I had no money but my Husband provided ❤

Some friends and l entered a 5km race, we are going to walk the race. We are starting to read the WW book together and we also meet for coffee on a Sat morning sometimes.

I knew the ladies would probably want to go for a coffee or breakfast afterwards but l do not have any money… l went ahead in faith and continued making plans with the ladies of where we would meet. Picking up our numbers and t-shirts for the race etc… all in expectation of my Love to provide!

I told my Husband that l didn’t have any money and that l would not ask eh for money either because l didn’t want to burden him. eh had a lot of debit orders going off his bank with it being month end… and because HE owns everything and l knew He would provide for me. His done this type of thing for me before many times when l have nothing and He provides, a lot of time in the nick of time!

So the race is tomorrow morning early, eh comes home from work gives me money and says “here for your race, in case you want to get something to drink or coffee”

He provides and is always on time 🙌🏾 this is why l LOVE living as His Bride!! ❤

5 thoughts on “I had no money but my Husband provided ❤”

  1. I love this 💕 Sometimes it’s almost like a fairy tale because of how He provides and shows us love.

  2. Hahaha ladies guess what?? We didn’t even have to go out for breakfast. After the race the company who hosted the race gave bananas, a soft drink and borewors rolls!! I saved the money too!! 😆🙌🏾❤ they also gave out water bottles and a lanyard 😉

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