Chapter 29 & Living Lesson 63

“Get Up” Part 2

“We all like sheep have gone astray, 

Each has turned to his own way…” 

—Isaiah 53:6 

Erin Audio ☊

I trust that since last week you’ve come to a place of talking and listening to Him throughout the day and especially when you wake up during the night. This week, as promised, I’ll explain more of what it means to “acknowledge” Him and how important “acknowledging Him” is to your relationship and living an abundant life!

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5–6

Though the title of this Living Lesson might have been called “Here I Am” based on the verses I’m going to share, in my own experience it wasn’t just responding and listening— it is when I acted on hearing Him speak to me–very often I’ve heard Him speak to me in the middle of the night and I hear Him whisper “get up.” 

If you’re tired or you don’t realize it’s Him who is speaking to you, you may be tempted to just roll over and try to go back to sleep. However, it’s only by responding in your heart or audibly, but most often by following His lead (when He says and/or shows you to do something) is when the Abundant Life unfolds so beautifully.

What’s important is acting on what you’ve heard Him say or sensed He’s said, because, once you ignore what He says or you begin “leaning on your own understanding” is when you’ll find yourself far off course, no longer on the narrow road. And once you lean one way or the other as you’re traveling, rather than moving along the straight path He has for you, you will veer off course, way off course—only getting back on track when you’re lost and crying out to Him for help. As brides we don’t want to be immature, it’s a toddler who toddles off away from where he should be and then notices he’s lost and cries.

“Then you will call, and the Lord will answer; you will cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’” Isaiah 58:9

“When God appeared to Jacob in a dream, Jacob said 'Here I am.'” Genesis 31:11 

Speaking of toddling off. When my children were young, when they were just 2-3 years old, I trained them to say when I called them “Here I come Mommy!” with a happy voice. Rather than teaching them to say “Here I am” what I taught them was action-driven. The amazing thing is, they would instinctively come running to me. If they didn’t, I would repeatedly call them, then go take their little hands and run them back to where I was sitting so they knew what I expected them to do. Tara can tell you this is true and that it worked. But back to all of you brides...

When you hear that still small voice of your Beloved Bridegroom, respond by saying “Here I come” and get up from your bed to where you sense He wants you to join Him. Think of yourself as that starry-eyed newlywed who is excited to wake up because her bridegroom is there, laying right next to her or calling her to join Him on the terrace. Become the bride who, when she hears her bridegroom say or whisper “get up” she will quickly arise unlike what we read in the Song of Solomon 2:10—so that there are no regrets and no need to chase after Him in the streets as we read later in Song of Solomon 3:1-2.

Acknowledge your love for Him by following His lead "HLM." 

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; HE LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.” Psalm 23:1-3

Because once you do, you can never imagine what will happen. And it’s not only good things that are up ahead He wants to speak to you about. Many times He’ll carefully be leading you in a direction to prepare you for difficult or even devastating things that He knows that is about to happen. 

How often have I read the heartbreaking journals or even praise reports when women share how they dropped to their knees begging Him for His help, pleading with Him, praying long intense prayers in order to connect with Him?

All the while there He is, their loving Heavenly Husband sitting right next to them. He’s not far up in heaven, waiting to have compassion on you (Isaiah 30:18).

Who of us wouldn’t rather feel Him sitting next to us, snuggling up with Him, feeling Him wrapping His arms around us?

Dear bride, it’s not too late to feel this. Today, ask Him to call you to come sit with Him, waken you in your sleep and when He does, be sure to share just what happened in your RF Journal.

Post YOUR Praise or Journal

Unleashing the TRUTH

2 thoughts on “wLL 63 “Get Up” Part 2”

  1. Beloved, that is where I want to be forever. I want to KNOW and REMEMBER this always. I want to be quiet and gentle in my spirit so I can hear from YOU help me to get up next time you call me up at night. thank you for doing this My love thank you!!!

  2. “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; HE LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.” P2313

    love the way My Beloved always wants to speak to me!! As the lesson shares, My Beloved speaks to me in the middle of the night when my family is asleep! Those are our special gatherings, when I pour my heart to Him and listen to His gentle voice speaking to my heart through my lessons, praise reports, or promises!

    “Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” J291213

    This promise made me realize how much I need to linger on Him!! How much my mind feels His love when my thoughts go directly to speak to Him and absorb His truths!

    Staying in His embrace reveals truths about my thoughts and helps me be able to detect the enemy’s lies…those lies that creep into my mind and say, being a mom is too hard or I can’t do this anymore. I am instructed in P4610 to “be still, and know that I am God.”

    The wording “be still” literally means to cease from striving. It means I am allowed to let go and relax, turn down the volume of the world (or my kids!), and listen to The Lord´s quiet whisper.

    I decide to trust Him and to listen only to Him!! I am getting up and walking by faith!

    I am drinking deep the words of my Lord, and the love and grace He offers me daily. When I draw my life from time spent with Him and fill myself up with His words of love, I find myself better equipped to do all that He has called me to do!

    My sweet friend, dig in on the lessons He is calling you to do, feed yourself with His daily promises and your life will never be the same! Get up and trust in Him!

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