Chapter 19 & Living Lesson 52

“Living with Unending Mercies”

The LORD’S acts of mercy indeed do not end,
For His compassions do not fail.”
—Lamentations 3:22

Erin Audio ☊

This week, I’d like to not only update you on my three-month journey away from living in “paradise,” but I hope also to lift more of the burden you may be trying to carry. The burden of that perfect Proverbs 31 wife (you may want to read or reread the workers@home Intro 1, That Too Perfect Proverbs 31 Woman).

First things first. We are each known and referred to as our Heavenly Husband's bride. We are not His wife because a wife is designed to complete the husband. Our HH is more than complete—He’s infinitely and expansively everything! As His bride, not His wife, our Bridegroom is ready and waiting to envelop us, His bride, with His loving arms, always lending us a listening and compassionate ear, responding to us with an understanding attitude whenever we are in need of any emotional support from Him. Now that I’ve laid this powerful foundation let me explain just how imperfect I am—outrageously thankful for just how perfect He is—the Perfect Man who completes me!

When I headed north for my three months away, I had no idea what it would be like. Other than pictures, I had no clue where I’d be staying. I never saw it (except online), and when I’d begin to look into more details, He’d stop me, saying, “Just trust Me.” So, of course, I did. Yet, we all know not everything He calls us to go through is delightful, and let me just say that this move was far from perfect. What makes His bride different, however, is how He leads us to navigate through all the “various trials” in a manner befitting His bride.

Laughably, on the third day, I woke up and while having our morning coffee together, I began to blurt out my true feelings to Him. Telling Him that where we (He and I) were living was not making me happy. Our conversation went something like this:

“I hate everything.” 


“Well, maybe not everything…”

Then, immediately, I began listing each thing I really liked about where we were living—

...Find out next week how sharing openly and honestly with my most Precious Husband resulted in Him helping me shift my focus and enjoy my Abundant Life the way He longs for us to live!

“Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, and therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; how blessed are all those who long for Him.” Isaiah 30:18

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6 thoughts on “wLL 52 “Living with Unending Mercies””

  1. Because of my new walk with my HH I too have been more brutally honest than ever and always now that He’s my #1 confidant, I now yearning to talk with him about these things!
    thank you my love for the love you’ve given me and how perfectly you listen to all of it and help me! in ways I need not how I think it should be!

  2. “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14

    Wow, this lesson is speaking loud and clear to my heart! Why? Because I feel the same way, I wasn´t happy where my Beloved brought me. It is true, I live in an amazing town, with lots of free veggies and fruits, but the “things I don´t like keep popping into my mind!
    I prayed and nothing happened, my sadness was getting the best of me, also a lack of sleep. This became more evident when my stepfather died 4 months ago, and I was unable to say goodbye to Him because I live 10 hours away!
    I started to lose my daily joy because I was tired and felt alone! Because I have struggling this for a while, I cried to the Lord to fill “my heart with wisdom”, to feel HIS loving arms around me, and to surround this fear and sadness that was covering me!

    “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” Psalm 90:14
    This was the promise He gave me! I understood that my cup was getting empty and I need it filled with His love and strength!!

    I resolve to become more like a child, as Our Lord instructed His disciples—to laugh and love with abandon, leaving my cares to my Heavenly Father. Isn’t that how God intends for us to live?

    The Lord has given us this awesome world in which to live, and I intend to bask in the beauty of it. I pray He will open my eyes as I study my children, life, and opportunities, and help me to see all that is beautiful and precious—that He will teach me to immerse myself in pure, exuberant joy as I learn to live and love as God’s holy and dearly-loved child!

    My sweet friend, this life is challenging and overwhelming at times, but take heart, our Beloved will open ways for us that we have never thought of! He will give us the right resources, encouragement, friends, and prayers to enjoy our lives with Him!

    1. Dear Isabella, when reading your and Paula’s comments these last two days, I identify with both of you because we carry our burdens in secret with our Heavenly Husband. Reading you and knowing what you have been going through moves me a lot, especially because your joy is one of your greatest characteristics, just thinking that you have been sad brings me compassion… I know what it’s like to wait and get exhausted waiting… I also know what it’s like to be in a place that you don’t like at all because As you know, I had a good time adapting to where I lived because of the different problems I had on the floor of my house, it was years of living with the floor in disarray until I finally stopped caring. I was so grateful (after a lot of intentional gratitude therapy hahaha) that my Beloved intervened to modify what I didn’t like and gave me twice as much to give me the pleasure of customizing the apartment to my liking! So don’t faint my dear, surely behind this long wait there is a great hidden blessing!!!

    2. Hebrews 13:5 LSG

      [5] Do not give yourself to the love of money; be content with what you have; for God himself said: I will not abandon you, and I will not abandon you. LSG

      I also lived that moment when I didn’t like the place where I currently live and then one morning he made me mess everything in the house and he created a cocoon for me and showed me that this is where he had placed me. I realized that I had all the necessary amenities to live and therefore learn to appreciate everything. I found a beautiful “garden of Eden” and a lake that I called “Tiberias” I go there to be alone with Him. This morning, He put on my heart the Psalm 90.14 that I read in this way: “I satiated you from the morning of my love so that you sing joy and be in joy throughout your life.” I bless my dear Husband, because you take care of me.

      Hébreux 13:5 LSG
      [5] Ne vous livrez pas à l’amour de l’argent; contentez-vous de ce que vous avez; car Dieu lui-même a dit:Je ne te délaisserai point, et je ne t’abandonnerai point.

      J’ai vécu aussi ce moment où je n’aimais pas l’endroit où je vis actuellement et puis un matin il m’a fait faire un chamboule tout dans la maison et il m’a créé un cocon et m’a montré que c’est ici qu’il m’avait placé. J’ai réalisé que j’avais toutes les commodités nécessaires pour vivre et donc d’apprendre à tout apprécier. J’ai trouvé un beau ” jardin d’Eden” et un lac que j’ai appelé “Tiberiade” je m’y rends pour être seule avec Lui. Ce matin, Il a mis sur mon cœur le psaume 90.14 que j’ai lu de cette manière : “je te rassasié dès le matin de mon amour afin que tu chantes joie et que tu sois dans l’allégresse tout au long de ta vie.” Je bénis mon cher Mari, car tu prends soin de moi.

  3. Gracias Isabella por compartir, en todo momento y lugar debemos alabar y dar gracias a nuestro amado.

  4. “I know, O Lord, that man is not in his own way, nor is it in man who walks to direct his steps.” J1023

    Today my Beloved guided me to read the Springs in the Desert Devotional,,December%205,-%22I know%2C%20oh%20Jehovah I was surprised by the verse, it touched my heart because I was just asking him if I was following His voice and I felt that he encouraged me and told me that yes I am increasingly aware of asking him to direct me in everything.

    Now that I read this lesson I can see that my Husband teaches me to embrace the different situations that He wants me to go through and that as Erin expresses are not always pleasant (for us), but that lead me to where He wants me to go, because He has a greater purpose that I do not necessarily have to understand or know but that I can undoubtedly trust that it is for something good, pleasant and perfect, something for life and blessings and not only for me but for many others.

    I am called to die to my carnal desires and that includes leaving my comfort zone. Sometimes I stay there and refuse to do things because I start to reason. When what I am asked to do is something I am not used to, it is harder for me because I feel uncomfortable… but if I refuse to do it, I also refuse to receive the blessings that He wants to give me. Certainly the whole journey to Calvary and His death on the cross was NOT pleasant for the Lord, but in the end it resulted in blessings for Him and for all of us. Likewise, when I choose His plan, even if it does not seem attractive or exciting, I will be able to reap the blessings that He wants to give me and live abundantly. If I had been told that I had to walk through the desert, I would have flatly refused because I would have thought that the pain was too much and I did not know that the blessings I would receive would far outweigh the pain suffered, because our perspective is always short and incomplete. Today I am immensely happy, first of all, because He has filled my heart with peace, joy and love. So I am so thankful to remember this lesson. I hope to be more open to His voice and follow whatever He wants me to do no matter how uncomfortable it is.

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