Chapter & Living Lesson 28

“Eve Was Deceived”

“Just as Eve was deceived
by the serpent’s cunning,
your minds may be led astray
from your simple and pure devotion to
the Anointed One.”
—2 Corinthians 11:3


Last week I asked you to read something two times: I am not taken in and deceived—nor should YOU be either—due ONLY to [us] having a true Husband.

Eve was the one who was deceived, but it was Adam who sinned, which is explained in the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, where we learn of Eve who was deceived by the serpent (who I prefer to refer to as the enemy). We learn how the enemy slithered in and told Eve something that was a lie. That’s when the temptation begins to take hold of her with doubt “did God really say…???”, then the lie is fed by Eve when she then adds to what God said and she goes on to say, we “can’t [even] look” at the fruit. Finally, the deception turns to temptation after she eats what is forbidden and she offers it to Adam. It’s when he eats what he’s been told not to eat that results in the sin, the fall of all mankind. So, it was Adam’s sin, through Eve being deceived.

I bring all this up to share with you what happened when I asked my Heavenly Husband and Best Friend how and why all the ex-ministers were deceived. First He reminded me of where it says, “MANY will say to me...Didn’t we” (see Matthew 7:22–23), which proves that it’s not the unbelievers but it will be the MANY Christians who honestly believed that they were doing what they deem as “good” who will be cast out. All the “good” Christians who were living the current “Christian” lifestyle will believe all they did would undoubtedly save them. 

Yet, if you read what the Lord says—it instead is not about any amazing things Christians claim prove they are one of His. HE says, “I never knew you”—because He wants to know US personally—just as a man “knows” his wife—intimately.

As most of you realize soon after arriving, RMI is not a ministry focused on restoring marriages, instead, restoring marriages has always been the “net” that He chose to catch and gather all the men and women who are in pain and who are desperately in need of His love. He needs to be and must be our First Love. If a woman’s first love remains her EH “earthy husband” and it is him whom she seeks, then, as He says, He will remove her husband and/or continue to have her husband loath her as his wife. This isn’t my opinion, but what He says in Psalms 88:8, 18.

It’s when we are in adultery, longing after anyone or anything but HIM when we move out from under the protection of the Lord of Hosts, our Heavenly Husband… where we can easily become deceived—a place, a position, a mindset I never want to be in. And it’s not just for my sake either. As a mother and grandmother and minister, I need to be sure that the path I take, no matter how narrow it becomes or how difficult it is to travel, it must always be with Him holding my hand. And everyone who knows me well will tell you the same thing: I live this way, every day, every moment. I honestly can’t, not just won’t, live any other way. I’d never survived.

So, then, this is when each of us can easily open ourselves up to the power of deception—whenever we stray from His love due to our unfaithfulness to Him. And yet, we can just as quickly be taken up in His arms again just by calling out His name with the heart that yearns for Him. PLEASE never ever forget that. No matter what you’ve done, no matter how far you’ve strayed, He is right beside you hoping you reach out for Him.

Could you or I become deceived? Yes, each of us could easily fall into deception and without having a Husband who can always navigate us around or through the pitfalls of something so dangerous, it’s where we could easily remain. This is why God lovingly put an insatiable desire for women to yearn for men, our husbands, which, by the way, is not part of the curse, but His protection—which is why we’re blessed to have your HH who was and is sinless 🙂 It always goes back to Him, doesn’t it?

So, this week ask your HH to become your Best Friend too (if you haven’t already), and then if there’s anything that you’re not at peace or excited or hopeful about, talk to Him about it so that He can set the record straight that what’s been said is not from Him.

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1 thought on “wLL 28 “Eve Was Deceived””

  1. “Therefore, let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” 1 Corinthians 10:12.

    I completely agree, I am completely susceptible to being deceived, it is very easy for us to fall into deception, it is very easy as women to let ourselves be carried away by our feelings, to let doubts pierce our thinking, but now, unlike Eve, we have the Word of God is the only truth, so we can rely on it to not fall, but we also need humility, to recognize that our human nature is imperfect and we can fall.

    That verse Matthew 7:22-23 always catches my attention, I am aware that it is not religious behavior that will save us but the relationship we cultivate with our Lord, love, and the hidden things of the heart are what matters and I believe that That is what will ultimately come to light, as He tells us in His prayer model, the public reward will come when our intimate prayer life is reflected on the day HE returns for His Bride [His Church], may God free us from religiosity and leads us to a sincere and full life in the love of God.

    Just look back at my great fall, the great destruction I caused by believing so many lies and not having based my life on the rock of His word, it is obvious with that personal testimony that I am easily deceived. That is why we must not stop taking care of what we see, and hear, who we surround ourselves with, what friends we hang out with… etc. The enemy can use any instrument to divert us from the narrow path, if we are not lighting our lamp every day [reading His Word] to illuminate our path we will not be able to see clearly in this world of darkness and in this way it will be much easier to lose our way.

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