Chapter 12 & Living Lesson 45

“I Don’t Deserve It” Part 2

“Then she dried His feet with her hair,
kissed His feet over and over again…” —Luke 7:38

Erin Audio

Last week we ended with this key verse that we brides have come to embrace!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. John 10:10

As His bride He wants you to feel and embrace that you deserve all that He paid to give you, as His bride. He wants you to be living lavishly drenched in His love. No, it doesn't mean you or I will live in a palace, feasting on delicacies. But trust me and trust other brides who have flung themselves into the waiting arms of their Beloved to know that where we live feels like a palace—what we eat, when we dine with Him, each morsel melts in our mouths.  

There are many reasons you need to embrace this truth and not shy away from moving from sitting on the floor at His feet, drenching His feet with your tears and woes. Moving up, sitting with Him nestled in His loving arms.

As a Bridegroom how many times has He reached down to pull you up to sit with Him? As His bride, we need to respect and honor what will bring our bridegroom joy, which is to live in such a way that it causes your heart to swell. To feel like we spoke about last week, feeling like your cup of joy is overflowing. In order for your face to shine, to glow because this is the evidence that He is real. This is true witnessing—people who see you will witness what's happening in you and in your life. So continuing to think, “I don't deserve this” and to always feel as if you've been chastised by the Lord is simply not the way a bride should live. Who would “What You Have”?

Of course, there are times when we feel conviction, where you or I might possibly say to Him, "Oh Darling, You and I know I could have done better" then hugging Him with a smile and possibly a tear, "Oh my Love, I'm so grateful that You love me so much! I know you'll help me to do better." What else can you feel but joy and happiness—radiating His love for everyone to witness? 

So the next time that you’re feeling, "I don't deserve..." something—anything— think again. Often what He's taught me to do is to imagine another bride I know, then asking myself, "Do I want this bride to think they don't deserve to be healed, or financially blessed, or delivered from whatever crisis they're going through?" Of course, not! Neither you nor I would ever want that for any of His brides. So, if we as humans think that way, how is our Heavenly Husband feeling? Heartbroken too.

Without a doubt He believes we deserve the best of everything—we need to accept everything that He wants to give to us and it's not the point of deserving or not deserving whatever it is. Simply accepting everything that He longs to give us, no longer crawling around on our bellies, feeling broken down, shut down, rejected— that's simply not His bride.

This means you, dearest bride. Each of us has to live this way ourselves because when we do, we are able to show other women how they can live this lesson too—because it’s the way they see us living!

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6 thoughts on “wLL 45 “I Don’t Deserve It” Part 2”

  1. Beloved, I am so amazed at how you are showing us this truth and that our hearts are going up and up and that nothing can dim our joy. I want to live lavishly drenched in your love.

  2. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

    This is so powerful. Our Beloved Lord wants a relationship with us. That sole thing changed my life forever.
    To fully grasp this principle, I had to pray and ask Him to help to let go of the religious spirit I had!
    My religion was keeping me away from Him and His everlasting love. It was a hard process! A humblingne, to let my Beloved clean the hard places in my heart and soul.

    Thanks to this amazing ministry, I learned how to understand His love for me and to fully surrender my will to His.
    I understood that when I obey and follow His principles out of love, the spiritual realm works on my behalf! When we obey we fight a spiritual warfare and we a deeply blessed.

    We changed our lives because we love Him, and that love surpasses everything we ever wanted and gives us a new mindset and a new purpose.
    I love Him, I am never alone, I have hope!

    My sweet friend, our Beloved loves you just the way you are. There is nothing that can separate from His love and His big plans for your life!

    Open the door of your heart, surrender your past hurt and your fears because He awaits you to give you everything you dreamed for ❤

  3. How amazing to be reminded once again of His great love for us and that He wants us to live the Abundant Life, even if we thing we do not deserve any good thing!

    Yes I fall short and make mistakes, but knowing that I can take everything to my Beloved in His amazing grace, if so comforting. We do not have to carry the burden of shame and guilt, because He took that away with His work on the cross. He is a loving and caring Father who wants us to give all our heavy burdens to Him and to take His yoke upon us, which is light and easy!

  4. It has been difficult at times to take the blame off of my mistakes, but I know that Our Beloved does not want that, He loves us and has washed us with His blood to live an abundant life. We deserve all the blessings He wants to give us, and knowing that we are His Bride means walking hand in hand and letting Him do what He does in our lives.
    Thank you for everything RMI teaches us every day.

  5. “For the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth so that He may support those whose heart is completely His. You have acted foolishly in this; therefore, from now on you will have wars.”
    2 Chronicles 16:9 AMP

    This lesson is so comforting, it encourages me and makes me smile as I contemplate His inexhaustible love and mercy. How precious it is to know that in our Husband there is no condemnation, that HE wants us to live free of worries and instead to be happy and look with joy to the future because He, the Victor, is in charge, He wants to bless us and has His hand full of blessings for us, He only wants us to be happy when we receive them, that we do not let Him steal our joy by thinking that “we do not deserve it”, but that we enjoy everything that it cost HIM to give us, it is like when we have made a great sacrifice to give a nice and VERY expensive gift to someone and once that person opens it and makes a sad face and cries and says… “I do not deserve it” that afflicts you and makes you feel very bad… but if the person who receives the gift jumps and celebrates with joy that he has received a blessing, that makes you feel happy. I think that is what our Husband wants for and from us.

    I have understood that every time a sin or something I am failing at is brought to my attention, it is not with the goal of afflicting me and condemning me, because that is not His intention, but rather He wants me to correct my path and makes me feel uncomfortable with the sin so that I can identify the fault and get back on the narrow path. Instead of being sad because I have been warned that I was straying from the path, I must be happy because He is paying attention to my steps and guiding me faithfully! What a joy it is to know that He is in my life and that He is guiding my steps!! How could I not be in love with so many precious details!!!

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