Chapter 14 & Living Lesson 47

“Just Wait”

“But those who wait for the LORD
[who expect, look for, and hope in Him]
Will gain new strength and renew their power…”
—Isaiah 40:31

Erin Audio

This week I’d like to share about waiting on your Beloved so He can treat you as He wants to treat you as His bride

Maybe a better title would be "a day in the life of one of his Brides." This happened yesterday as I was reflecting on my day as I usually do before I go to sleep. It's the same thing I do the moment I wake up, and again with my coffee—I just thank Him for each and everything He's done for me. It's very, very uplifting and I go to bed with a smile on my face and start my day the same way.

So yesterday I thought of how tired I was and began thanking Him for feeling so terribly tired and mentally foggy. As the day progressed, I found myself just kind of methodically going through my day but being weak, in a fog— I ended up just having the most incredible day—moving from one thing to another with so little effort. Being weak gave my HH full and complete control over every move or decision I made. Afterward, I was in such awe... thinking more than once, “Did that really happen?!”

Let me give you two examples: The first thing that I had to do that was on my 2Do list was to go to the post office with a renewal notice for a temporary post office box that I use for the ministry. I had no idea what to do. Each time I asked, He'd said, "Just wait." (If you remember from Week 35  Added Fear•)) Week 36 Fall Short”  •)) I've been living in a vacation home, so I'm constantly moving, continuously following His lead.)

So, when it was my turn, I felt prompted to just share the story of being here temporarily, and she just came up with the most unreal unimaginable solution! I could simply renew it and set up a temporary forward for 3 months. That very day, after He'd said to wait, I'd signed an online 3-month lease a bit north where it isn't as crowded and it's very inexpensive during the high season. Then showed me that I’d be coming back to where I was living for another 9 months!

*Little did I know at the time that this solution would unravel, when He'd ask me to “Just Wait, Again” that you can look forward to reading May 31 and how He used it for so much good!

"So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are His lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose." Romans 8:28 TPT

Next week I am excited to share the second inspiring example. For now, ask Him to remind you of times He asked you to wait and list all the good that came during your wait—what you would have missed had He not asked you to "Just Wait."

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8 thoughts on “wLL 47 “Just Wait””

  1. I wanted to come back here and add something. I read this lesson yesterday and it’s funny because I slept so poorly, the night before. I want to add that ever since I learned that my Savior is also my Love, I have slept so hard, so me not sleeping well is odd. anyways, I read this lesson and then I decided to take a nap in the morning, sit on the couch all day and not do anything! I was so lazy!! but I’m praising My Love for it now because I could have done what I KNOW works. get up, move, dance, worship, be silly with the kids, praying, call a friend, anything but I didn’t and I am genuinely thankful for that now.
    he is so gentle is showing us things that I don’t want to lay around and feel yucky all day I want to step in faith and wait for him to show up!

  2. Waiting is hard but surely is the best way to go!! In RMI I learned that the flesh is always in a hurry, we want things now! We act like children every time we face struggles, we don´t want to feel pain, or sometimes even fight!
    I have no idea who taught me that my life was supposed to be merry and peaceful when in reality we live in a broken world where people know little of Our Beloved and want to be successful according to the things they can accomplish it!
    Waiting builds faith, temperance, and character, in the wait we grow, let go of ourselves, and look up to His loving face smiling back to us!
    We may be drowning or feel like it, but He is right there holding our hand!
    I am enjoying the wait because I don´t want to continue living my life fixed in the things that surrounds me! I choose to live by faith, to trust in the process, to be consistent!
    I am choosing faith and living one day at a time!
    This lesson also helped me to understand that waiting is a blessing!

    Dear bride, His ways are so much better than ours! His solutions are beyond our wildest dreams, we are never alone in our life journey! HE GOES BEFORE US!

    “For the vision is yet for the appointed time;

    It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail

    Though it tarries, wait for it;

    For it will certainly come, it will not delay.”

    —Habakkuk 2:3

    1. Lovely Isabella, waiting is where we learn and we enjoy our time with Him. Waiting can seem heavy for us, but it is because what we chose to do while we wait, cherish the pain and cry evryday, or chose Him and rejoice over the pain, knowing something great will come from it, that we will rise up strong and soar like eagles and be sure that “joy cometh in the morning”

      Psalm 30:5
      New Living Translation
      5 For his anger lasts only a moment,
      but his favor lasts a lifetime!
      Weeping may last through the night,
      but joy comes with the morning.

  3. Today He led me to reread this lesson, and I reflected on the greatness of everything we have learned here, things that go against what the world wants us to believe.
    I identified with the author who told us that she was feeling tired, and also, like her, I was able to thank my Beloved for making me feel this way too, because I know that He is giving me the opportunity to cuddle me in His arms and rest.
    At this moment in my journey, I am being called to simply sit down and wait for Him, only Him, to resolve a family issue that my brothers and I have been waiting for for a long time. We have already held some meetings, made plans, but nothing has been resolved, but the certainty in my heart is that He is asking us to let Him take the lead, so that everything will turn out as He has already planned.
    My dears, we are often encouraged to act, to resolve, to take the initiative in things that we are in no condition to do, but that the world and people tell us that it is our duty to act in such situations.
    I am so happy to learn this wonderful Truth, that the Lord’s waiting for us is the opportunity we give Him to change the world in our favor. The Lord’s waiting for us teaches us how to achieve what He is preparing and longing to give us. “Yet the Lord waits to be gracious to you; he will still rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” Isaiah 30:18
    Dear bride, I also remembered the lesson It’s SO Worth the Wait (, which if you haven’t read yet, I encourage you to read, so that you will be even more encouraged and rest, while you just wait…

  4. Solo esperar es lo que nos dice nuestro amado, esperar solo en él.
    Y mientras esperamos alabarlo y darle las gracias por todo 🙌

    Only waiting is what our beloved tells us, waiting only in him.
    And while we wait to praise and thank Him for everything 🙌

  5. Thank you for this sharig, as i was reading the devotional of today where it say give him thanks for your broken wedding, give him thanks for the departure of your husban, give him thanks for all you lost i realize that i never sing praises for all this lost and now this this lesson on waiting… On him…OH THANK DARLING FOR talking to me this morning as am spending this sunday again with you.
    yesterday i had a bad night but i know today i will sleep in peace and remind me to wait on you.

  6. “The things I have planned will not happen soon, but they will surely happen. Even if you think they are taking a long time, do not despair. Everything will happen on the day I have appointed!” H23

    I am very grateful for the times of waiting because it is in the waiting that my Beloved has changed my heart or prepared me to receive the blessings that HE wants to give me. Right now my Beloved reminds me of when He made me wait six months to enter the University, because HE expected me to meet the man who is now my husband and that in the end, He led me to know HIM intimately, which is the GREATEST blessing of all that I have received. Generally impatience wants to make me think that I will never receive it or that we have been waiting too long, making me fall into self-pity or sadness, but I have noticed that the things for which we wait the most are also the ones we value the most and cause us the most happiness, similar to pregnancy, you have to wait nine months for your miracle to be born and when you give birth you can be much happier because you invested nine months of care in that miracle when you still didn’t see it, so I think it’s the same with other miracles that God works… For example, yesterday I read Atarah’s praise testimony about how God answered her prayer after years of waiting for her ET to tithe it filled me with hope and encouragement in the midst of the wait, sometimes it is years that we wait for a promise (Like Abraham and Sarah) but when we receive it the joy is much greater, not only for the one who receives it but for those who observe, in my case I still praise the Lord for those works wonderful things in the lives of His Brides who keep me encouraged and help me wait patiently, no longer with greed, but with joy because what HE did for them He wants to do for me 💗

    “For there is no partiality with God.” Romans 2:11
    “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to him. You have acted foolishly in this matter; for from now on there will be more war against you.” 2 Chronicles 16:9

    1. Anastasia, thank you for sharing this inspiring message. It’s a beautiful reminder that God’s timing is perfect, and that the waiting period often holds valuable lessons and blessings. In one of the lessons Erin had stated that if we have faith, then act like what we are waiting on has already happened. I still try to apply that to my situations. Because He does as He promises. 💕

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