Chapter 11 & Living Lesson 44

“I Don’t Deserve It”

“Then she knelt behind Him at his feet, weeping. ”
—Luke 7:38

Erin Audio

Last week we ended with me asking, ”Is your cup, your life, your heart, half-empty” hoping, you darling bride, that it’s running over just as mine is, every day, all day!!! This week in today's living lesson I’d like to reveal a spiritual condition, a cousin to the Poverty Mentality, when we say or feel, “I Don’t Deserve It.” It’s a lie many brides believe, which allows the enemy to rob you of the Abundant Life—believing that you don’t “deserve” something is a flat out lie of the enemy.  

Today I hope to show you how so many women remain at the feet of their Beloved— rather than moving up next to Him— cuddling with Him, sitting on His lap. Instead of being neatly tucked under His loving arms that long to embrace you— these women are instead feeling unworthy, remaining on the floor begging to be forgiven.

So often I read this in "praise" reports and hear it when they speak. This condition is "normally" from women. Fewer men feel this way; far from false humility, they are truly humble, too humble, to the point they are trodden down. 

When we first come to our Lord and Savior as sinners, we see the example of this first encounter with Mary Magdalene. Read Luke 7:37–38 to see this was the appropriate posture along with the correct heart condition. Yet, once we’re His bride, this is not what a Bridegroom wants from or for His beloved bride.

Believing "I don't deserve it" is so sad because these women are living far below the Abundant Life—all because they don't believe they deserve anything at all. Of course, in ourselves, we don’t deserve anything. In our own merit, we don't "deserve" anything—certainly not to live for eternity in the place God prepared for us. Read John 14:3. Nevertheless, as our Savior, our Beloved took our place, paid the price for our sins, "while we were yet sinners." But stop to think about this truth, He paid the ultimate price, not only for when we die, but in order for us to live, and live life abundantly.

John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. 

Next week we will continue to help you embrace all that you deserve—all that He paid to give you, as His bride.

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5 thoughts on “wLL 44 “I Don’t Deserve It””

  1. This lesson is so true. For a long time, I always thought that I wasn’t heard because my prayers weren’t important or that our Beloved always said no. I begged and begged because I couldn’t fully grasp how deeply I am loved.
    Because of the way I was raised, so cold and pushed towards a perfection I didn’t want, I felt I didn’t deserve anything.
    I mean, I always thought that my energy, my love for animals, and my weirdness weren’t loved by My Beloved because I was not like other women, soft and mellow.
    It took me a while to understand who He is for me and how much He loves me. He made me like this and He knows the good, the bad and the ugly and still choose me.
    That single thing made my life turn around to understand I am truly loved and will be cared for. I am especially designed for His glory and He wants to give a life full of joy and purpose, with His strength to cope with everything that will come!
    I am a new creature, with a salvation package filled with the power of His Holy Spirit, equipped to encourage others and to keep walking by faith!
    My sweet bride. We are so loved, we were created the way we are, and He loves us. There is nothing that could ever separate from His love but you! He is just a prayer away. He chooses you and is knocking at your door to be with you forever.
    That only thing that will change your life forever because in Him we do deserve it, My sweet bride. We are so loved, we were created the way we are, and He loves us. There is nothing that could ever separate from His love but you! He is just a prayer away. He chooses you and is knocking at your door to be with you forever.
    That only thing that will change your life forever because in Him we do deserve it💓

    1. thanks for sharing Isa, because for a while i thought that also “maybe i am a boring wife, i don’t party or go out” but i realized I am wonderfully made and loved by Him so no other is needed. And like you said for Him we do deserve it.

  2. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.”;KJV;NKJV;NLV

    This verse helped me to realize I do deserve answered prayers, I do deserve the Abundant Life He died to give me. No not because I am blameless or perfect, but because of His immense love for me and His amazing grace.

    I always used to feel not worthy of anything, everybody else’s prayers got answered, but not mine. I felt like my prayers hit the ceiling and didn’t go any further than that.

    But on my journey He already answered so many prayers and I learned that He loves me more than I can ever know, or even deserve. But it I first had to lose my life and grab hold of my Beloved Lord to see this and to realize that I do deserve everything He wants to give me and do in my life.

    “Take delight in the Lord,
    and he will give you the desires of your heart.”;KJV;NKJV;NLV

  3. I have always felt different from others. How I think and what my needs are are often far from what someone else thinks, wants and needs. This made me very insecure for a long time. I therefore fought for a long time in communication conversations and later in my marriage to make myself heard and to make others understand that I was also worth something. While deep down I never considered myself beautiful or good enough. Because in my eyes I kept failing and made a lot of mistakes, I also thought that I was not good enough to receive anything. My self-esteem was very low at the end of my marriage. I was very unsure of myself. I had to keep reminding myself that who I am and what I can do is good enough to receive my Lord’s love. And do the things that was asked from me.
    I am so happy that now that I have a personal relationship with my Heavenly Husband that I can experience a renewal of my mind. And know that my Lord loves me just as much and will never leave me. Whatever I will do. There is nothing that can separate me from His love.
    The days that I live are already known to Him. What I will experience in my life is already known to Him. What mistakes I have made and will make are already known to Him. What my future looks like is known to Him. I’m fine the way I am. I was recently able to accept myself.
    Now I’m glad He hasn’t answered some of my prayers yet. Now there are other things that I can enjoy as a new creation in the abundant life.

    Once you have read this lesson, I hope that you too will experience how Loved you are in His eyes. However He wants to give you all the blessings He has ready. How you too can experience your new life with Him in abundance because nothing can separate you from Him. Give Him your heart and watch as all the doubts and insecurities about your worth to Him will not disappear. Because we wouldn’t deserve it even if we did. Yet He will give us what we need and much more💌

  4. I have lost count of the number of times I have read this lesson. Today I understand it in a new way and I cannot stop being grateful to my sweet Heavenly Husband who blesses me with new understanding. As I have meditated on this lesson for almost a week, I have realized this truth reflected in members of my family who have always seen themselves as people who do not deserve more than what they have. They see themselves as people who lack the ability to have a better-paying job, therefore they have remained stagnant. That could also have been my type of thinking if it were not for the fact that there was always a little hope from other family members who always believed that they could have something better.

    “Just as you have believed, so be it for you.” Matthew 8:13
    “But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” Deuteronomy 8:18

    What I feel my Beloved is teaching me is that I need to be careful with the way I think, and that I need to dislodge all those kinds of erroneous thoughts, mentalities that have been built up over years because of a single erroneous idea that was fed in one way or another to become a mental stronghold.

    I could become proud thinking that I deserve everything I receive, and in this I see His love, in that He gives me what I need and helps me to keep trusting in Him for more, I thank Him that He did not make me a millionaire because I could become proud and move away from Him. I know that I am human and that I could fall, just look at so many people in the world who have so much money and are so far from God. I do not blame them or judge them, I only see the testimony. For this I am glad that I have everything I need in HIM and even more available just by asking my Husband. I am satisfied!!!

    I think I should not think “I do not deserve” but rather rejoice in what I receive through His wonderful grace, enjoy it and praise my Husband is the most beautiful response I can give Him for being SUCH a wonderful Husband.

    “All that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that He takes from Mine and will declare it to you.” John 16:15
    “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, says the LORD of hosts.” Haggai 2:8
    “Ask of Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth Your possession.” Psalm 2:8

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