, it is logical that I would not like to be exposed to this again, but it is obvious that we are in the world and that these kinds of things can happen at any time and place. Anyway, I have no right to judge anyone or maltreat them, but as HE has told me I must respond well to evil and give Him the result and in this, I find pleasure and peace, because when I act as He pleases me. I feel more full of His love.

    “Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” And they divided up his clothes by casting lots” Luke 23:34

    “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrongdoing. Why then do you tolerate the treacherous? Why are you silent while the wicked swallow up those more righteous than themselves?” Habakkuk 1:13

    We are truly blessed to have access to the hidden treasures of His word that has revealed to us the secrets of true abundant life as His Bride!!

  3. maravilloso TA bella, me recuerda por situaciones que también he pasado, y he caído en tener una mala actitud o ser juez, pero después mi amado me corrige y me recuerda de toda su misericordia que él ha tenido para mí, y me da otra oportunidad de hacer las cosas bien, gracias por compartir y gracias por esta lección de vida ❤️

    Wonderful beautiful TA, it reminds me of situations that I have also gone through, and I have fallen into having a bad attitude or being a judge, but then my beloved corrects me and reminds me of all his mercy that he has had for me, and gives me another opportunity to do things right, thank you for sharing and thank you for this life ❤️ lesson

  4. I love how you shared your experience, and how He helped you see her different and whats around us, and I know the feeling of His peaceable fruit because i experienced a similar situation and only Him reminding me His words made me start acting different an seeing people different, seeing they don’t have Him or know Him yet

  5. This lesson reminded me of how I used to be, quick to confront and quick to respond not so peaceable way. And that was also one of the biggest changes I noticed since my journey started. Now I would rather ask my Husband first before I say or do anything that might destroy the peace I have. If it is something that He confirms I must address, I do it in an understanding way, but most of the time He leads me to just do or say nothing and wait for Him to sort it out.

  6. “For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.” H1211

    Peace, peace and peace!!! I just love this, in my life I want to based my relationships with His peace! This is a fruit of the Spirit that I cherish the most in my crazy years of motherhood! Between the amazing loud days of my twins, the complex stories of my teenager, and all the energy that my beautiful toddler has, I want to show this peaceable fruit!!
    My Beloved Lord has shown me the importance of reflecting His peace as a mom!! To be patient while I deal with our hectic daily routine and to stop!
    In this peaceable journey The Lord is taking care of me! Showing me that His Spirit lives in me and is perfecting me in every situation I go through! My King Shepherd is taking to the High Places of His love!!
    A relationship based of love and trust that with His love and peace, my daily routine has gotten more heavenly!

    “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” E423

    Peace is a Person! My peace depends of my relationship with my Beloved!!
    My life as chaotic and noisy as it may seems to others is ruled by the Prince of Peace!

    Motherhood is a gift and His peaceable fruit is helping my children to enjoy these years of my life!
    This is what I am learning: peace begins not with my children, but with me. The Prince of Peace dwells in my innermost being because I am God’s child. Becoming aware of this truth helps! I am to let His peace conquer my heart, no matter the circumstances!

    My world will never crumbles, because He is with me!

    When strife arises, I continually give myself and my children lots of grace!

    I choose peace and my life has never been the same!!

    My sweet friend, my life has changed since He became my peace!! I choose His peace always!

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