Chapter 22 & Living Lesson 55

“Shut Up and Cannot Go Out”
Part 2

“Write My answer plainly on tablets, big,
Clearly so that it can be read on the run.”
—Habakkuk 2:2-3

Erin Audio ☊

We concluded last week's Living Lesson when I asked this question: Did you know there are several “Aha” moments in Scripture?

I also gave you something to do while you waited—asking Him to reveal an Aha moment, a moment in your life when it was almost like the lights were turned on in a dark room. Did you do that? If you didn't get around to it, my guess is that you didn't ask Him to remind you. I'm being entirely honest with you when I confess that unless I ask Him to remind me, the thought or what I hoped to do never happens.

Now with that out of the way, let's begin this week by reading these amazing instructions:

“Then the LORD answered me and said, 'Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that he one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, WAIT for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.’” Habakkuk 2:2-3

One morning, a couple of weeks ago, I found myself just staring at that verse in Habakkuk, not really knowing or understanding why I was looking at it. When all of a sudden I looked and the words (I changed to bold) just jumped out— and that's when I looked at their meaning, literally!

For several weeks, our Ministry Team Members MTM began recording voice notes and voice messages for our MTM meetings. So when we looked at Habakkuk 2:2-3 (that I nicknamed Haby 2:2 to make a habit of it), we knew it wasn't by chance or a coincidence what was about to happen. We simply had embraced the New Year Promise He gave us for 2020 FCBH “Faith Comes by HearingRomans 10:17 along our Abundant Life Journeys each morning.

*Note we are not traveling a Restoration Journey now but our Abundant Life Journeys!

After we recorded voice notes for each other, we began discovering new ways He was leading us to transition to hearing each other. After so many years of us working somewhat silent, adorning ourselves as workers@home on our laptop computers, letting us keep the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God" as we were working with each other—suddenly became so easy, so light when we were hearing each other!

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:29-30

The next juncture in this part of my own Abundant Life Journey happened the day I was driving back from my Sunday morning on the beach. I began to hear a Living Lesson in my head that I was desperate to share with you. So at a stoplight, I opened the built-in voice memo and began recording the •)) PODCAST Added Fear.” I recorded it from my phone and that day discovered an easy way to inscribe it.

Our HH allowed this new discovery to become integrated into my own workday and because I couldn't keep this to myself, I shared the praise of what He'd done with everyone we work with! Do you naturally share praise with everyone around you, too? If you do, if you pour into others and give to other women, you can't help but reap the blessings He promised!

“Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” Luke 6:38

The blessings began to really overflow to the point of flooding us with more and more wonders. We each began discovering more and more platforms we could use, sharing praise with each other.

”No eye had ever seen, and no ear had ever heard such wonders, but You did them then for the sake of Your people, for those who trusted in You.” Isaiah 64:4

Often when I woke up, after snuggling in bed with Him (as He revealed "new things to come" because I love to ask) or while sitting in the dark having our coffee together, I'd open my built-in voice memo on my phone and began recording what He'd just said.

Because He said, “Ask Me about the things to come…” Isaiah 45:11

Rather than run the risk of forgetting my voice memo, I would listen to it and type, when He revealed the next way He wanted me to yoke myself to Him. He led me to "seek and find" a way to easily record from my computer anything and everything I envisioned through the workday to share with the Ministry Team. 

“Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find . . .” Matthew 7:7 KJV

Recordings are amazing, but to go back to search for something that was said is nearly impossible—but "nothing is impossible with Him"! So I ask Him again to "lead me" and then just waited.

“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; HE LEADS ME beside quiet waters. He restores my soul.” Psalm 23: 1-3

Like He often does, it's when I am weak when He showed me something else that is both so easy and so light.

“Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:10

He led me to find a tool that listened and typed it for me! A way to inscribe what I recorded, making it easy to be able for us to search and find something I'd previously said. Now, putting all these stops along my Abundant Life Journey together, read this verse again and notice what is not just in bold but where that link, that bridge, takes you!!

“Then the LORD answered me and said, ‘Record the vision and inscribe it on tablets, that he one who reads it may run. For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, WAIT for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay.’” Habakkuk 2:2-3

Our Ministry Team Members began learning how easy it was for us to, "Record the vision" and inscribe it on our tablets, computers, and phones. \o/ After we record what we've envisioned, we easily use this tool to inscribe it and then share it with each other!

Why not give it a try? Record and inscribe what you hear Him saying to you. You can also add a date and then copy and paste as many promises below each vision reminding you that it's yet for an appointed time, as it hastens toward the goal, more assured than ever that even should it tarry, you can WAIT for it because you know for sure it will come, it will not delay any longer than it needs to.

Let me conclude this Living Lesson with another question: Are you sure it's not the time for you to Become a Minister in a time such as this to further your spiritual education, an education that will carry through Eternity? It's never been easier or more enjoyable!

“And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

Post YOUR Praise or Journal

Unleashing the TRUTH

3 thoughts on “wLL 55 “Shut Up and Cannot Go Out” Part 2”

  1. “Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure—pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return.” Luke 6:38

    I love this Living Lesson!! Everything that comes our way has a deep purpose for the Lord!! We get to share how He delivers us and will do the same for everyone!
    Reading this lesson and asking my Beloved for wisdom, He reminded us how He gave us our new car here when every family member thought it was impossible! Then my birthday celebration was filled with surprises from all over the world from my dear friends!! People are watching us in the midst of our trials and the way we react to them and how the Lord, opens the “Red Sea” for us!

    The Lord told me, “Be above the storm.” He showed me a storm raging in the clouds above the earth. My view was like an astronaut seeing a storm from way above. Sometimes, I needed a reminder to step back and detach my feelings from what was going on so I could respond to appropriately instead of reacting based on feelings. My Beloved reminded me that He is bigger than my problems, and He wants to use me amid my struggles to bring Him glory. The Lord often uses our hurts and failings to produce His greatest work in us!

    Believe that our Beloved has a ministry for you us, regardless of where we are in our life and our walk with the Lord! Ministering does not just take place in a church or Bible study, however. Ministry is the every day loving, serving, and encouraging of those around you, through our journals, praise reports, and fellowshipping!

    Our lives are His open letters for the world to see how loved and cared for we are, and to understand about our abundant life journey!

    My dear friend, let us enjoy each season of our journeys and use our challenges as gifts to show others about our abundant life with HIM!

  2. Quelle magnifique leçon en ce dimanche.
    Lorsque mes mentors m’ont sollicités pour devenir ministre, je connaissais que cela provenait de notre cheri.
    De prime abord, je dois admettre que j’étais très effrayé que l’ennemi s’amuse à me faire croire que je ne serais jamais utile à notre bien-aimé. En me cachant, je lui donnais même un petit coup de pouce. Vous connaissez l’histoire de Jonas dans le ventre du poisson, et moi, je ne voulais pas sortir du ventre car j’avais peur de ne pas faire les choses correctement.

    Cependant, lorsque j’ai entamé ce voyage au RMI, c’était simplement paisible et apaisant.
    Je garde en mémoire cette promesse.
    Hababuc 2.3
    Deuxièmement, le Seigneur m’a répondu en disant : « Rédige la vision, écris-la sur des tables pour qu’on puisse la lire facilement ».

    Je faisais le point sur les visions, mais je ne savais pas comment les réaliser, car ce n’était pas à moi de les réaliser. Je dois admettre, mesdames, que je ne comprenais pas ce que notre bien-aimé faisait dans ma vie, mais j’ai cessé de me questionner lorsque j’ai commencé à voir les visions écrites se concrétiser. Certes, les enregistrements sont une meilleure façon de préserver ce que nous avons obtenu. J’apprécie cette leçon. merci
    Je reprends la partie de Isabella

    “Nos vies sont Ses lettres ouvertes pour que le monde voie à quel point nous sommes aimés et pris en charge, et pour comprendre notre parcours de vie abondant !”

    What a wonderful lesson this Sunday.
    When my mentors asked me to become a minister, I knew it came from our darling.
    At first glance, I must admit that I was very afraid that the enemy would make me believe that I would never be useful to our loved one. By hiding, I even gave him a little help. You know the story of Jonah in the belly of the fish, and I didn’t want to come out of the belly because I was afraid of not doing things correctly.

    However, when I started this journey to RMI, it was just peaceful and calming.
    I remember this promise.
    Hababuk 2.3
    Second, the Lord answered me saying, “Write down the vision, write it on tablets so that it can be read easily.”

    I was taking stock of the visions, but I didn’t know how to make them come true, because it wasn’t up to me to make them come true. I have to admit, ladies, that I didn’t understand what our beloved was doing in my life, but I stopped wondering when I started seeing the written visions come to fruition. Certainly, recordings are a better way to preserve what we have obtained. I appreciate this lesson. THANKS
    I’m taking over Isabella’s game

    “Our lives are His open letters for the world to see how loved and cared for we are, and to understand our abundant life journey!”

  3. “Then the Lord said to me, ‘Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, so that he who reads it may run. For it is yet a vision for an appointed time; it hastens to the end and will not disappoint. Though it tarry, wait for it; for it will surely come, it will not delay. ’” H223

    This principle is precious! I remember when I began to apply it, when I heard something from the Lord, I would run to write it down mainly because I don’t trust my memory 100%, so I set out to write down as much as I could so as not to give myself room to reason or add or subtract to His words spoken to my heart, I was so hungry for the truth that I would pause any activity to write down what He was speaking to me, I remember being busy with some task and pausing, running to my cell phone or my diary and writing notes of what He was telling me, then in my time with Him as I put the pieces together like a puzzle I felt that everything was taking shape and making sense of what I thought He was guiding me, along with His Word.

    It helped me a lot to build my faith, to retain His words in my heart, to learn to listen to Him and let Him guide me. It was a beautiful process that brought me closer to Him, and helped me to have an attentive ear and be more willing to listen to Him, which led to our relationship becoming stronger and growing a lot in intimacy.

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