Chapter 10 & Living Lesson 43

“Is Your Cup Half Empty?
Half Full? Or???”

“Look at how much encouragement you’ve found in your relationship with Him! You are filled to overflowing with His comforting love.” —Philippians 2:1-2

Erin Audio

This week I’m excited to share with you something my HH asked me and what it revealed: Is your cup half-empty or half-full? 

Several weeks ago I had written a living lesson about letting go of everything I owned in Added Fear.” Since then, I have continued just trusting that the Lord had something for me back then. Wow, at the time I had no idea!! Since letting go, I live the life of a bride who is on a continuous, never-ending honeymoon! More than anything what I hope you’re beginning to understand is this— He wants us to live a life, an abundant life here on earth, and then when our life ends here to just transition to Paradise—but wow, it sure seems like Paradise here! 

Right now I'm sitting on the beach. It's where I spend every single  Sunday with Him. Even if it’s raining, I drive with plans to just stay in the car.  By completely letting go of everything I owned, not knowing where I'd live, He led me to live in a coastal area. Now I'm able to join my Beloved on the beach every Sunday at sunrise. We just enjoy looking out over the vast expanse of water, watching a variety of birds flying or scurrying along the sand at the water’s edge, and the ultimate treat is watching the dolphins swimming up and down the coast. For the most part, the beach (at this time of the morning) is deserted, it’s just me and Him, with the occasional beach walker or jogger.

Today it's breathtaking. The waters are violent, rough and churning wildly due to tropical storms off the coast. It was raining, but nevertheless I heard Him say to go, and when I got here it wasn’t raining! With just a sliver of sand left, I watch this most incredibly beautiful scene—so much like the storms in our lives are meant to be. The question that He asked me to ask you is as we sat and talked was, “Is your cup half empty? Is it half full? Or???” Because my answer was and will always be  "Oh, Darling, my cup is overflowing!"

Does this remind you of a verse? A promise He made to you? “You [Lord] prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows” or maybe you know it as “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.” But don’t stop there, the promise  goes onto say, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house (or outside) of the LORD forever.” Psalm 23:5-6

Letting go of everything was only the first step in this journey with Him. As everything was literally being removed from under me, hahaha, which is a funny story in itself. He chose not to reveal where I would live—not for quite a few months. I lived in an Airbnb for a few weeks, traveled slowly south, with a few things I thought might be where we were going. Each month brought new exciting experiences along with Him testing me on how much I trusted Him. Then, not surprisingly, after seven months (remember number 7 represents completion in the Bible?), I arrived here. Trusting Him to this level is why I am living in paradise. He led me to look for and find an off-season vacation rental that’s ridiculously cheap. Not only am I minutes from the beach, but I have a private backyard pool where I can float and listen to historical novels in the afternoons. 

It is paradise, and yet, since I am living here during the off season, I will need to move again. So since we are all human beings, my flesh likes to try to rise up and say, “Oh no, where will I go? Where will I find to live next? I’ll have to find another place…”, but almost instantly peace comes over me when He reminds me, “You don’t need to find anything! You didn’t find this place. I will lead you.” How true!!! I would never ever have found this gem, this perfect location, living near my favorite beach, having everything I need so conveniently located and at a tiny fraction of the cost. So, it’s simple, all He wants me to do is to trust Him again and again and again! Yes, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me” and He will “lead me” each time. I will not spend one second wasted on worrying or trying to figure things out.

So my question to you, once again, is ”Is your cup, your life, your heart, half-empty? Or half-full darling bride? I hope it is running over just as mine is, every day, all day!!!

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5 thoughts on “wLL 43 “LL Is Your Cup Half Empty? Half Full? Or???””

  1. What a good reminder, thank you for this lesson. This verse is what comes to mind when I think of having a cup that’s full, no matter what my circumstances may be.
    Psalm 103:5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

  2. Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! P44
    This lesson touched my heart because I chose joy! My cup is filled with His Love and protection! It took so many years to fully grasp how high, and long, and wide, and deep is My Beloved´s love for me!
    Life is always hard, but with Him holding my hand, I have hope! While each trial helps me to abide in Him more and more, I understand how blessed I am!
    I am no longer alone, I have faith, and my Beloved gives me courage, temperance, and new beginnings!
    Whatever I do, I can bring Him into it, and when I do, I am an overcomer!
    My cup is running over with hope for a new future and a new life, fully dependent on Him!

  3. As I am sitting here writing my heart is overflowing! From the outside in it might look crazy that I feel this way, but it is joy overflowing regardless of what my circumstances might look like.

    I always used to see my cup as half empty…. I can’t believe it when I look back now. But my oh my how He changes us and changes our hearts and the way we think and see things!!

    Now my cup is FULL, overflowing, even if it looks empty through fleshly eyes! All because I found the Love of my life, and He is all I need and all I want!

  4. Reading this just confirms what l know to be true. I would never be lonely if l was ever left all alone.Just a day ago my eh went fishing overnight and l spent the most glorious time with my Darling Husband. I was listening to music with him as l tidied a bookshelf , woke up speaking to Him, read his word. It was so quiet & peaceful.

    Is my cup half empty, half full?? I have to be honest and say due to my own struggles and just having eh at home because he left his job to start a business has been difficult in the sense that l struggle to find alone time with Him. l wrote a PR about it yesterday. So reading this lesson is so good!!! Because it forces me to look at myself honestly and ask myself this question??

    My cup is not full BUT it gives me the opportunity to ask my Darling Beloved to draw closer to HIM so that l can feel the joy of having my cup full and overflowing ♥️ He is faithful and so l am looking forward to drawing closer to Him.

    I must say that wow what Erin describes here sounds idyllic and it just makes me so so very happy to know that l can experience this. No i am not Erin and l am not living my life anywhere close to what she is but l do know that HE is with me and l can speak to him throughout my day.

    And l can look forward to those times we can be alone together ❤️❤️❤️

    I know He is working in me because l feel Him drawing me closer to Him all the time and l just feel so loved and cared for and understood by him so in that sense l do feel that my cup is full of his love for me!!!!! 😍

  5. This morning, my eh came to collect my third son, aged three. You can’t imagine the joy I felt because I knew I would have a whole day with my darling.

    As I read this chapter I saw myself on the beach walking with my loved one and I felt transported in spirit as I watched the waves crashing against the rock and listened to love songs.

    Ladies, I’m happy, I feel truly fulfilled by all the wonders he does not only in my life but also in my children.
    Is my cup full or empty? IT’S OVERFLOWING …

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