Chapter 27 & Living Lesson 61

“Get Lost” Part 2

“My people are lost sheep; 

Their shepherds have led them astray….

 They have wandered… 

They have forgotten their resting place.” 

—Jeremiah 50:6

Erin Audio ☊

This week, as promised, I’m eager to share how allowing myself to Get Lost has impacted my life and how I sincerely hope that while you were waiting, you turned off all the GPS systems in your life and in your head. I also hope that as His bride you began to thrive using your compass promise:

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  Romans 8:28

Now that I know you’re following this same path I am, I’m excited to have you with me as we learn more.

Once I was willing to get lost, to enhance my ability to hear His voice as acutely as I needed to, willing to allow Him to fully lead me, and then turning the GPS back on to train myself to ignore other voices—only then, when everything was as fine-tuned as it needed to be—did I discover what I’d been oblivious to! I found not only the easiest ways to get around my city and discover places I’d driven right past, but it also happened to me spiritually!!

First, when traveling to the places that I frequently went to, like the grocery store, the gas station, and the beach, He led me there with so much ease. I was floored to see I lived so much closer to all these places than they’d been because of the crazy route I’d been led to take when with a digital GPS. With Him leading me, I could get everywhere in a much more direct path than what my GPS kept taking me on, which continued to change the course every time! Each time I’d leave my flat, I’d be taken a different way but never once did it take me on the easiest, most direct, most enjoyable route. Only He was the One to do that.

Then, today as I got up to spend the morning with Him on the beach, He led me (as He has been doing ever since I turned off my GPS) to a brand new beach location! It was beautiful, it was calm, it was filled with birds, no one was there and from this spot, I could see the sun coming up and it began to warm my body! A beach I’d driven right by, entirely unaware of the gem I’d been missing. That morning as I was listening to music, my eyes teared up—just so thankful that He led me— to not just find this amazing stretch of beach— but what it had done for me spiritually. 

It wasn’t until I allowed myself and was willing to get lost physically that He used this and I was led the same way by Him spiritually. Spiritually He led me to discover new and amazing things that were right there, but I had not seen them. One key was His plans in regard to the expansion of the ministry—to help more women around the world. We started this— weeks before anyone saw what was coming—COVID-19. He made sure we were already expanding the Ministry Teams with new members and then we were also able to provide more opportunities for our Ministry Team Members to replace lost income from their jobs.

What about you? Are you relying on the GPS systems in your life? Are you listening to the voices of people who are trying to tell you which direction to go? Dear bride, I want to encourage you to be willing to get lost and let go of whatever it is that’s preventing you from being willing to get lost— whether it’s the fear of being lost or the embarrassment of being lost or due to the confusion of being lost. 

No matter what you lose, you will gain so much more!

“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it”  Matthew 16:25

Just be willing to accept those small and temporary fleeting feelings of discomfort in order to be able to really hear Him and follow Him in everyday directions—no matter what you’re doing. If you do, I promise you will also see an increase in His leading you and your ability to follow His lead spiritually—expanding your life into things you never imagined you’d ever think in a million years you would be able to see and do and be part of.

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1 thought on “wLL 61 “Get Lost” Part 2”

  1. “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” M1625

    I have learned so much by losing my so-called “life”!! As the lesson shares, sometimes Our Beloved wants to take us to a new height; for that, we must climb and let go!
    Letting go seasons are hard because we cling so hard to people, situations, jobs, children, and so many things that The Lord knows are not helping us to grow closer to Him!
    When we feel that we “lost” everything, that is the time when we truly surrender and become the perfect clay to be molded for our good!!
    Here is our country town, we just love to “get lost” between the patchy roads!! We have found amazing houses, plantations, and views!! It seems like the sky is touching the Earth!! It is so beautiful!
    Reading this lesson is a huge confirmation, that I need to continue to lose what I consider my life, to be able to experience “new heights”.
    Every losing season rings opportunities for huge blessings that we were not aware of!! Let´s trust and surrender every day!!

    My dear friend, seek the Lord daily and hide under His loving arms!! That is my safe place and He is always waiting for me! He is giving me a new life!

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