Erin Audio ☊

Last week we exposed the truth regarding perfection and wanting order that is not a "disorder" because our Heavenly Father is a God of perfect order.

This week I want to continue exploring the truth that perfection and wanting order in our lives is not a disorder but in fact, it's a lie, an oxymoron that contradicts Truth and His Word.

Thank heaven that our Father is a God of perfect order because—if He were not—the entire universe would spin out of control. The sun wouldn’t rise in the east every morning at the precise time it does, nor set in the west each evening. Our bodies, which were perfectly set up with sleep cycles for us to function, hormonal cycles to produce children and then stop when we’re past childbearing age would mean us living in chaos. Our eyes, nose and mouth; our limbs and fingers are each perfectly set on our bodies as we were formed—perfectly and in order. 

What would happen if God were not a God of order and perfection? When we were “formed in secret in our mother’s womb” would we want our eyes, nose and mouth; our limbs and fingers not in the exact perfect order?!?! Of course not!

In A Wise WomanYour Mother’s Teachings” I said, “God is a God of order. God has a consistent routine. The sun comes up in the east and goes down in the west at the same time every day!” Another way God is a God of perfection is explained in 1 Corinthians 14:33 (NIV) when it says, “For God is not a God of disorder but of peace...” 

“Disorder?!?!” Do you see how what we are exhibiting, by wanting perfection and order, is the complete opposite of a “disorder”? When we set things up or want our days to run smoothly, we are not “anal” or “suffering” from OCD. It’s rubbish! It’s a lie that needs to be put out with the trash each and every time that this lie (and dozens like them) show up in a thought or you say it or you inadvertently agree with it. “...because God does not want us to be in disorder but in harmony and peace. As in all the churches of God's people…” 1 Corinthians 14:33 (GNT). And when it says churches it’s not the church building, it’s us, His brides!

Let me conclude with a short story of how to encourage yourself and others with the truth. A few months ago I overheard a man who was carefully doing something “perfectly” then said, “Oh, sorry! I know that’s anal of me!” I stopped him and said, “Why is that a ‘filthy’ thing to do? Why should you or I be labeled or be thought of as having a ‘disorder’ when we are putting things in order! It makes no sense. It’s a good God-given trait and you should embrace it and never apologize for it.” The man was stunned but immediately got it—then said (rather loudly) “That’s RIGHT! It’s not disgusting or bad to want to do things perfectly! Thank you SO MUCH for setting me straight!”

Dear bride, the truth shall set you free. You don’t need to accept any label—especially when it’s a trait of our Heavenly Father. We were perfectly and wonderfully made—being perfected and living in perfect order and in harmony as His bride.  

Oh, but what if you don’t have this trait and instead are a bit messy? Let’s discuss this in next week’s living lesson, Week 51 “Who You Resemble.”  

UPDATE: Like any GIFT 💝 or personality trait the enemy can and does thrive on pushing us off the narrow pathway to the ditch of extremes—losing our “balance” as we “LEAN to our own understanding.” Thankfully through the humility of one bride, a new HHM lesson and powerful thread of truth is available

Read PRAISE 🙌🏼 that Encouraging Women post on our Encourager
about having a Heavenly Father #HF.

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Unleashing the TRUTH

1 thought on “wLL 50 “Misidentified Characteristic” Part 2”

  1. It’s from being with Him we are perfect, not a means of being accepted by Him.
    I love this, so much. I struggle with feelings of failure if my day isn’t “perfect” and this brings comfort.

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